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Everything posted by frogeye

  1. Hi all, Are you saying gregers that your tdci S-max isn't that economical by comparison to your mk2 tdi? My wife is pushing for a change to the S-max (4 kids are still fairly small and won't grumble too much about the rear seats), there aren't many out there in the
  2. What is the led on the drivers door doing? (ie is this an immobilizer issue?)Try turning your key all the way to start without pausing for the self test position (if you get what I mean!) This sometimes works on my V6, but this problem usually only occurs when the engine is still hot.Frogeye
  3. Quite a few Timpsons can now program keys, the one in Cambridge charges about
  4. Hi Mirez, Is there software available to be able to write acceptable codes in to the reference table? Or is it encrypted and these rather high costs are to pay for licensing fees for the encyption software? Apparently there is software out there that lets you modify your mileage, adding a key code to PATS would seem to be less of an issue than that. Frogeye
  5. Have you got to take the calipers off to do this successfully? Will vagcom tell you which wheel it is? Thanks Frogeye ps sorry for the piggyback tbag!
  6. Hi, After nearly coming to my wits end driving back home for 120 miles with my four hyper kids (9,7,5 & 3), and the prospect of a 700 mile trip to the south of France in the holidays, I feel that it is necessary to splash out on some kind of in car dvd system. I'm not too sure about the head rest screens as for one I would need four screens and another, I don't really like having the rear headrest in as they obscure quite a bit of visability. On a trip to Cornwall a couple of years ago I rigged up the laptop on a stand between the front seats and put the kids with the two central seats at their widest and two in the rear - this worked pretty well with a power inverter plugged in the the cigarette lighter and an FM transmitter (
  7. Hi, Have you tried your cable with the vag.com software? You can download a useful free trial version from the www.ross-tech.com website - I've got a feeling that it does work. Frogeye
  8. Hi, Inspite of my 2.3 ford engine, I still gain a lot of info from vagcom about autobox, instruments, etc. I can't recall ever trying to connect to my '95 2.0l Aspen, but certainly my '99 and '03 2.3's communicate well enough to provide me with most fault codes to be useful. Have you checked if you have a purple 16pin (?) connector under the ashtray housing.... I'd attach a picture but can't find one... I would guess it would be odb-2 but current '95 plate owners could surely confirm this for you. As for the relay 30, have you dug in behind your fuse panel and thoroughly checked for one, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the owners manual. There is an excellent FAQ on here for the relay 30 replacement Click hereRelay 30 .. this is nothing more than my own experience with limp home problems (with both my 2.3 gals relay 30 caused this). I'm not too sure though, that you may need to clear the fault codes before it will cancel 'limp mode' - can't remember but I'm sure that others can. Goodluck, Frogeye
  9. Hi Marc, There may well be nothing wrong with your transmission, the limp mode can occur for a number of reasons. On my 2.3 petrol a relay 30 fault caused the limp mode to occur, have you got an engine warning light on? (I'm not sure you would even have a warning light on a 95 model) A scan with vagcom should hopefully provide a few pointers (cable and software (freecopy) about
  10. Hi Geoff, I seem to remember being concerned about the fan operation on my 2.8 2001 gal soon after I got it and managed to get the fans running by disconnecting the sensor on the radiator (about half way down the near side) - probably from above but I'm not too sure... and then shoving a paperclip across various combinations of the four points in the sensor connector (ie shorting them out in a variety of combinations). I have a feeling I may have done this with the ignition on (and possibly the engine running?). Anyway I was able get the fans off and on like this, proving to me that the fans themselves were okay. I replaced that sensor, along with the ones on the thermostat housing and feel that the problem was sorted (I also changed the thermostat and water pump as well!) Good luck, Frogeye
  11. It sounds like some kind of faulty earth connection - were there none of these faults when you last started the car up or was is running when you bought it? It may just be a flat battery (duff alternator!) as weird things can start happening when the battery voltage starts dropping off. I'd be pretty cautious about leaving your car a Fords for long as they will probably start changing components and billing you for it until they hit a winner. You should get on ebay and order up a vag com cable (
  12. Hi, If cleaning your idle valve doesn't sort your problems, try unplugging the MAF sensor (just above the air filter) to see if that improves things. I had issues like this with my 2.0l aspen. Frogeye
  13. Hi Paul, Did the AA guy actually clean your idle control valve? This is quite easy to do just flushing it through with a bit of carb cleaner spray. It may also be worth unplugging your MAF sensor to see if that is the culprit - the MAF-less settings should help you run better than you have been, if it has been giving out faulty readings. Frogeye
  14. Hi, I'll let you know tomorrow - I'm about to try to put a Mk1 n/s mirror on to a Mk2. Frogeye
  15. Boffa, Where did you get your copy of 409.1 from? Is it 409.1 S or 409.1 US? I originally got a copy of 409.1US with the blue lead I got of ebay (about
  16. Hi Al How did you know that you needed to change the baud rate? Was it just technical expertise or other sorts of indicators/ error messages? Frogeye
  17. Hi, Thanks Mirez. I can't seem to remove the lower half of the cowling around the steering column, but can see and have managed to take out one of the two torx screws. In the morning I might try and weld a T20 bit to the end of a 2ft length of 8mm stud to see I can get the second screw out. Good to know that the cluster sits in there fairly tight without these fixings - I doubt I'll bother reinserting the trickier of the two screws. Frogeye
  18. Hi, Is it possible to remove the instrument cluster without removing the steering wheel? Could anyone give me a few pointers. Thanks in advance, Frogeye
  19. Hi, Which engine have you got? One my 2001 2.8v6 (mostly a VW car) I bought a
  20. Hi, I too would be interested to hear what the best price someone has managed to get (and from who), to progam a new key to someone with only one key. I like the idea of someone cloning the transponder chip - who has had this done and for how much. Also, is it the chip itself that is somehow programmed to the car or the PATS system 'told' to accept a different chip?. Thanks Frogeye
  21. Hi Barmey, It may be the brake pedal switch - located at the top of your brake pedal, these sometimes get a bit sticky and benefit from a puff of WD40 or something similar. You need to be pretty good at yoga to twist yourself in to a position to find it (a torch helps!). This caused me a few days of frustration with my 2.3 T-reg which, as an automatic, needs the signal from the switch to 'unlock' the gear shifts. Good luck, Frogeye
  22. no snow in essex Sometimes mine goes off when the bumpers are wet!
  23. Hi, If it is just the starter motor turning and not the engine (kind of high pitch whizzing sound), then it is probably a sticky solenoid in the starter motor (in which case a firm tap on the starter may well sort it). Has this problem only just started happening? Frogeye
  24. Hi, If you press Auto and Econ at the same time on the climate control panel (and hold for a couple of seconds) the display will switch from Farenheit to Centigrade (or vice versa). Frogeye
  25. Yes, I definitely point the finger at relay 30 (about
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