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Everything posted by JDF

  1. I also have this problem with the recycle air facility - fresh air okay, but when you switch to recycle you hear a vacuum noise but doesn't seem to shut off fresh air i.e. outside smells (smoke or fumes) fill the car. Where are the vacuum pipes that you talk about??? J.
  2. It probably not, but sometime a wet passenger foot well can be from the rear window washer hose - these can split/come apart and leak. I think there is a note on fix in the FAQ section. J.
  3. Have another little problem :rolleyes: After the heavy rain of the last few days - water now drips out of the overhead clock on our Mk1 as you first drive off. Anyone know how to fix? Water must be collecting in the drip tray of the sunroof, although most of it runs down the drain tubes, when you first pull away out of the drive, some water enters the headliner & drips throught the clock. But how is it getting into the clock - can't see a hole in the body work. Any ideas what to look for??? Cheers Guys & Girls in advance.... J.
  4. Found the answer....... The Additional Relay Box is tucked right up under the dash - very difficult to see even when you peer up. On our car you could only see the underside - you carefully had to remove it from 2 lugs and gently manover it until you get to the relays (on the top side). Change relay number 22 (large 170 stamped on top) & heated front screen now works. The difficult bit was relocating the exposed relay box. Then just had to reassemble the master relay/fuse box. I don't think this is a very good design :rolleyes: Hope this post helps others!!!
  5. Hi All, I hope someone can help me. I have just got a replacement relay for the front heated screen for a Mk1 Gallaxy (relay 22, stamped with a large 170 on top). I opened the fusebox door & removed. Then lowered lower dashboard trim (4 screws) to gain better access. However once I pulled down the main fuse/relay (release white clips) I can't find the Additional Relay Box (under the instrument panel), which I believe I need as the relay that needs replacing in number 22. Can anyone tell me where this Additional Relay Box (under the instrument panel) is on an 1998 Mk1?????? Is this link correct for a MK1 http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...ost&id=4656 because it lists relays in the Additional Relay Box (under the instrument panel), but does not show it. Does anyone have a pdf or guide so I can locate & change the relay Cheers in advance J.
  6. Thanks for your advice Sepulchrave. The problem did come form one of the coil/spark packs. It was the low voltage connector had broken away from the main body exposing a bit of the internal wiring (bright metal connection). Changed the spark pack for a new one & fitted a new set of plugs (although one of the new plugs was duff - but that's another story.....). The old bus now runs fine!!! Cheers again J.
  7. 63 views, no comments !!! Can anyone help Please. Cheers J.
  8. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on what I should look for regarding flat spots. Engine (Mk1 2.3 petrol) starts and runs fine under normal conditions, however if you give it some heavy right foot then I get a slight flat spot / miss fire starting around 4,000rpm but disapears at around 5,000rpm. Any ideas e.g. Plugs, MAF, Spark Pack/s Thanks in advance. J.
  9. I admit there are a lot of things written about not using Anti-Seize on wheel nuts on the web, but on the other habnd, also a lot about using it. Here's just a couple:- http://www.rossbrownsales.com.au/files/ant...tes__sprays.pdf WEICON Anti-Seize in the automotive industry WEICON Anti-Seize is used by renowned car manufacturers and is recommended for repair and maintenance. Automobiles Battery poles and connections, springs, suspensions, exhaust fittings and seals, bogies, screwed connections in chassis and body, brake cams and pins, wheel bolts and nuts, driving wheels and chains, hose connections, engine suspensions, injection nozzles, cylinder-head screws. http://www.loctite.com/int_henkel/loctite_...brochure_uk.pdf Loctite
  10. There are a few people that will tell you on here that not opening the bleed nipple to wind back the piston will render the ABS U/S as any "crud" will end up travelling through the control unit. All, Just to try and clear up this debate :- What is the correct method for winding back the rear calliper or pushing back the front - Should the bleed nipples be open or closed???????? ?adrianf? & gregers, Regarding additional vehicle support - I do always use axel stands, just forgot to write it in...... (I don't seem to be able to edit the original post anymore!!!) murphy, Regarding anti seize agents, why can't you use a small bit on wheel studs/nuts? I have seen many mechanics use it in the past!!! I always re-check the tightness of wheel nuts a couple of hundred miles after a wheel has been removed either by myself or a garage / tyre fitters
  11. Galaxy MKI Rear Brake Pad Replacement. Tools needed: Jack. Wheel Brace. Calliper Wind-back tool. Brake hose clamp. Clear plastic hose.
