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Everything posted by Scorpiorefugee
Now I Gone Mad
Scorpiorefugee replied to marinabrid's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Back to your original comment about the glow plugs. If you want to test the feed, disconnect the coolant temperature sender and the glow plugs should be powered for 10-15 seconds following switching on the ignition. This may not help your problem but it will eliminate this part of the system. Ron. -
Steering On 115ps Tdi Galaxy
Scorpiorefugee replied to a topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Just a thought on this general topic. Nothing to do with Galaxies, or even Fords, but twice on totally different motors (Montego and Astra estate) I've had wobble and other similar symptoms variable and sometimes worryingly severe. On both occasions and over extended periods Ive been accused of eveything up to halucinations by mechanics who swore that there was nothing wrong but the problems persisted even after replacement of discs, bearings and dampers. On both occasions the problem was eventually resolved by replacement of the hub itself. On the Montego, this had been damaged by an animal who removed a (perfectly good) bearing with a hammer and chisel and on the Astra, I inherited the fault on an unusually low mileage ex-company vehicle which I then assumed had been faulty for a long time and shelved until they could drop it 'con no-one could find the fault. If I hadn't had the fault on the Montego, I doubt if anyone would have ever diagnosed the fault on the Astra. On the Montego, the fault wrecked two discs and a tyre before a proper mechanic stripped the whole thing down and checked the run out with a dial gauge. The Astra also had two sets of discs fitted before they finally, and very iratably, did what I asked. As I said, just a thought... Ron. -
Help Needed Poor Starting Tdi (110)
Scorpiorefugee replied to anadin's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Sorry this is a bit late - been busy. Your problem sounds very familiar and I've had it - took ages and a long story to fix it. The clue is the fan running on. In my case this was due to a faulty coolant temperature sensor. It's in two halves, one is used for the temperature gauge, the other tells the management system what the temperature is and, in my case and possibly yours, this is faulty and, because the engine is reported to be very hot, the fan runs on and the glow plugs are not activated when you start it. The fact that the glow plug light comes on doesn't mean a damned thing unless it stays on for more that a quick flash. How to prove it..... disconnect the sensor. How to find it... mine was in front of the head towards the right hand (gearbox) end and well hidden behind a dirty yellowish filter thingy but there are other variants. Beware! The plug can be a bug..r to get off and the wires have a habit of breaking off, espacially the earth connection. I know that you've already had some of this info but do be careful with the wires and don't forget that you may have one or more faulty glow plug. Hope this helps, Ron. -
Just a quick reply about the MAF. I replaced mine recenty as I finally accepted that the old one was kaput. Preformance improved dramatically and the fuel consumption increased also, probably because it took time to adjust my driving habits. Fuel consumption is still a bit heavy but I can live with it. And finally, just to complete the comparative figures which I left at "down to the 1/4 mark", I recently got home in the early hours having started home on a 200 mile trip showing 530 miles with a shade over 1/4 tank left. Next morning it was a bit reluctant to start so I hot footed to the fuel station and put in
I may as well chuck in my two penn'orth. Has this happened since the service?....... Has anything in particular, apart from the criminal profit making by the oil companies, made this a particular sensitive issue? It's already been suggested that you disregard the fuel computer and work on tank full to tank full. Our 115 Ghia is more thirsty than the old 110 which is the workhorse. I struggle to get much more than 42/43 out of the 115 although I have managed 50 on a couple of occasions. I find that the old 110, without a computer, settles at around 45/46 driving to the speed limits and I know that, from a full tank, I can get 100 miles down to the full mark, 250 down to the 3/4 and 400 - 420 to 1/2 and 550 - 570 down to 1/4. The truth is known when I top it up because I recon to get 10 miles to the litre. So, fill it up, use it for a bit, divide miles by 10 and if that's what it takes to fill it up, I,m happy. I can't suggest any causes because, after years of high mileage, I've only ever found one cause of high fuel consumption - my driving habits. I hope some of this is of use. Ron.
