I can recommend the Phillips Vision plus bulbs , I originally bought a set for my Yamaha TDM and they have been in use for over a year now and they made a big differance to the light output and the beam. :) However when I got my Sharan the one thing I thought let it down was the headlights , so it was off to powerbulbs.com for another set of phillips vision plus bulb and fitted them to the Sharan and whilst they did make an improvement on the original it was not as marked a difference as on the TDM. On a whole I thing they are worth the money but I also think there is only so much you can do by just changing the bulb the rest I think will come from the design of the headlight and lens. RIDE magazine had a good artical last month on upgrade bulbs and there were a lot of the pattern bulbs that there manufacturing tollerances were well out which would have an effect on the beam, phillips, Osram and OEM came out the best in there test. TAM