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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. Me thinks its not the alts..but something else that is causing the problems..sorry but i dont have a clue..
  2. Umm...my head unit was just shy of
  3. You mean the 6000 series Bleeno?I have the 6006E model....front loading 6 cd changer..so much better than having a changer in the back.
  4. Should of got a TDI :rolleyes: ..
  5. But nearly 1190 miles to a tank??..
  6. I think the most anyone has got out of one full tank, is just over 600 miles..no way can you get over a thousand out of one humongously full tank!..you would have to have a tank that was double the normal size.Even at a quid a litre..the most expensive....thats 89 litres.which would equate to maybe an extra 150/200 odd miles out of the tank??(maths isnt good this time in the morning.)..which still leaves it short nearly 388 miles at the most??..def summit not right here.
  7. Umm..my indicators dont do that at all. and i have a MKII
  8. I know that when the side of the car was parked on a post.....the pipes and bits that connect to the washer bottle came adrift and it piddled water everywhere...so my thinking was......that if the pipe had come adrift....then he would see water pour out..as you have to take off the plastic bit in the wheel arch to see the whole of the washer bottle properly.But i do get your point Bleeno with all the electrical bits inside the car.He did say that he had checked for wet carpets?,,Could the washer bottle itself have a leak?or could there be something blocking the pipe?
  9. Id fill the washer bottle up..then just see where it goes when you put the rear washer on...does sound like a pipe has come adrift.
  10. Now i know i have a galaxy..and i dont know what the faults are..but when the alt is replaced..were any cables/leads changed at the same time??..what caused the alts to blow?as it has to be something other than the alt...charging system??..sorry i dont know much about your car..im just hazarding wild guesses. welcome by the way to our humble abode
  11. but we are agreed on one thing..it is over 90 litres he put in the tank!!..how is that possible?
  12. Um..diesel is on average around 97.9 p/l...can be more.some places are 98.9... even so..that is 90 litres into a 70 litre tank!!..cant be right at all.
  13. No idea..shall get it looked into.
  14. I think...he means that the word 'THAT' is missing from a sentance....could be wrong mind.
  15. Hasn't scared you away wolfie! B) A lot of clubs/forums etc..lock the technical side away.Which i think is a good thing.
  16. Because/..they prob get the info they need to help sort their probs out, without having to register.Plus..we are at this moment,more a forum than a club..Some people may not want to join..just look for help with their probs.
  17. Once upon a time, there was a happy little fly buzzing around a barn when she happened upon a large pile of fresh cow manure. Since it had been hours since her last meal and she was feeling hunger pains, she flew down to the irresistible delicacy and began to pig out. She ate...and ate ... and then ... she ate some more!!! Finally, she decided she'd had plenty. She washed her face with her tiny front legs, belched a few times, then attempted to fly away. But alas...she had eaten far too much and could not get off the ground. Wondering what to do about this unpleasant situation she looked around and spotted a pitchfork leaning upright against the barn wall. She'd found a solution!! She realized if she could just climb up that handle and jump off to become airborne she'd be able to fly again. So, she painstakingly, climbed to the top of the handle. Once there, she took a deep breath, spread her tiny wings, and leaped confidently into the air. She dropped like a rock and splattered all over the floor... Dead Fly.... What is the moral of this sad story? "Never fly off the handle when you know you're full of sh*t."
  18. On seatkids picture...is the droplink the bar going down?.and what are the bushes??..mine was knocking yesterday when i went over some speed bumps..thought it was just because i went over them a bit fast.
  19. I cant believe the local police have given up searching.Poor wee mite.Happy birthday sweet heart.You are in my thoughts. :angry:
  20. Eye Level - The Simon Park Orchestra
  21. ahhh..i know which piece you mean as my front bumper has damage in the corner and i am missing this piece on one side.Mines been off for months.if it is the bit i am thinking off..it attaches to the valence which goes under the bumper..or it could be the othre part..any chance of a pic of the hole where it should go?
  22. I have been asked by a friend to post this..as every little helps.
  23. if you ask the seller..he will provide the bezels.(the grip bit)
  24. Perfection....it is what all the Borg strive for!!..ahhhhh..fellow trekkie fans.!!Amazeing what comes out the woodwork every now and then!. :16: You seem to have assimilated a bargain into your collective :16: WElcome to the club, :D
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