It sounds as if you're doing it all right and it even seems that you don't really need all that oomph. Have you thought about swapping it for an oil burner? I paid
Actually, I think 5.5 mpl equates to 25mpg and that ain't too bad for a 2.8 petrol, especially if you're hoofing it a bit. Have you tried it at a steady 70. I know it's not easy but, even in my old oil burner, it makes a difference of about 9.5 mpl at 80 ish down to nearer 11 mpl at 70. But you probably don't want to know that. <_< . Never mind, if you're enjoying it... Ron.
Well done! I'm pleased that your persistence got a good deal. It's amazing how many Auto problems these things cause. I wrecked the engine on my old Scorpio by stubbornly refusing to accept that the MAF was causing the problem. Still, that did push me into getting my first Gal. Sorry, but do you really only get 5.5 miles per litre? Ouch! <_<
Which Is Best ?
Scorpiorefugee replied to marinabrid's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
If either is an automatic, that may make a difference. I hate autos for towing so don't listen to me but others amy offer sensible advice. Again, personal opinion only; don't discount having a stabiliser just because it doesn't seem to need one. If it all goes wrong, and it can so very easily, you will wish that you'd had one. I hope you enjoy your 'van. My wife took the caravan and bought the cash. Then she took the cash and bought a holiday. Sob... Ron. -
Quite right. I had noticed but I'm afraid I didn't express myself too well. I was trying to explain that it is well worth looking on EBAY and that the models listed on any item are not exclusive and that it is the part no which is important. Morover, it is worth enquiring as the regular sellers do respond with helpful advice. I only have diesels so my experience is limited to those models.
Do try EBAY. Most of the regulare sellers are knowlegable, helpful and reliable. I paid about
Coolant Sensor Fitted
Scorpiorefugee replied to smoggy7's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Just a quick thought. where are you?. I'd be happy to swap MAFs if you were near me, maybe someone else could repeat the offer if you were near. Unfortunately, I'm away for the next few days and may lose track of this but I'm 10 miles North of Worcester, or in Plymouth on and off for the next few weeks. Any good? - Mail me. -
I have a 115 bhp Ghia and what I think is a 110bhp (98) GLX. I recently fitted a new MAF to the old one and that has given abot 25% more power from 2800 rpm upwards and it now revs much better. In comparison with the 115 unit, the latter is much more lively at lower revs than the 110 and it is much more sensitive to the throttle, albeit fly by wire, than the older 110. This suggests that both bus-boy and miket have a problem if they are talking about the 115 unit. Also, prior to this, I swapped MAFs between both motors and, as far as I can discern, the same one fits both but that, of course, only relates to the two motors that I have. However, in all of the posts that I have read, I have yet to see anything that defines specifically different part nos. Does anyone out there have anything specific on this please. On a different note, Our Picasso, owned from new, seemed to bee less lively and efficient after it's first inspection service but we do not drive hard so it wasn't too noticable. after the first major service, there was little change but after the second it is now much more responsive. Nothing to do with Galaxys but it does pose the question...."Has some well meaning but ill informed mechanic tweaked something?" It wouldn't be the first time and the problem is, how do you find someone you can rely on?
Easy Aircon Repair
Scorpiorefugee replied to marinabrid's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
It's good to see that a bit of bloody minded common sense still works. Long may it last. :D :D :D -
Reinforced Tyres
Scorpiorefugee replied to italiastar's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
I wonder how many of the people that should know that actually do know it. :P :P :) -
Reinforced Tyres
Scorpiorefugee replied to italiastar's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
As I understand it, ALL MPVs, including Picassos and the like, must have reinforced tyres. As to which and prices, When I bought my old much abused S reg TDI a year ago I had to buy a couple for the front. On went the cheapest branded tyres, Avons @ -
A stabiliser is a bit like insurance. If you're careful and lucky, you may never miss it, but one day something unexpected may happen and the stabiliser suddenly becomes important. Also, remember that it may not be just your rig that gets destroyed. Happy caravanning. :( :D :D I wish I'd still got mine.
