You know...if i hadnt of reset my post count.....i would have nearly 6k posts by now,,, yes..i know..totally off topic..but the thought just popped up into my head...
Taken 20 mins,,but i got this up...... ** ****** ROAD, *******, CHIPPENHAM, WILTS **** *** BAND=C i take it..that in civvy street..that i would pay more than 110 a month for this sh1t hole?..soo we pay a year...
we pay ours every month..not 10 is classed as a grade D property. the value of our house would be around 50k i would say considering the state it is in...and practically falling apart....
Hmmm...since the only peeps i work with happen to be my kids..if i get asked a question that i dont know the answer to..or they wanted a really detailed explanation..i just sit down with them and have a gander at one of the many encyclopedias that i that many my bookcases are bending under the weight of them all!
I will stay with what i know...i like plodding along with my IE 6 and only installed windows live messanger a couple of months or so ago..still got media player 10 even though it keeps wanting me to update.....ive only just found that you can get surround sound wow effects through the headphones on media player..and alter all the bass etc..lmao..
More than 10 miles Maz .... give up now you'd never find it lmao :D :D :D oooohhhh...cutting!!..very unfair remark that....I'll have you know...that it takes me 14 miles now before i land on the scenic route! :D :D ..I'm getting better!..blimey...come the 10th March i will have been driving for a whole year!!Doesnt time fly.. :D
my sort of money..hun..we dont actually get paid that much..less than in civvy street..if you work it out hourly...he gets paid less than minimum wage a 4 bed house that is falling apart is what we live in..and its the same size as a small 3 bed house. we pay 110 every month year round.
no idea what band we are technically we dont pay what you call council tax, but is the same as which is taken straight from wage..we pay every month 110 quid. sure this has been covered.....could have been on another forum i frequent though. ah yes..its in the similar topics bit under your posts here you go..