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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Saif Rehman

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Everything posted by Saif Rehman

  1. Kev, according to Parkers Guide the difference in mpg for the 115bhp and 130bhp is only 1 mpg.
  2. Thank you Mum, it certainly does.
  3. P.S. I want to know why i have the 'warn 0%' in my profile: Group: Members Posts: 6 Joined: 01/09/2007 From: Kirkcaldy, Fife. Scotland Member No.: 11,072 Region:Scotland Warn: (0%) Is this for bad people - 3 strikes and you are out?? I haven't seen anyone else with this.
  4. Yeah.. they will be interested but guess who will have to pay for it!!!
  5. :o Absolutley brilliant ideas, i was fed up and sick to my back teeth with junk mail and dodgy telephone calls from the UK and abroad offering me services that i did not want or was interested with. Well anyway, i'll tell you about a particular instance that happened to me a while back - my wife inadvertently sent of for a brochure to a well known company for windows. A few weeks later we started getting phone calls, stating they they had a 'special offer' on and would i be interested in getting windows fitted, to which we replied no. Well, anyway, this went on and on and on for umpteen weeks, each time they came down in price. One day, after a hard day at work, the phone rang again from the same company, so i decided enough was enough. I told them i was interested in a conservatory rather than windows and we were in the market for one sooner rather than later, you could tell immediately by the tone of the mans voice that he thought he was in line for a hugh commission. Within half an hour, the salesman phones to arrange a visit which was suitable for me but not for him as he had to travel 60 miles to see me, i told him that this was the day only available for me to which he agreed. The day came and up draws a Mondeo with a saleman clutching a briefcase and papers, trundles up the path and knocks on the door, ahh, wait for it, he knocks on the neighbours draw who i presume points the salesman to the right door. At the same time i opens my door to see a man with a face with a colour of a beetroot and no doubt cursing under his breath to realise that he had been done :o - As i live on the second floor, so no use for a conservatory! I burst out laughing whilst telling him that he now knows what it feels like when you keep getting harrassed for something you don't want. Obviously, after this incident i never ever got a call from them. :o I also joined the telephone preference service where you can add your telephone numbers to stop unwanted calls. I believe there is also one for mail Anyway, i'm definitely going to do what BJ suggested.
  6. I had mine changed 2 days ago. There is one sensor on each axle - the front one is on the passenger side and the rear one is on the drivers side.
  7. Well, it does certainly feel a welcoming place! Need to get a notepad, squiggle down some names and add a note next to each one just to remind me who to watch out for!!! I look forward to having a great, educational and helpful time here. P.S. A little tired after the 600 mile round trip today, but the Galaxy went without any problems, bar the small increase in fuel consumption due to having a box on the roof.
  8. Hiya, Thanks, i have been reading quite a few posts now for the past few days and nights and there are a couple a members (who will remain anonymous!) that i will probably need to watch out for..... but they all seem so friendly in offering good valuable advice. Ta ta for now, early rise in the morning... off on a 600 mile round trip in the Gal.
  9. Hi Guys, I am so glad i have found this forum whilst browsing the net. I'm sure i will find most of my queries answered here. Well anyway, i have had to purchase a MPV this January 2007 as my wife gave birth to a beautiful little girl making a grand total of 4 kids, so our two cars had to go to make room for the Galaxy which i purchased (wait for it..............) of fleabay! I had been looking for a MPV for about 3 months, everything from a Zafira, Sedona, Alhambra etc etc. Then took a heart stopping moment and pressed the 'But-it-now' button on ebay even though the car was in High Wycombe (350 miles away!!). Booked a cheap plane ticket to London, guy picked me up, drove for an hour and half back to his place, test drove the vehicle, checked paperwork, paid the guy and drove all the way back home without even the slightest hiccup - phew! - was i relieved. The car in question was a Ford Galaxy Mark II 1.9TDi Zetec with one owner from new, full detailed service history and in immaculate condition. So far, after adding a further 10000 miles and 8 months ownership, the car is absotuley fantastic with only the consumbles needing changed. (I'll tell you the story with brakes later in another post.) I'm planning to keep this one for a few years then change it to the last of the Mark II's (hopefully a Ghia with 130bhp) as i'm not too keen on the latest Mark III's. So, overall, i'm chuffed with the gal and i look forward to making some friend here. Regards Saif
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