Mine's an S reg, not sure what power rating, but it has one but I've no idea what it does, although I do remember panicing when I forgot to put it back. It is at the top rear of the air filter top cover and pulls off very easily if the box is disturbed. From what you've already said about your problem this is probably nothing to do with it and yours may not even have one so lets hope someone else can suggest something,
I'm no expert but a couple of things.... Are you sure it's the correct MAF? It can be removed easily from the side of the housing if you have the correct torx screwdiver. I've been trying different mafs in mine and leaving it running without replacing the screws and no problems. Did the mechanic change the insert or the whole thing. If he changed the whole thing, he may have disturbed the push fit pipe that comes out of the aire filter box at the top rear. You have to lift the cover off (as if you're changing the filter) to check this.
Smoggy, Why not try popping the old one back - or just try leaving the plug off. It won't fix anything but it may help to make sense of things. Golden rule of fault finding - 'If it doesn't make sense, one step back and look again.' TinTent Tourist, Of course you've got one! It tells your engine management thingy how much your engine is sucking in so that it can administer the correct amount of fuel and all sorts of other clever stuff. They can cure and cause all sorts of problems including some totally rediculous auto gearbox behaviour. I've had reports of insomnia and washing up hands but thats probably a bit extreme. Look, listen, learn and worry. Then go for the pills cos, short of replacing the blooming thing, there seems to be no sure fire way of proving that it's faulty. jkspoff, I've just bought one for about
Glass Everywhere.
Scorpiorefugee replied to Scorpiorefugee's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
Sorry to hear about the other losses. I just keep thinking about the times when it hasn't happened. I've been done 4 times now in 45 years. First time was in1971 in central Coventry. It was an old wreck of a mini van with those high security :D sliding windows and briefcase quality keys. They couldn't start it because the battery was flat so they rummaged around in the back and eventually got away with a torch with a flat battery and a dogy switch having pushed it around the car park and failed to start it :o :o :) Another time was in Plymouth about 1998 on rusty Montego when, having cracked the windscreen trying to remove it, they must have discovered the door with the fault lock and got away with a battered old briefcase which only contained a much thumbed 3000 page print out of an old Cobol computer program. I hope they enjoyed reading it as much as I did. :o :wacko: :) Finally, again in Coventry about 1974, they nicked my wife's Morris 1100. It disappeared for a fortnight and was then abandoned in the middle of the road with all 4 doors open only a few yards from where it was nicked with about 10 miles more opn the speedo and a tin of baked beans on the passenger seat. We realised why they brought it back a few days later when we took it for an MOT and then wished they had kept it! :o . It's almost worth the trouble just to think about how much pleasure they must have gained from their efforts. :o -
Glass Everywhere.
Scorpiorefugee replied to Scorpiorefugee's topic in Ford Galaxy Technical Section MK I MK II
You and me both mate! It's not just the loss, its the sheer waste of time and money for the coppers they get for em. I reckon that, with police time etc., this little lot will have cost best part of a grand, probably just for little fix of dope for the little @ -
OK! i'm not the first and I won't be the last but some low life has just heaved a brick through and had it away with my Sat Nav. My own fault! Jus once that I forgot to hide it! Any tips or past experiences would be much appreciated. Ron. Update.... Autoglass replacement quote
Interior Cleaning Products.
Scorpiorefugee replied to mumof4's topic in General Discussion and Nonsense
Ask each one to donate some saliva and get rubbing. :blink: :D :D Seriously, warm water and a rough towel should shift it. Are you sure it's Nougat? For the seats, try some of the Stain Devil products. They're amazing! then lots of soapy water (carpet shampoo) and suck it dry with a wet/dry vac. Ron. -
Interior Cleaning Products.
Scorpiorefugee replied to mumof4's topic in General Discussion and Nonsense
Can't you get one of the four to lick it off??...... or borrow a dog. :angry: