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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by cugsy

  1. Yes you do offend. Its sorted now. But considering your godlike status I have no need to explain.
  2. Cheers Silver - that looks more useful than the Haynes version. Seat - I read that and didn't get near the 3 bolts. The front plastic part with the little window doesn't seem to want to move. Oy veh...my life etc..
  3. i didn't say the aircon works - it just blows...and pongs. I did shim the splines but its getting the wipers back to working correctly requires almost zen like patience. I ain't got it
  4. I'm losing sleep over this thing now. Every time I get something sorted, something else crops up. Yesterday, I put the aircon on for the wife - full pelt for a few seconds and what a stench from it. I'll change the pollen filter methinks...so I bought one. Looked in the Haynes joke book and checked on here. It looked awkward but doable. After half an hour peering at a body shelf with a little window in it and trying to loosen the clips that hadn't been broken by previous owners I took off the wiper arms. That itself was too easy and judging by the amount of swarf that came off I know why. The splines were almost smooth and spline- less. After another half hour trying to get to the pollen filter and tidying the badly bodged wiring that was trapped I gave up. Let it pong.... Then after making some shims for the splines I put the wipers back on. Then I spent 2 hours trying to get them not to catch and brain each other. I tried about 20 times and got soooooo close but in the end they just weren't clearing each other. Rest position means nothing - i think they are slipping on the splines. It looks like a trip to the garage tomorrow. I am getting pissed off with this car. Not much more to say lads - just a rant! John
  5. So 'ecu locked' isn't a common response from the little box of tricks?
  6. After getting a new battery fitted (I don't know if its connected) te fuel gauge started playing up. I went to the garage and they suggested the fuel sender unit might need looking at. While I was there thyey kindly put the car on the fault code reader. It took a couple of go's before it would connect and the lad said it was 'ecu locked'. He eventually cleared the faults and said drive for a day or 2 and then come back. But the 'ecu' is now unlocked. Any ideas? I can't find anything in the FAQ's. John
  7. I don't mind buying the thing. But another pair of eyes peeking over my shoulder would stop me scratching my bald head. Cheers
  8. Too far Clive. I'm in Norfolk by Snetterton track..20 miles from Norj.
  9. Still in need of a reasonably near gal owner with a vagcom. Tires,battery and other sundries have dried my funds. Or does someone have a link to the correct lead/software and I can try it on my old windows xp laptop..John
  10. Fuses are all fine and clean. I tried to start it this morning and no joy. When I did some ringing around and described the battery in the car it was about 1/2 the size it should be. Cue £72 for a 650 cca battery. Mo money..
  11. As usual my has something odd - the driver seat has a captains but the passenger one isn't..oy veh?
  12. Cheers Gary - I'll have a peek later.
  13. The MKII I got is driving me mad with battery issues. Some mornings after going nowhere for days it starts. But after a 60 mile run out yesterday it now won't start - its on the charger. It got to the point where I was going out in the dark to see if any of the interior lights were on. I checked the battery when the engine was running and got 13.8V. Maybe the battery is shagged? Mo' money!
