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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by cugsy

  1. Theres a theme there...hope its good
  2. works now... :rolleyes:
  3. Yes mate - 1.9tdi. 2001 auto. I tried to put it in my signature but it don't wanna work..
  4. Peterborough's not toooooo far...Mr Dome.If nobody closer can help I'll pm if possible. The way I see it, if the car gets to Peterborough and back without trouble, then I'm happy. Sunday ok,so far? John
  5. I've got to put 3 tyres on the galaxy and get the air con looked at. That means another £300 or so. I was hoping the garage would do me a fault check but they don't do them. They can recommend some other garages or Fords - god forbid!. I could look at buying the vagcom and software but I'm not too sure I know what I'd be looking at. Then I'd be back on here asking what it all means. Thats if I got it right anyway. Scrounging time..Is there a member who lives around the Thetford area or within an hour or so? I'll stump for any costs or electrons used. The climate control is flashing and I'll bet theres lots more need investigating but I need tyres and coolness for her ladyship first. But a good idea of whats wrong from the vagcom would probably help....or keep me awake nights. Thanks John
  6. Looks like I did that wrong. Damned my stumpy fingers..need a wheel for a spare for a 1.9tdi 2001. John
  7. mk1 tdi only clocks that have miles remaining mines a 99 and hasnt got it Like Thissharan 1.9 tdii 110hp, 99 model audi style daytime led lights, 235/45/17 alloys off a6 2.7t blanked off egr. .216 injectors, ported heads and manifolds. switchable evry mod home made no cat or backbox twin out pipes thru bumper full vagcom and handheld diagnostics for vw/ford/seat plus other brands free diag for forum members if near sunderland fit early mk1 dash for miles remaining (any one got one off a 95-97 tdi)anybody?? now making bio diesel for own useI need a spare wheel for a 2001 1.9tdi with the wheel attachment hanger wire retainer thingy...you know what I mean. I'm in the Thetford area and can't find a decent breakers. Any help guys and gals? John QuoteMultiQuote
  8. Not too many breakers around these parts that I know of...Breckland. I tried the one at Red Lodge but he was a lying tw%t...
  9. I took a trip to my friendly garage for a dollop of free advice. Their thinking is that the driver door actuator is faulty. A bugger to fix if it goes wrong...means taking the door to bits. I got a few rolls of wiring of various ratings and I'll sort what I can. But the consensus is to either live with it or spend more money on it. I think tyres and aircon refill first. Another thing before I go. The rear boot/door panel is loose by a couple of inches or so. Is there meant to be a trim between the 3rd brake light and the door panel? Ta
  10. Can anyone take a guess at what gauge the wiring in the doors is? The earth wiring(thick brown one) seems to be the worst. There are smaller gauge wires that are broken but they will all be different ratings,won't they? i don't want to be buying 50m of soemthing I only need a foot or so of. Any well used suppliers? john
  11. It must be a constant source of humour for these mechanic/technicians when someone who is fairly clueless mechanically or electrically pops into one of their shops and says ...'er,can you help?'. A 'deep electrical problem' turned out to be too much effort for them to move the door gaiters back and find the broken wiring. I've just bought a Haynes for the car and was having a general mooch about. I looked at the gaiters and the connectors and saw that the driver side passenger door gaiter was loose. It took less than 2 seconds to find 2 broken wires - the big brown earth and a red/brown (I'll check the diagram). Now I have a better idea and when I have time I'll solder the buggers back together. A thought just keeps popping into my head about mechanics at these big garages - lazy bastards! £300 for nothing.
