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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by roy202

  1. the harness runs through the head to the injectors if you look at the engine on the right hand side of the head you will see a large black plug on the side of the head, unplug it and the bit it connects to on the head is the bit you need to replace, from memory you need to remove the inlet manifold to remove the rocker cover to unplug the harness from all 4 injectors inside the head, i think i payed about
  2. i agree with the-boss more likley to be the idle control vaulve or a split breather pipe, unplug the ilde control and see if it makes a difference!
  3. as far as i know its under the passenger front seat sorry cant be much more help?!
  4. wiggle twist and pull, and be very patient!!!
  5. what makes you think its the immobiliser?
  6. i would have thought it was the oil seals in the turbo (prob need a new turbo) i take it that there is the right amount of oil in the car and its not over full as it could be pushed up through the sump breather, the only other way of getting the oil up through the breather is if your piston rings are worn and your building up pressure in the sump, but would prob smoke if that were the case
  7. i doubt the faults are connected if the reversing lights dont work it is probably the reversing switch on the front of the gearbox or a loose connection.
  8. i would personly stay away from kwik fit, if you need to know the amount of coolent i would phone ford and they should be able to tell you or any good garage that does air con, in the mk2 1.9 tdi it was 725g +25 im not sure about the mk3
  9. you need to take the key apart and see if the chip is still in there (a little rectangular black thing) this turns the immobilizer off when you put the key in the ignition, it is picked up by a ring around the ignition and tells the ecu its ok to start, if you have changed the battery i suspect it has come out, i have had this problem with several customers, replacing this chip could cost up to
  10. you need to stop the oil getting into the intercooler not stop it getting out! if there was a serious air leak it would affect the running of the engine badly it sounds like a turbo problem but could also be engine issues, did you supply the engine and turbo? if not what garentee do you have with the garage that supplied it, it would be worth finding out as this could be an expensive problem....
  11. i would see if you have a live at the bulb holder and if not trace the wires back to see where the fault lies testing for a live feed at every connection, have you had a tow bar fitted recently?
  12. cam belt and i think the interval guide is 60000 miles or 5 years which ever comes first, 120000 for tensioners and pulleys but i would change the whole kit every time to be on the safe side, i might even change the water pump as well whilst im in there, for the sake of about
  13. cam belt and i think the interval guide is 60000 miles or 5 years which ever comes first, 120000 for tensioners and pulleys but i would change the whole kit every time to be on the safe side, i might even change the water pump as well whilst im in there, for the sake of about
  14. Hi i have recently bought a galaxy that was not running due to siezed engine i have now replaced the engine clutch etc and the car is running fine, the fault i have is the speedo does not work at all and the fuel gauge drops and the annoying beep sound when you have no fuel sounds and drops every time you go round a corner, brake or excelerate, (there is fuel in it), i also have a friend with the same problem and he has changed instrument clusters 3 times and i have had to replaced abs sensors , and a cv joint for the mot but we still have the same fault, please help! rgds roy
  15. you can tell if the compressor is working by looking down and see if its spinning when the air con is turned on, if its not then either a pressure fault ie a leak , an electric fault to the compressor or the compressor itself , need to start there really and illiminate each fault as you go
  16. hi i have just started to have this problem with my galaxy, did you ever get to the bottom of this? im really stuck and dont know where to start with this problem ive tried all obvious things but am getting nowhere fast! thanks
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