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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by traff

  1. ive had my galaxy since 2003 ...this is a very common problem ....was advised by my tyre fitter to increase presure .....i now run on 44 psi as opposed to 38 psi recomended......this has solved my tyre wear problems......my tyres now last 2/3 years hope that helps
  2. its the temp sender unit.........always causes this very common fault......a complete arse to locate ......
  3. you cannot remove one sensor and expect the car not to notice ......the system go,s loopy and gives a constant whine ....the last one ive got from ebay costs just 10 quid each........its probable to be a rear sensor at fault ,as road crap gets all over the back of them .try a good clean in this area
  4. the last one that i fixed had splits in about 3 or 4 places.....not surprised its leaking
  5. you wont need to buy fords own pipe......go to your local motor factors and buy brake vacume pipe.....make it yourself change from 20 quid
  6. classic temp sensor fault ...replace ...problem gone
  7. the syptons you have would point to to vacum pipe from the pump.... .it does crack over time giving progresive less braking power ..would recomend removall and replacment..you can buy the type of pipe from the local motor factor and make it up yourself ..its an easy fix
  8. hi there ....try packing the cv joints with grease...normally the outer ones are the culprits here....you wont feel any play..had this on one of mine ..easy fix
  9. having my mk2 galaxy for 13 years now ........im quite sure the prolem is turbo vanes.........im in oxford.....and could scan your car for you...................vcds and snapon
  10. it sounds like the turbo vanes are stuck........you will get a code with a vcds scanner........charge pressure positive deviation..........a very common fault
  11. stop........what was i thinking ? the inner boots have an odd shape .......you will have to fit the real type of boot ...unless you have aftermarket shafts fitted
  12. hi chaps .....couldnt help speaking up ......ive tryed these stick together type boots .....and they do work .....for about a week.....probably made for teenagers ,as it looks easyer to fit than taking the shaft off takes about the same time to fit the standard boot.....i for one do not recomend these ......you wll have to do it again a week later
  13. sounds like the top rubber mount to me ...there is nothing really wrong with it ....just sounds awfull.....try...jacking up ...allow suspention to hang....then spray the top mounting rubber ....at the top of the spring with silicone spray.....works for me...
  14. hi its me again ......just been browsing the site ...ref the radio code..and it seems the subject is not one to be put on the open forum ....please remove it.....i dont want to get in to trouble.......but any pointers as to how to get the program again ...thanks traff
  15. please can somebody look up my radio code.....did have the prgram on an old computer ......serial no is.....m029538......many thanks in advance.....ps could you also give me a link so i can download this program again.....regards traff
  16. i had to drill mine out using a pillar drill and replace the bolt with a longer nut and bolt.....lock nut ....think its an m 12
  17. this pipe ive talked about would be rubber fuel pipe ....the kind of thing you can get from a local motor factor...halfords or mdc..it will push on were the breather goes.cut to size .then push the breather mushroom on the end ...then stow near the battery .......this allows the preasure to rise and fall without pushing the oil out
  18. you are not alone....i also have an auto with the same problem its rever been cured.....my own fix was ...pull the breather out.....push on a tube [fuel pipe]....about 6 to9 inches long ....push the breather into the end of the pipe and secure near the battery....this has worked for me for 10 years........dont know why this happens.....ford tech ...waste of space...
  19. if you are up for it ,heres how, without removing the aircon....first remove both pipes from intercooler then..pull off trim pannel under the bumper...the bit that covers the towing eye.....you will see a grp pannel with bumps in ......under these bumps are the bolts that hold the intercooler in place......4 of.......to get to these take a big drill bit, and drill through the bumps...you then need to undo the 4 10mm bolts that hold the unit ...when youve done you dont need to cover the drilled out holes ......as the trim pannel covers all..or use black silicone
  20. ok maybe a senior moment ..sorry...i agree the above statment.....for your info ...look at ebay..type in galaxy autobox......there is a company that repairs the missing revese gear....they say its not uncommon......worth a look ..hope this will help
  21. i did this once....remove both cables from the gearbox ....select reverse gear with the stick...then on the gearbox selecter... push down then clock wise...this puts the gearbox into reverse then reconnect the cables....that worked for me.......oops just re read ....this works for the manuel gearbox ...never had to do an auto ..sorry
  22. buy the best quality brake pads that you can afford ....after all ....what price for your life.....?????
  23. wynns auto trans and power steering stop leak has worked wonders for me ,on many occasions....may solve steering leak
  24. its easy to change the switch.....pull rubber boot off...if its still there....then use a flat blade screw driver to lever the switch from its mounting ...it will come away really easy...diconnect wire ....replacement is reverse....it just pops in
  25. the only way there is exess oil in the pipe ....its comming from the turbo.....under normal conditions there will be a small amount of oil in this pipe.....sugest ..wipe clean and run for a couple of days...then look again.......ps...the oil will take its time to pass through the intercooler.....check the high pressure side.ie from turbo to intercooler side....this is where it will show most.......hope it helps......traff
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