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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. Now i don't mind the big ones..its those little ones that i hate.My youngest collected a few of them today as they were 'cold' outside.I thought she had put them outside before she went to bed.But......she has just come downstairs to tell me her pets have gone missing.Namely a few little slugs.She had put them in a cup beside her bed.Guess i know how i will be spending the rest of the eve!!..Ruddy slug hunting! :( :lol:
  2. Welcome jimbobb.Glad to have you aboard :D :( :lol: What sort of probs you having?
  3. which one? http://www.seatcupra.net/forums/images/smilies/harhar.gif oh and congrats baz http://www.seatcupra.net/forums/images/smilies/drunk.gif sinking a couple this end in your honour Both.lmao.
  4. Many congrats hun..know how you feel..felt the same when i got mine.LMAO.
  5. blimey..im in their chat..bloody hard!.lmao
  6. Blimey decap..been a looooooooooooooooooooongg time since i did german!!
  7. Ah yes..thats the foam..should be a piece either side.
  8. am sure there are foam bits missing off there..You did ask if you could use those pics?as they look copywrited to me with their club name on them.
  9. yessssssss...supposed to stay open just like the rears.
  10. Fleurie red by chance is it?lol.
  11. I can only imagine at what your message contained! :rolleyes: Pretty sh1te service though.
  12. Soooooooooooooooooooo funny Click here
  13. I think you may just have to live with it...i know i get wind noise..usually after a curry..but i just turn the stereo up! :lol: :lol: :rolleyes:
  14. Me jkspoff familyman teresa gregers Biscuit Norwichbluenose. List updated. Thanks to all who have put their name down. Anyone else? we need to decide on a name for this event and also a route.All those who have put their name down, we need to get together one eve in chat to decide.
  15. Post 36 may help.I never took any screws off mine though..is all just clipped on. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...irror&st=30
  16. Ok..the mirror covers..i have taken them off. If you look at the end which is nearest the car, there is a clip which you have to press to release the cover.To do this you have to push the mirror in towards the car.then all around inside there are clips which you gently pull the cover off..be warned though as there is one big one in the middle which you cant see.they are sturdy and you just have to work your way round.takes a few mins .
  17. http://www.ford.co.uk/ie/gen_contact/faqs/...al_faqs/-/-/-/- Smart alec! :rolleyes:
  18. Yikes!!...you can send them an email and specify which department as i have done that before.
  19. You could have a look on fords website.You can contact them thru the site or there are phone numbers. www.ford.co.uk
  20. Ahhh..thanks for that Mrt..i shall have a gander tomorrow.see if i can fix em on.Mucho appreciated!
  21. Ive got two black things......but i dont know how they fit..its been like that since the battery was put in...the guy gave me the black things and said he wasnt sure how they went on
  22. My calcium battery doesnt even fill the battery tray.nor is it clamped down.its just sat there looking pretty.next one i get..(which shouldnt be for a long time)..i will get one to fill the tray me thinks.
  23. well..what can i say..*sigh*.....i had a valid reason....i was a weee bit blotto.LOL. :D :D
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