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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by wackojackouk

  1. Hi guys Being a numpty I cracked my passenger mirror last weekend and need to source a replacement Frauds tell me
  2. Cheers Chris Much appreciate. I spoke to VW and they confirmed the price (had to give my engine code AUY1 I think it is off the top of my head). They also told me the condenser was like
  3. Hi guys Been told it's looking around
  4. Hi guys A/C came this morning and I have two leaks :) One is the condenser which doesn't really surprise me to be honest but the other was the pipe on the left hand (passenger) side (which I think connects to the condenser). He said this was very unusual and he's only ever seen one of these leak before. Am waiting for a price from him but not looking good. I do have a warranty which does cover A/C but I know these companies never like paying out for things - also a bit worried as the guy is a mobile specialist and they told me the "garage" has to call them..... Anyone advise on prices of parts for a 1.9tdi (53) condenser and pipe? Cheers WJUK ps - it's this pipe (http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=22482)
  5. Evening guys Quick update and a question or two.... Cut a long story short, a/c finally gave me an indication last Monday it was on the blink when the dash started flashing and has done since which from past experience indicates no gas.... Haven't had my personal laptop (due to breaking the screen - thats another story) but new screen fitted and just hooked it up to the Gal and VCDS Lite tells me the following error: 00792 - A/C Pressure Switch (F129) 35-00 - - I'm guessing this just means there is no gas in the system which would indicate a leak somewhere due to me having new front pipe assembly last year. I have the same guy coming tomorrow so will pass on this information but was wondering if anyone can confirm it's likely just empty OR is it the actual switch? Also any tips etc what I can ask/tell the a/c guy? Cheers WJUK ps - I do have a warranty which covers all a/c parts but really hoping to avoid that if possible.
  6. Hi guys Like most people on here at some stage I've had some issues with the Climate on my 53 TDi. I suspect something was wrong prior to me purchasing it as well as they cover behind the glovebox is missing and I can see some components of the system. Anyway last year display was flashing. Kwik fit (yes I know....) regassed it and to be fair my local one aint that bad and said there must be a leak as it's not taking it. I rang a mobile a/c guy told him my woes and he said "diesel??" yep I replied. He said pretty much it would be a split pipe. So
  7. Hi guys Had another look today after a friend of a friend said to check the fuse box under the bonnet (he installs stereo's and car kits etc for a living) but they seemed fine. Took out the two inline fuses. One seems fine, the other has a very, very fine line but not as apparant as the other one so I think it might be knackered. Anyone suggest where to get the glass fuses - there is a inscription at the top "300mA 250V" Cheers WJUK
  8. Hi guys Thinking of taking out a warranty on the Gal due to the constant range of things going wrong. Apart from Warranty Direct can anyone recommend (not just for me) but companies to use / steer clear of? Cheers WJUK
  9. Cheers mate. Yeah it's a weird noise - sounds like air is being pushed out of a pump if you know what I mean. She is going into the garage in a couple of weeks (again) as I need a couple of things doing/looked at and will mention this then.
  10. Hi guys Never noticed it before but today when I pressed the brake pedal I could hear a hissing noise like air was being pumped - I noticed there is a little pump thing under the pedal which I never noticed before and pumped the brake a few times and could hear air being pushed through this. Is this normal? - Brakes don't feel any different from normal and did an emergency stop which was fine. I was playing around with some fuses yesterday trying to sort out an issue with the DVD player so wonder if this could have an effect. What with this, the clunking nose, the aux heater (again) - do these cars ever run without problems? Any thoughts regardless? Cheers WJUK
  11. Hi guys I have an aftermarket DVD player in my Gal with a screen in the roof. TO cut a long story short I replaced the 5000 stereo in the car and the DVD player was still working fine but couldn't get it to go onto PAL (rather than NTSC). Eventually managed it and pushed the player back under the drivers seat where it is housed. One of the wires which (I now know) was only connected together by twisting and tape (good installation there....) then sparked and power was gone. Re-wired this up with connectors but still nothing :) There are two fuses in(line?) holders but they are fine and the radio is working fine too so wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction if there may be a fuse that might power the standard media system ( I read fuse 10 was a red 10amp one) but my fuse 10 is a different colour and is fine. Can anyone else point me in the right direction please where I should be looking?
  12. Hi guys Quick update for you. Went out aeound lunch time today and the heater didn't fire up so thought oh its gone then. Anyway on way back and sitting at lights and notice some smoke in mirror, low and behold she's smoking !!! - not really what I want to see but .... anyway went to shop near my house and had a quick look and I could hear the heater going but not spitting out any smoke (white smoke btw). Finished up at shops and then drove home (two mins away) and a little bit of smoke for a min or so outside my garage. Got down and had a look underneath and there was a a little bit of smoke coming out the mini exhaust. Smoke then stopped and I noticed that where the mini pipe comes down (joins) the whole pipe up to the mini box bit (like an exhaust back box) was quite wet and on the small box bit there was some liquid dripping. Could this be water or diesel? - I touched it and tbh it smelt like diesel - could there be a leak? Left it running whilst I was looking and again a little bit more smoke... like something is stopping and starting but the whooshing or whirring noise was constant Haven't had chance to hook back up to VCDS Lite yet (try later tonight) but any more thoughts on this?
