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Everything posted by Davetheref

  1. It is very easy to remove. After removing the dipstick, the cover just clips on and it is very easy to pull off. I seem to rember there are are a couple of clip on grommets at the front and the rear part slides into a fitting. Hope that doesn't sound too confusing
  2. Hijacker Yep, I bought mine from Redi Tuning. I ended up paying
  3. Must admit that when I bought mine, the ad did warn about older cars and to check their cambelts etc. before fitting the module. I've only got about 5K on the clock so my engine shouldn't have any problems (famous last words?). But as I said on a previous post, I love this gadget, MPG is now fantastic and have more power and a much smoother running engine to boot. P.S. I am not on commission to sell these :lol: :) :D
  4. Ivor, soory to sound so stupid , but I'm not sure what I attached it to. I took a picture of my engine and sent it to the guy who sold it to me and he sent the piccie back with the connector ringed in a red circle. The picture is too big to attach to this message but I'll try to explain where the connector is. Looking at the engine, it is on the right hand side under and to the right of the large rubber pipe. Further to my last mail about extra power etc. I did my usual 17 mile run this morning to the train station and my MPG has improved by about 10. Couldn't believe it as the best I've ever had for that journey is about 55 MPG and this morning I finished on 66 MPG.
  5. Finally got it fitted and what a difference. I didn't quite belive it woud do what its says but it does and the MPG seems to bhe better as well. Much more power and the engine seems smoother as well.
  6. Had another go at this. Still no joy even with the picture that the supplier sent me (attached 2 posts up). I do have the large pipe on the right of the engine as shown in the piccie, but do not have the wiring loom cable it shows on top of it so it must be the same engine but the configuration is different. Any help from anyone????
  7. Hi Boggler Must admit that what you say makes more sense than the so called install instructions. Thanks for that and I'll have another go tonight. P.S. The only plug which I found last night which was the right size seemed to be on the side of the alternator. Thanks again
  8. A bit of further info. Here is a copy of the fitting instructions sent to me and i have attatched it as a word doc. Please can someone put me straight (or tell me I've been done). Thanks PD Engine fittina instructions -transverse aDDlications. TRANSVERSE ENGINE The top cover will vary from manufacturer -but the unit below is the same. The top cover may need unscrewing via 6mm nuts under clip on covers, or may just pull off, golf/bora. Under the plastic cover, there I s some insulating foam -this can be lifted away, to reveal the engine. A finger in the photo indicates the wiring connection to the fuel temperature sensor -this is the connector that you need to unplug. PICTURE ATTATCHED There.s a tricky little catch that needs to be released -have a look at how it works on the connectors on your tuning box. Remove the loom connector from the temp. sensor Plug the male end of the tuning box into the removed connector- ensuring that it 'clicks' fully home and locks -it shouldn't pull apart without releasing the retaining clip again -test it. Connect the female end of the tuning box back to the temp. sensor as above, ensuring that it is fully locked into place. The connectors can be tricky to close -the weather seals make them a bit stiff. NB -if the connectors do not connect fully -there will be no noticeable performance gain. Fully connected tuning box -refit the insulation and top cover -road test. If there is no noticeable improvement in performance then the connectors are not fully plugged together -recheck connections. No adjustments, setting up or running in required. Removal is a reverse of the installation procedure. engine4.pdf
  9. Sorry Ivor, excuse my ignorance, but I am not sure what you mean. I'm just quoting from the fitting instructions.
  10. Right then guys, next silly question coming up. I have received the tuning module and the instructions say it has to be connected to the fuel temperature sensor and also shows a picture of where this is. I CANT find it. The picture shows it on the right of the engine as you look at it and the connector itself has two pins\plug. Any help would be great. Thanks
  11. Now I've gone and done it!!!! I have bought one from Ebay and will fit in the next couple of days. I'll post on here how I get on and whether I think its worth it. Its so easy to fit and that means eay to take off as well if needed (must remember to remove when service is due).
  12. Doesn't that tell you alot about Volkswagen (I'm assuming it was a VW garage as it was a Sharan) that the sales manager is driving a Ford around.
  13. ""but it seems a nonsensical system"" I know what you mean but I wouldn't argue or worry about because as I said earlier in thr thread, I am now on my 2nd pre-reg and have saved thousands doing so. I would never buy new again whilst pre-reg's are around.
  14. The only other question I have is, if these are so good, why don't the manufacturers fit them in the first place ???????
  15. Saw this on Ebay. Does anyone know if it actually does what it says on the tin or am I likely to do a lot of damage using it? THIS AUCTION IS FOR A pD TUNING MODULE! IT WILL ONLY WORK ON PD ENGINES! REDi Tuning Module Do you own a VW, AUDI, SEAT, SKODA or FORD GALAXY TDi? You could get upto 25% more power and 30% more torque by simply plugging in a REDi pD tuning module. After installation you can enjoy faster acceleration, a higher top speed and a huge increase in Torque. The result is a much more enjoyable drive with an almost effortless feel when accelerating. The need to rev the engine is much less due to the massive increase in Torque lower down in the rev range. This increase in Torque allows a much more relaxed driving style to be adopted and in the vast majority of cases an improvement in MPG is actually achieved! (this is usually only seen after the novelty factor has worn off ie. normal everyday driving
  16. I also noticed that you mentioned pre reg Galaxy's. I am now on my second pre reg deisel bought from Motors Coalville. I had a round trip to pick it up of about 200 miles but saved about
  17. God, my keyboard skills have gone downhill fast
  18. Thanks for that Andy. Trouble is , been on the wndersite, and can't seem to get a service price at all. The only list i can select is all to do with erepairs. Maybe they've got wise and taken general serving off so they can up the price or it could be I do need to register. Ca't find where to do that either on there. Typical bloody fraud.
  19. Andy. What is the link to their booking service as I live really close and chances are I will use them as instead of my local Polar Fraud.
  20. DOH !!! Checked last night as I couldn't remember what the remote looked like. No number keypad on the remote so it looks like back to the search.
  21. Can i ask what the US website was where you found the info as every time I search, I can't find any. Thanks
  22. I get the same in Stevenage and I suspect for the same reason.
  23. Hi Andy. Is it the factory fitted Visteon unit? I cut and copy a lot of DVD's and they all play on that unit. The other problem could be the make of disks you use as there are a lot of compatibillity problems with some make of disks and certain players. The disks I use are Ritek and they are +R's. Hope that helps
  24. Is this the DVD unit that is fiited in Galaxy's now as I have been after a code since I got mine last year.
  25. I'm suprised Nimrod hasn't been on this thread yet as he very much for the nasty LPG stuff against the cheap , ulta smooth running disels (with great re-sale values and great drivers I may add ) that are now out there. ;) :D :D
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