  12. Cheers Kid. I 'spected the pesky electrics. I don't see why those wonkers at Ford couldn't have a quick peep at the gaiters while it was running up a fare in their garage. I'll have a play at the weekend and let you know what happens. Oh, if you look like your avatar pic, can I come oop north and thank you in person? Yours smuttily John
  13. But its getting to sound very familiar. And I have tried the 'key in the door' 3 times method to program it. This is what has happened. I saw the 1.9tdi 2001 (X) Ghia on saturday and the biggest problem was the single key. You had to lock the rear passenger door from the inside and then lock the passenger door which locked the boot and driver side passenger door. Then you had to lock the driver door. At this point there were flashes from the Drivers door led. The seller agreed to take it to Fords in Stevenage mid week and have it fixed . A new remote key was £190. Should be about an hour.. Cue him at the garage for nearly 4 hours. The mechanic/technician said it was a deep (eh?) electrical fault and would need further investigation. I've just spent an hour trying various combinations of key in door - key in ignition etc to try and program the fob they sold him. Its a ford key with 2 buttons - one shows a key symbol - is this to lock or unlock? Theres a tag on there too. 'Valeo transponder) 433Mhz. Now, theres no led on the drivers door. Odd. I rang Ford at Stevenage and got told it needed further investigation at £105 per hour (luckily including vat...phew). Should I put up with this farce or is there someone with a handy hint? I looked through the FAQs but nothing like this. Help...it will drive the wife nuts! Then she'll do that to me. John
  14. It was only £300. My mistake. I've seen the invoice and it seems they took the opportunity to 'mot' the car for him and charge. It was only just MOT'd elsewhere. The truly annoying thing is that it is still in the same state as it was when it went in. You have to open the passenger door first to deactivate the alarm and then open the drivers door. Sounds like its had a 'new' door to me. Any ideas? Oh, they did give him a quote for 3 tyres at £108 plus vat ....each. Gates Ford of Stevenage. I might send Dom round to get even.
  15. I bought a 1.9tdi auto ghia galaxy from autotrader - 2001 on an X plate with a genuine 97000 miles and lots of service history. There are receipts for the gearbox rebuild (with 12mths warranty from june this year) and a cambelt change this year. There are other bits. But the lad selling it is quite a unique one too. He's a psychiatric nurse and even though the car had MOT until november he decided to put a full ticket on it. That cost him over £400 - new shocks and the airbag light was on and needed fixing. When I went to see the car it was almost mint- a few scuffs. But the engine was spotless and it drove really sweetly. The only problem was that there was only one key and it wouldn't lock all of the doors. He agreed to take it to a Ford dealer in Stevenage (no names yet,eh?) and get a quote for a new key and have it coded. And a blown fuse..dealer price £190 or so. Needed it for an hour..Feck I thought. Well, I'll split the cost with him. Anyway, he duly takes the galaxy to the dealer at 8 this morning with the wife and kids for the expected hour. By 1.30 he was getting very annoyed. After being quoted £190 he finally got stung for nearly £400. £4 f##king hundred to sort a key. They arsed him about with diagnostics and wiring checks and even said they need to order parts - despite not knowing the actual problem. Then they had the cheek to ask if he wanted to part ex the galaxy... He's bringing the car over tonight and he's satisfied that the car locks and opens and is secure. But,he's still reeling from the Fraud franchise dealer who conned him out of £400. Tell me this isn't typical for Ford...is it? Has he been conned? If so I want him sorted out and the dealer taken to the trading standards. John
  16. Why? Because I'm hoping you can put me out of my misery...well, not misery but at least stop pulling my hair out. I've decided against the Espace...but the wife hasn't. Since its my car, then its my choice. It has to be an Automatic. Arthritis in my left foot buggers up having a manual. I tried her car last week for 20 miles around town and it was agony. The case rests on whether its a diesel or petrol. I don't do a lot of miles but we do go camping a lot and having a big bus helps. (I've got 2 motorbikes and they do 90% of my travelling). I sort of worked out that I do about 5000 miles a year. At 40mpg diesel and 30mpg for petrol then it its really about 40 gallons a year difference. I started using decent petrol about 6mths ago - none of that supermarket p*ss. The cost per gallon works out about the same. So,is it worth the trouble of having a diesel and the higher mythical servicing/repair costs against a simpler petrol Gal? Is the insurance group the same? That could be a factor. My maths may be out but you get the idea. Thanks for any advice folks. John
  17. Doesn't matter. I emailed and asked about the 'recent' cambelt. Turns out it was 2006. Not even this feckin' decade. I'll give it a miss. Cheers all.I'll keep looking. John
  18. I'm torn between another Galaxy (got to be auto) and an Espace. Some people knock the french reliabiltiy but I had one for 2 years and about 20000 with no real problems. But, a diesel espace is 2.2 and probably more to run. Plus I haven't seen many for what I have to spend. I saw this one on fleabay and it seems ideal - but like they say. If it too good to be true... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321171053963?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Any words from the wise would be appreciated. John
  19. Curious about the 'avoid the automatic' statement. I had a MKI with auto that was fine. they can't all be bad. I need an auto box because of arthritis in me left foot..boo hoo etc. All of my other autos have been fine too. Have you had bad auto galaxies or just don't like automatics?