  13. Cheers Mirez Kinda makes it make a little more sense. I'll fire it up again tomorrow and see if the blower comes on. It has been on yesterday and a couple of times over the past week so it was working up till tonight. I did do a re-scan earlier and no error codes come back - I would have thought they would come back straight away (or not?) TBH not sure if it is a new unit - they told me it was and they replaced the glow plug but I never checked it as it worked fine when I got it back in December last year. Regarding Vagcom I only have the VCDS Lite software - can I still do the Output tests? Thanks for the offer of fixing it. I might take you up on that although gonna be away next week with work so will catch up on that one later - Google tells me you're roughly 2 hours away but if it get's stuff fixed thats not too bad - let just say it would be SOOO much appreciated - hell I might even give you the car for a whole day and see what else you can fix lol.
  14. Thanks Mirez I was waiting for you to come along. What are your thoughts on the error code? - does it sound like it's broke :) Might have to drive down to Swindon and get you to fix for a whole box of wine gums lol WJUK
  15. Hi George Take a look at my post here - http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=21375 Is this the same error you got? My one says 01414 - Combustion-Air Blower (V6) 36-00 - Open Circuit If so any idea where you can get the fan motor? -
  16. Hi mate Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound good does it - any idea what the damage might be
  17. Hi guys As the weather has gone downhill over the past week I have been waiting for the Booster Heater to fire up. Last year when I bought the car I had a problem and they took the car back and said they changed the heater itself and the glow plugs. Got it back and it fired up fine, no smoke.. worked great :) Anyway it fired up the other day and there was a little bit of smoke whilst sitting at the lights so I got myself all worried but got home and it was still running but no smoke. Last weekend could smell the diesel a bit but no smoke so thought it was probably just burning off some excess fuel. Anyway tonight came out of work and 3 minutes up the road sitting at the lights and notice a reasonable amount of smoke coming from my car. Got to next set of lights but only there 30 seconds and no smoke so thought the same as above. Got home about 15 minutes later and the heater was off as the temperature was nearly half way. Decided to plug in vagcom and after finally getting it to work it pulled up some error codes:- 5 Faults Found: 01409 - Repeated Flame-Out 35-00 - - 01409 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs 35-00 - Please Register/Activate 01409 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs 35-00 - Please Register/Activate 01414 - Combustion-Air Blower (V6) 36-00 - Open Circuit 01414 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs 36-00 - Please Register/Activatee Have seen the Repeated Flame-Out one before when I got the Galaxy back and once I cleared it (after the new parts had been fitted it's been fine). However never seen the Combustion-Air Blower one before - can someone enlighten me about this? I have cleared the codes regardless to see if they come back but now worried I'm going to have hassle again this year and no warranty to claim on :) Got to sort out a clunking noise on the suspension which I hope it just a drop link as well as some other things such as (hopefully) a broken wire in passenger rear door plus I will need some new brake discs soon - when it rains it pours eh? Anyone fancy fixing my Gal lol Seriously any advice much appreciated. WJUK ps - One bright note is that I won a 5000 Stereo on ebay (Gal version) for 99p !!! - hopefully it will pitch up soon.
  18. That only works if drop links are well on the way to dropping apart. Even the slightest wear causes terrible noises over bumps. Its a 15 min job per side to change. Just do it and you wont regret it. Fleabay items only last 10,000 miles. Get decent ones. Thanks guys Will have a look probably at the weekend now. Stupid question but if we're ruling cheap one's like these on ebay out - where's the best place to get them - Frauds? VW etc and how much are we talking?
  19. Hi guys Been on here for awhile now and just wondered if there are any organised meets in the South East? WJUK
  20. Hi guys Just forked out nearly
  21. Hi Mirez Any idea how much the clips cost. Noticed 2 of mine are broken and the bottom corner of my door card is loose. Ta WJUK
  22. Hi Mirez Does the pic above look like the parts I need? Ta WJUK
  23. http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m173/wackojackouk/Ford%20Galaxy/th_01072010345.jpg Here's an image - ignore the red tape holding it in place :unsure:
  24. Hi guys Just updated to Windows 7 (from Vista) and need to reinstall the Vag Com software and FTI drivers. Last time on Vista I plugged in the USB cable (from ebay) and it installed the drivers no worries and Windows 7 has installed some drivers already (fingers crossed). Anyway went on to the Ross Tech site and can't see any mention of 4.09 anymore :( Should I be installing the VCDS Lite now? Cheers WJUK
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