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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Saif Rehman

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Everything posted by Saif Rehman

  1. I would have my old car back any day - a Vauxhall Calibra 4X4 Turbo in Glacier White. A car that was in a class of its own, a low drag factor, 204 bhp, leather interior, 6spd close ratio gearbox and the awesome 4X4 that was so good even with bold tyres, in the wet it still stuck to the road like glue. The only thing that let it down for some reason was the porous cylinder head which i spent a hugh amount trying to get it fixed. At that time, plonkers use to transplant this engine into tiny cars like the Nova with no upgrading of suspension or brakes, you can guess what happened!
  2. Depends when it was first registered i.e after 1st September 2004 (3 yrs) and plus the mileage is too high still to be covered. Surely not for a car of this age and relatively low mileage.
  3. Apparently it's the most of the east coast and with the high tide at around 7am tomorrow morning coupled with the high winds, its all getting pushed along towards that area (estimated to be around 3m high by the time it hits the British Coast). And the Thames Barrier is being used. It's been on the national news saying that this was a 'biggie'.
  4. Well when i was in the service, vehicles were kept for a minimum of 6 years and not once had i came across a vehicle that had to have its engine changed and believe me, anything that was needing done got done. Understandably things have changed since then, now they are not tied down in buying 'British Made' as was back then and its all money-orientated nowadays.
  5. To all those in the affected areas.....................Take Care and Good Luck.
  6. Up here in Sunny Scotland away from all the weather warnings :P .........at the moment unleaded at 96.9p and diesel at 98.9p (ASDA) using your ASDA credit card takes 2p off per litre.
  7. Go on, i dare you................. :P
  8. Exactly, at least the vehicles in the emergency services are serviced and maintained regardless of cost.....just imagine, a police car on a pursuit but has to back down because the exhaust fell off due to rust or the car kept on pulling to the left on heavy breaking (like some cases here on this forum!) Or the ambulance that couldn't respond to an emergency call because it kept cutting out. Now, you will be wondering after reading the next few lines and saying 'Christ, has this person not done any kind of job' Well, amongst my various job, i was a qualified ambulance paramedic for 7 years and i can vouch that the vehicles were kept to a meticulous and stringent schedule and we had the powers to put 'VOR - vehicle of-road' for whatever reason no matter how small or petty the reason being and not get questioned 'why' after.... and get it back fixed using genuine parts. Oh by the way, i wouldn't say they were 'thrashed' but driven to 'optimum perfomance - both vehicle and driver'.
  9. Since you work at a police station then you should also know that their vehicles are maintained to a very high standard exceeding the manufacturers maintenance schedule and normally all documentation accompany the vehicle when sold................................and i would not hesitate in buying one if it was relatively cheap.
  10. Yes, well we did when i worked at BMW, but saying that we were getting decent cars (About 3-5 year old) in as p/ex as apposed to bangers!
  11. From my past experience as a BMW sales executive, the agreed price to which both dealer and buyer would have signed is legally binding unless it is stipulated in the terms & conditions about price increase - if nothing about future price increases then the initial signed contract stands. So to all those who are in this position, i say one thing, 'Do not pay anything more than agreed/initial price as per signed contract.'
  12. Tiny, i did ask the following question: Reply from him/her: So, he avoided the question i asked him about the service history. Bidding now sitting at
  13. For a few quid more and for total piece of mind, i would recommend the Internet Suite from this site as the prices are very reasonable or the other way will be to download the trial version from Kaspersky's website then once that is about to expire get a key from the likes of this and all sorted! And to confirm what MadBaz says that it will not work by having 2 or more anti-virus software programs running - you need to completely remove the old one before downloading a new software. (If you don't like it you can always go back to AVG FOC)
  14. Seems to be a UK car as i sent him a message enquiring about the description in the listing - he confirmed it was a UK car and has ammended by adding a note at the bottom of the ad. P.S. Anyone got any spare cash they can lend me???
  15. I have a well-known computer magazine some place that ran a full experiment with all the major anti-virus software manufacturers. And as i thought, Nortons was one of them that came at the bottom of the pile - it was even beaten buy a free program (AVG) in detection rates of viruses. But to be honest i cannot remember what version Nortons was, i will need to dig up that magazine and check.
  16. Here, here!
  17. Very nice looking car - love the interior, better than the standard boring one colour set-up. It is listed as a 'Ghia Special Editon' model but i have never seen, heard or read about any special editions unless other members here have. Kev -
  18. This is the link you are thinking about.
  19. Congratulations on fixing the computer, however, i do not recommend Nortons as a anti-virus software (it hogs up to much of computers memory) I would recommend Kaspersky Internet Suite which includes a firewall, anti-banner, anti-phishing, anti-dialler, anti-spy and pop-up blocker and alongside this i would have Spybot.
  20. Excellent news! :ph34r: Never take 'no' or 'we can't find out what the problem is' as a answer. As a person who has had a variety of jobs including a car salesman, i have dealt with people all my working life and it pays dividends for the consumer to be a little bit more assertive in getting things done right.
  21. Recent negative feedbacks, sky high prices - do what BigKev says and see what he comes back with and if he agrees then COD (Cash on delivery, no payment up-front) With regards to the doors fitting from a Mark 1 to a Mark 2, i once heard that the doors were identical, only front-end and rear-end of the Galaxys were 'facelifted' but please do not take my word for it.
  22. I don't know if this will help but give it a try anyway - sometimes on a CD player there is a small pinhole, stick a thin (but strong enough) needle through and hopefully this will eject the cartridge. I'm sure there was a post similar to this problem - try the 'search' function and see what comes up.
  23. Ok, since i worked at PC World i will try to help the best i can - Can you tell me what anti-virus software you are running? along with any other spyware and firewall programs? Sytem restore will not work as the virus may have affected/embedded itself in the computers registry - the only thing that will work for sure is by doing a complete reformat using the computers original restore disk's, however, you will lose all work/settings saved on the computer. Thanks
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