  20. Do the insurance thieves mind lpg? Or do they load it?
  21. I'm interested in how this works out. I had a 2.3 petrol mk1 auto. It was a nice drive and little went wrong - but it was thirsty. Less than 28mpg on average. I got shut of it this feb because of the economy ..or lack of it. I ended up buying a nice little yaris verso automatic that was bloody ugly but economical. Sadly, a chav in a motor home broadsided us on monday and it was totalled. I noticed in that little car that other drivers ignored it and pulled out a lot. I want another tank. As it is I have about 3K to spend and it has to be diesel for the economy. Probably at that price a mkII. Nowt new! My question is about mileage. I see a lot of diesel mpvs with over 150,000 miles for silly money. Are they still reliable? galaxy or sharan or seat? I'd appreciate some (clean) suggestions. John
  22. these were bought for my 1998 galaxy last year and promptly left in the garage and forgotten about. If anyone is interested i'll take a pic tomorrow. they're fairly heavy but posted for £50 or so. The car is long gone. John
  23. Thanks for the heads up on the battery tray. Its an automatic - still apply? The car starts fine, first time etc but there are some cracks in the insulation and I'm assuming the torrential rail we had contributed to the relay problem. I'll try and get hold of an auto leccy..
  24. Hi again all. I had that relay 30 problem and fixed it but when I noticed the state of the wiring in the ignition harness and a crack in one of the coils I decided to get some replacements. I've swapped the relay and the coil - easy peasy.. But the wiring loom itself looks a bit complicated and more than the 30 minute job I thought. Some of it disappears under the battery compartment and down into the bowels. If I didn't need to use the car every day I'd give it a go. But if I bugger it up I'm scuppered. Anyway, I rang a couple of garages in Thetford and they either weren't interested or said I'm looking at about 4 hours labour. Which adds up to about
  25. Well, what can I say? A big thank you to this forum for solving a big problem for me. My S reg 2.3 petrol auto was having starting issues that had manifested themselves over the last 2 weeks or so. You know the score - turn the key, rattle and turn but no start. Wait a minute or 2 and press the pedals in the hope that its fuel or the auto cutoff/inhibitor. Well, this morning it was determined not to start. I had changed the oil and checked the filters and plugs and everything was fine...guzzled fuel but there you go. But it wouldn't start. Plugs out..coils out. There are some cracks in the insulation and the coils have a crack or two. I assumed that was the problem. I rang a breaker and he told me he had 2 2.3 petrol galaxies. I drove 25 miles to find out that he was a lying tosser...based in Mildenhall at Red Rocket if you need to be aware!!!! I drove all the way home and checked the Haynes again. Everything pointed at either ignition or fuel. This is going to cost I thought. more money and misery (4 months out of work too). Then as I googled for the coil pack I remembered the forum. My last pc had it in the favourites but that died and I forgot. Luckily I remembered my password and scoured it for 'non starter' issues. Relay 30 kept popping up and I had a good read. Again,I was lucky that it was a MKI and the relay was looking at me when I opened the flap. Pushed it in and jiggled it - turned the key and the car started. As Father Ted would say..thank Feck! Found the bit about the poor solder and decided to open up the relay. Yep, same issue - poor solder. So, as I was going to buy one anyway I decided to solder it up. Popped it in and the car started again. Off, back on again. 3 times and it started everytime.. Sorry to ramble on but I have to honestly say a big thank you to the lads/lasses who pass this stuff on.I feel a bit like the dog on the sausage roll ad...thank you..thank you.. I'm going to replace the coil packs and the wiring (if I can find decent one). But for now I'm a happy bunny. Cheers all John
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