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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Galaxy23

  1. Hi again yes the photo's on page 1 have been deleted if you go to the bottom of that page you will see a page menu you need to get to page 6 then scroll down and you will find, they are there have just looked at them to make sure. Hello, My galaxy is on a 53 plate and I have phoned Ford today to find out how much a glow plug was for the aux heater and was quoted
  2. Many thanks.Will have a word with the mechanic
  3. Many thanks.Yes it does lots of short journeys
  4. Hello, My gal has recently been serviced.The mechanic found that the drivers side drive shaft had some play in it,but the passenger side did not.He was unsure if this was normal on a galaxy,but he suspects not. Does anyone know if there should be play in the drivers side drive shaft and not the passenger side as the set up is different apparently ??
  5. Thanks for the reply. The link has had the photos deleted.Are there any other links with photos showing how to remove the aux heater
  6. Hello, I was topping up oil level on my galaxy this morning and noticed some beige coloured sludge deposit on the oil filler cap. Is this normal or is it a sign of something more sinister going on? There appears to be no water in the oil or vice versa Thanks, Paul
  7. Thanks.I can clear the fault codes.Will this mean that the aux heater will work or will I require parts ?
  8. Hello, My aux heater on my gal doesn't work anymore.I can't hear the whinning noise like a jet engine.A few weeks ago it smoked intermittently when staionary in traffic ,white smoke everywhere.Now there is no sound from it at all. I have a very basic vag com which only reads fault codes and I found the following for the aux heater 01492- Function Lock out 35-00 01409- Repeated Falme Out Does anyone know what these mean ? I am assuming it is the glow plug in the aux heater which needs replacing,but these are about
  9. I have needed 2 reverse switches due to internal corrosion, but you can use the switch to activate if that is suspect. I suspect I have a faulty sensor(s) which still makes a ticking noise.Looks like I will have to go to Fords as I do not know anyone with a diagnostic. Does anyone know how to remove sensors ??
  10. Sorry I don't quite understand your reply.I have checked all the sensors when I get the continuous buzzing sound and they all tick.I haven't checked them when there is no continuous buzzing sound
  11. :D My galaxy has an intermittent fault with its parking sensors.This only seems to happen when I put the car in reverse.Sometimes the sensors will work and the next they don't.What i get is a continuous buzzing noise. I have had the reverse switch checked by my local garage(non Ford) and they say it is ok. I have also checked all the sensors (front and rear)whilst the car is in reverse and they all tick and appear to be working. The next step is probably taking the car to Fraud's,but this will be my last resort. Can anyone suggest anything else? Also does anyone know how to remove a sensor without damaging it? Any positive advice would be gratefully received.
  12. Many thanks .Will give it a go in the next few days. Just one question ,when you pull the tailgate card away from the window do you pull :46: it upwards or straight towards you.I am concerned in case I damage the clips. Thanks, Paul.
  13. Hello, The rear washer jet on my gal has stopped sending water through the rear wiper jet.Instead the water is coming through the material situated on the inside of the boot.Basicaly i need to remove the inner boot cover to see what the problem is.I have removed the handle( which was unecessary) and also removed 2 screws situated under the plastic light covers on both sides.However,I am unable to remove the cover.I have tried using a screwdriver,but am afraid of damaging the boot cover as it is mainly plastic. Does anyone have any ideas on the safe removal of this cover as it is very difficult to remove it would seem. There is no water coming into the front passenger foot well.It is simply seeping throgh the material on the inside of the boot and collecting into the striker plate area when i use the rear wasn n wipe Many thanks, Paul.
  14. Jmbo, What is the mileage of your car.I have access to Glass's guide and can give you the prices. Regards.
  15. I agree with marcostiq.Wife recently purchased a picasso off e-bay.Has a water leak from the water pump housing and will need to have drive shaft removed,etc to get to the problem.Several hours labour ,etc,etc. Also my friend has recently purchased a Vauxhall Omega off e-bay and has loads of things wrong with it.It will probably cost him
  16. Fantastic illustration seatkid.Many thanks. Tried it this morning on my mark 2 and was able to pull out the pollen filter.The only thing I noticed was that there was nothing holding the pollen filter in place.Obvioulsy the housing was there but nothing to stop it falling out.Appears it is only gravity holding the pollen filter in place.However it is unlikley to fall forwards as there are lots of bits in front. Does anyone know if there should be a plastic bat/tag to stop the pollen filter falling forwrds ???????
  17. Thanks Faz.I checked this pipe yesterday and it was ok.I have traced where the water is getting in.There is a plastic bulk head drain which is situated under the glove box and there is a foam washer and that is where water is dripping from.Every time I use the washer jets the water drains through the pollen filter housing presumably into this drain,and water is seeping out through this washer.I have let it dry and placed silicon sealant around it which seems to have done the trick.
  18. Hello, I have water dripping into the front passenger footwell of my gal.It seems that this only happens when I operate the cleaning fluid for the windscreen.There is spongey carpet type stuff which is becoming saturated and water drips off it onto the footwell floor. There are no leaves,etc blocking the drain plugs.Is there a pipe near to the glove box which may have come apart or is the leak coming through the pollen filter housing ? Has anyone had anything similar occurr and can you offer any advice. Thanks,
  19. I have just ordered a set of Mintex discs/pads and am taking a gamble.The seller who sold me the discs/pads back in October is no longer a registered user on e-bay.I woinder why !!!! I will let you know if this works.
  20. Thanks.I have already had this done a few days ago.They were ok.
  21. Thanks.I have just spoken to my local mechanic.He has advised me to leave it until the symptoms get worse.He thinks it could be the hub causing the problem,but says this is very unusual for the hub to cause a fault.If the hub was warped would I not get a judder at all times and a shake in the steering without braking as if the wheel balance was out ??
  22. Many thanks for your reply.I will check with the mechanic but I am 99.9 % sure that he checked everything.I suspect that maybe they were inferior discs I bought off e-bay,but that wouldn't account for the Unipart ones being the same ?????????????????????
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