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Everything posted by dipsomaniac

  1. thanks for the replies i think i have averted the problems for now as it looks like it was the thermostat housing (split along bolt hole) that was causing the leak. The hose will be the next thing to go as i have replaced all others + housing (twice). i will keep an eye on ebay for a new/newer replacement. learned again how much of a rip off dealers are. VW wanted £8.20 for a thermostat housing gasket. I got the whole housing + gasket for £10.50 online. they also wanted £3.70 each for the housing bolts which i got for nothing at a fixings company, bloke said it wasn't worth firing up the computer for 3 bolts.
  2. 1997 Galaxy Mk1 2.8 V6 GhiaX Auto I need to replace a coolant hose. it appears to be 1 x hose that goes to top of rad > thermostat housing > autobox > theromostat housing > bottom of rad > expansion tank. I think the part no is 7M0121049S. I have tried ford and VW but neither support my car any longer. The best I can do is VW Heritage parts who say they can get the hose from Germany but will take 4 weeks and is £153. I have tried forge motorsport who make silicone hoses but they said that it would cost £500 to set up a machine to make the hose. Anyone any other ideas?
  3. one of the 3 sensors is leaking on front of engine. has anyone got the part numbers and descriptions for the 3 sensors?
  4. glad you got it sorted. that was a bad decision by your mechanic. could have cost you £2k for a gearbox refurb or a scrapped car
  5. almost certainly caused by wrong atf level. don't understand why mechanic had trouble sealing box. did he use new washers? he should have checked level again after the leak. if it is the same as mk1 box you just need to remove auto level screw from drain plug when box is at the correct temp. if atf flows out it has too much fluid. if it doesn't run out you need to top up until it starts running out of the drain plug
  6. not sure if torque works on all vehicles. i have torque pro on phone and vag com (free version) on netbook. vag com showing 3 fault codes on my mk1 v6 but torque pro not showing any.
  7. having read up some more on this it appears that it is normal for fans to run on for a short time in certain circumstances. my car has been doing it for the 11 years i have owned it
  8. don't know what engine the op has but my v6 temp gauge will go over the norm when in traffic, fans cut in to bring temp down to norm. this is when fans will run on for a min. or so when engine switched off
  9. if fans are running when i stop the engine my fans have always run on. i always thought it was normal as i have noticed it happening on other cars so will be interested to hear any different
  10. mine went at 135K and cost
  11. stripped the intake side down and replaced vacuum hose. idling just over 800 rpm now.
  12. cheers seatkid. have replaced the concertina hose (big hole) running between top of engine and inlet manifold. will look at others again.
  13. can anyone offer any advice for this intermittent problem.
  14. had an interesting conversation with a 30+ years experienced auto electrictian about mafs. he said that he would never fit an aftermarket/reconditioned maf as in his experience they rarely work. he would only use main dealer. but when you are looking at
  15. bypassed my matrix about 5 years ago. might get around to taking the dash out one day. if it wasn't for heated screen and seats i would struggle in winter. not surprised you struggled to find someone to do it as i think it is a nightmare job to do first time. i was quoted £500 from an indie garage five years ago.
  16. now you have confused me andy. i thought all cars from 1996 were obd2. i can connect with the torque app and see live data (no fault codes) but can't connect with obd car doctor app. anyone else experimenting with these apps?
  17. yep. early days for these apps. will try obd car doctor app next, at least its free so nothing to lose
  18. not showing any fault codes on torque app on my samsung galaxy note yet vcds lite showing 6 fault codes when i connect to my notebook via cable
  19. anyone tried this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bluetooth-Diagnostic-Scanner-Engine-READER/dp/B004KL0I9I you can communicate via mobile app. torque https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.prowl.torquefree&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsIm9yZy5wcm93bC50b3JxdWVmcmVlIl0. don't know if a serious alternative to vcds lite
  20. cheers cyborg. i replaced the coil pack 7 years ago so may need to replace again. car is driving ok at the moment but i have bought new vacuum hoses and intend to replace all when i replace the top coolant hose (ford are saying that they can't supply the top hose as it is now unsupported and vw are quoting 3 weeks) so all good fun.
  21. no i haven't smudger. didn't think cleaning was an option as can replace for around £80 at gsf
  22. have an intermittant problem where car is running lumpy at low revs. have recently had a new middle section and silencer fitted and don't know if they disturbed sensors. have taken the car back and asked them to check and they said all was ok. have 3 fault codes: 00525 oxygen sensor g39 27-00 implausible signal 00561 mixture adaptation limit exceeded 00553 maf g70 31-10 open or short to ground intermittent maf code might not be valid as i can't remember if i cleared codes since i temporarily disconnected the maf
  23. if you have a sun roof the drain pipe has probably become detached
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