  12. Hi MadBaz, This is probably a dumb question, but how do you get too the panel behind the main relay/fuse panel? I didn't know there was a further panel on a MKI !!! chazy, I haven't checked the earth lead yet, although it must be conected as the heated screen works okay the 1st time you activate it, but if you try to turn it on a second time (eg if it's not quite cleared the ice) then it only comes on for a few seconds before it switches itself off again. Therefore I think its the timer in the relay thats not working properly.... Cheers for your help....
  13. I had a quick look for relay #22, but can't see it on our MK1 inside the drop down fuse cover. Can see a number of relays 30, 21 etc but no 22. Is there a hidden layer of relays like on the MkII? I can hear a relay click in on activation of the switch, but can't make out which one is making the noise??? Please help !!!!!
  14. Hi All, I need to do the rear brake pads on our MK1 Galaxy this weekend. I have done the front before (& written a How 2 Guide on here), but have never done the rear on the Galaxy. I have a few questions for those in the know..... 1) Do you have to use a wind back tool or has anyone used something else? 2) Once the job is complete, is there a specific procedure to get the pads to bed-in e.g. operate the handbrake X number of times or reverse the car and apply brakes etc? 3) Any other useful tip that I should know that will help? Cheers for you help in advance, if I manage to get it done, I will write How 2 Guide as I didn't see one !!! J.
  15. Thanks "insider". You don't happen to know which relay it is & where it is located on a Mk I? Cheers J.
  16. Thanks for your help "Beyond Help?", I'm pretty sure that the relay does click, but it turns itself off so quickly its difficult to tell. Do you know which relay/number it is? Just so I know where to put my ear when I try the switch again. Will have a play this evening..... If the relay does work okay (if only briefly), you think it might be a knackered switch - does it have the timer built into it then? Cheers
  17. Hi All, I hope someone could please help me out here, I've had a quick look on the "search" but couldn't find my problem? The front heated screen our Mk I Galaxy seems to be playing up. Are they external temperature sensitive? The reason I ask is, our wont switch on unless it is very cold i.e. Press the switch and it lights up, but go's out again after a second or two. Even when there is ice on the windscreen; it doesn't want to stay on for very long before it switches itself off, sometimes it doesn't stay on long enough to melt the ice. I'm sure this is not correct? Can you suggest what might be wrong & what I should be checking/replacing? Cheers in advance..... J.
  18. Hi lim, I'm pleased that you like the Front Brake Pad & Disk Change Report, the author was me - "JDF" not "JDE", but it doesn't matter!!!! Your pictures are good - I didn't have a camera available when I did mine. When I undid the caliper bracket nuts, I used a socket attached at 90deg (on a slide fitting) to my 12" extension bar so it is looks like a ratchet but without the ratchet mechanism. I then gave it a tap with a club hammer to loosen - saved using a long bar and any possible damage to paint work.
  19. If it fits a mk1, then i would imagine that it should still fit a mk11. I would be very suprised if it didn't fit !!!!!! A rear spoiler can cause a problem, but as you don't have then no worries.....
  20. Also available from here:- http://www.dcp-shop.co.uk/buy-car-accessor...=1_90_1706_1707 Cheers JDF
  21. I can't believe it, 55 views but no advice or help !!!! :lol:
  22. Why not just use some stong double sided tape? Good model shops sell double sided tape for sticking radio controlled servo into cars and planes. It's spongy and sticks very very well.......
  23. I would also be interested in a reply to this question, although my wires haven't broken the rubber boot has split and I can see that a number of the wires have cracked insulation. Although "Gregers" link is useful it doen't cover the tailgate wiring loom.
  24. Hi All, I'm interested in the possibility of fitting a set of rear speakers into our mk1 Galaxy like in the picture below. Can Ford supply these curved speakers with blue covers & if so, does anyone know the approx cost? Also I don
  25. Hi All, Can anyone tell me how to remove the rear window winder handles? I would like to remove and re-position them to that my 3 year old doesn't knock them with his foot and open the window slightly. Thanks in advance JDF
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