At the weekend I took a trip from London upto Nottingham. For the first time since owning my x plate 2000 galaxy 1.9tdi I decided to try out the cruise control, all worked well but after the use of the cruise I noticed that as I got upto 85mph there was a drop in power and when pushing down on the excelerater the turbo was not cutting in. It was only after stopping and turning off the engine and then restarting it that the turbo was working again and so I tried the same thing yet again no turbo and no power, stopped again and then restarted this time making sure the switch for the cruise control was switched off didnt get the problem back. Could this have due to the cruise control or could it be something I need to get checked out as it hasnt happened since. Sorry for long message hope someone outthere can give me an answer. Regards Swifty