  14. You're a long way from norwich Mr G otherwise I'd have the tow bar...if its still there.
  15. With the door and lock problems on the Galaxy I took it yesterday (friday ) to Brandon Auto in ...surprise surprise Cilla ...in Brandon, Suffolk. l Ieft it early with them about 8.30 and by 11 they rang to say that all of the door wiring was sorted. The princely sum of £43...Fook Fords then They told me that the door solenoid was mullered and Fords would have one there in the afternoon and they would ring when it was ready. Typical dealers - they turned up at 4.50 ..10 minutes before the leccy lads shut. Anyway, they knocked their boll@cks off to get the door solenoid in and all doors working from the drivers side. this morning and I picked it up at noon. They couldn't get the new key with the 'key' symbol for the remote locking sorted but that can wait. I now have the car working better than before. In total, £90 for the thieving solenoid from Fords and some tax and the £43 came to £162. Considering those tossers at Fords in stevenage had it for 4 hours and did nothing I'm glad I took it brandon. A big thank you then to Jody and Brandon Auto Electric. John
  16. Funny bloody thing - I just found 2 pockets in the front doors and a knob....ooer..titter etc...I'll silicone it on for now. OOhhh matron
  17. This is my second Galaxy. I had a 2.3 petrol S reg lump before. It was cheap at £750 with 107K on it. I had it for about 18mths and it sailed through mot's. The aircon didn't work though and the trim was fairly shagged. The previous owner used it for car boots and it ponged a bit. But it was a rugged thing - I took it down trails that 4x4 drivers chickened out on. Ultimateley though, at 23mpg it had to go and I sold it cheap. I've had a few big cars and always preferred Jap cars. My first 2 mpv's were Nissan Prairies and I ran them both to death. Absolutely reliable but eventually they cost more to repair and parts for them were lacking. I had a 2.0 petrol auto Espace which was beautiful but a bugger for the electrics...worse than the Galaxy. It was probably the most comfortable vehicle I ever drove. I'm a big boy, 6'3 and a lard arse with lots of arthritic bits. But that Espace was nice. I had a Toyota Yaris Verso for 6mths until it got flattened by a camper van. The decision to buy another Galaxy rather than an Espace was from feedback both on here and the garage I use. A no brainer - 'don't buy a french car they said. Get a diesel Galaxy. This one came with a new cambelt,waterpump,new shocks,head gasket recently done too. And the auto gearbox stripped and rebuilt...all in the past 4-6 months. Of course, it could all go tits up but I rang all of those garages and they stood by their warranties. After a trip to Fords in Stevenage (where they spent 4 hours doing jack sh#t and charging £300) its now in a local auto electric garage and they solved more in 4 hours at a quarter the cost that Fords charge..no news there then. The aircon is next. Currently, after tires and electrics it stands me at about £2500 - a 12 year old car with 97k on it. But, if I get 3 or 4 years out of it I'm happy. Towbar next and a caravan. Oh gawd John
  18. There's a headline for you...But before any rudeness starts can I just ask the seat reclining knob/handles - black and round 5 star shaped things ( 1 missing and 1 hanging off) on the 2001 1.9tdi...da da da da are they a universal type thing? The reason I ask is that Ford dealer wants about £15 each and I'm wondering if VW or Seat all fit and are cheaper. Or are the Ford ones all the same fitting - ie, Ka, mondeo etc. Ebay has loads of them at different prices. So, would a mondeo one fit a galaxy? Oh, and the rear mud flaps too. Same for VW and Seat? Ford dealers want about £30 a pair. Life eh? :blink: Ta John
  19. I found one with 6mm tread for £50 - I'm happier. Just need the tyre holder. I need the spare rather than the gunk kit. We have a lot of flint on the track to our house and it costs us every year in tyres. A puncture is one thing, but a slice in the sidewall is a different bag of kippers.
  20. decisions, decisions - an alloy with reasonable postage or a cheapy with monumental postage. All of my new tyres are 97's. It feels better already.
  21. Had 4 new black things fitted...xmas trip to hawaii off then. I still can't find a spare wheel though. Some on fleabay are selling 4 for £120 and one for £100. Nothing from the breakers around here. Oh well.
  22. Assuming I have a MKII 1.9tdi I have been looking for a spare wheel. Currently the tyres are 215/55/16 and there are 4 different makes on it..Weird or what? AND - 2 are rated 97, 1 is a 95 and the other is a 93. The garage bloke says they should all be 97. Ebay have any number of spare wheels on there. Question is, can I fit any of the 5 stud 16" tyres on. Its only a spare...and I need the retaining bit. 'S gonna be expensive tomorrow. John
  23. Got to agree with the insurance comments. I had a yaris verso automatic for about 6 months. Probably paid over the odds for it because of the stack of receipts and fsh it had. Plus full mot,tax,tyres etc. Then some numpty in a motorhome sideswiped us and it got written off. His fault - with a witness. It took the insurance 4 weeks to make an offer - £600 less than I paid. After arguing, I got £300 less than I paid. They have to go by some insurance approved valuation. Still screwed me though. And made me feel like it was all my fault. So, I bought another Galaxy. This ones ok though - it shouldn't get nicked. I'm having trouble getting in the feckin' thing meself! John
  24. I have noticed what sounds like fans blowing in the back of the Gal. The blower arrangement needs an 8 year old to work it out...Lots to check over this weekend and some wiring to solder. Tyres first - its a big 'un. John
  25. seat - how many times should the cc flash if its normal? Mines flashing 10-10-5 times. Its blowing but not ice cool. TBH its a bit ott for me and a simple dial with knobs like my toyota was ok. I was after an idea of what faults were on the car anyway. So, if I take it to kwik fit and it leaks I don't pay? Doesn't sound right- I'd be happy to pay if it was working and just needed gassing. The garage I take it to will do a proper job - vacuum,re-oil and leak check and gas for £72. Sound ok? John
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