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behind is better than in front i think when i get crabby and short tempered.LOL.I aim to go cold turkey as is cheaper and im on a very tight budget now im moving into civvy street.Plus my other incentive is to save up enough for another gal..i reckon will only take me 2 years. ;)
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  mumof4 said:
behind is better than in front i think :D



;) :) :( ;)




Its a complete b*******d trying to give up, missus has just launched hair dryer at me, and it's only been 12 hours.


im ready to kill.......very bad withdrawl symptoms, and im really getting narked, short tempered, angry about the slightest thing, bawling, this is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus, why the flippin hell did i start smoking in the first place??????? i tell you what.....if my ex was in front of me right now, he would be launched through the air....i really miss my galaxy, and that bloody daft and stupid thing is, is that she would of been paid off in less than 2 weeks if that useless pea brained idiotic numtyp hadnt of done what he did.he really is a prat.


patience? what is that?? as i aint got any right now.

my kids hate me, the dog backs away from me, i hate me, cant stop bawling, im angry, short tempered, pissed off my friends as my mouth kinda ran away with me today.I cant think straight, heads a mess.i fookin hate feeling like this.

Even tho i had the patches my head got in a mess a bit. You just have to keep saying that things get better and tomorrow is a new day. I'm sure anyone that you may have affended will understand. I do. Remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel and it's not in a fag packet !!!!! Keep going.




I love smoking it makes me feel good. When I smoked i never had BL**** MOOD SWINGS shouted or felt like putting someones eye out with the cig they are smoking.


Apart from that everything is going fine and all is good in my world.



Andy B


homicidal maniac

  mumof4 said:
my kids hate me, the dog backs away from me, i hate me, cant stop bawling, im angry, short tempered, pissed off my friends as my mouth kinda ran away with me today.I cant think straight, heads a mess.i fookin hate feeling like this.


why not try a nicontinell lozenge? might just ease the grumpiness but then again you are a woman ....... :D

aint i glad i dont bloody smoke... but there again i dont need to smoke to get short tempered and angry around here bloody traffic is awful enough to put anyone in a bad mood
  mumof4 said:
Thanks steve,how long will i feel like this for? im not useing patches.its flamin awful.I cant use the gum as they are mint and im allergic to it.


original lozenges are not mint

  NikpV said:
  mumof4 said:
Thanks steve,how long will i feel like this for? im not useing patches.its flamin awful.I cant use the gum as they are mint and im allergic to it.


original lozenges are not mint



I will have a look tomorrow.thanks nik.Let me know how you getting on.

  mumof4 said:
Thanks steve,how long will i feel like this for? im not useing patches.its flamin awful.I cant use the gum as they are mint and im allergic to it.


The first few days tend to be the worse. Remember you are doing this for yourself and your kids. You will feel frustrated, short tempered but very soon you will feel so much better. Food will taste better, you will begin to realise that your clothes don't smell of smoke (no affence intended to smokers reading this) and above all else your kids will be proud of you for giving it a real go !


Support is here if you require it.


Well done so far !






Thanks steve, i got real bad the other night, ive never cried so much in my life!! yesterday i felt a lot better, this morn i was ok till all hell broke loose with the kids, my patience is very low with them at the mo and i had to walk out of the house.i nipped to the garage and bought ten fags, had one and felt so sick and dizzy i threw them away.The craving is still there though and i know that it will get better.the kids are being understanding, they know its hard for me, as i explained to them its like them having to give up sweets, or crisps!


Thanks for the support, hopefully i am over the worst, but who knows??


Head is still a mess though!!


i tried a few years ago to give up,i went to the doc and he gave me ziaban,i found after a few weeks when ever i wanted a ciggie if i picked up an ash tray and inhaled the stench it used to make me feel sick,CRAVING SOON STOPPED lol.

i lasted 7-8 weeks then a few probs occurred and started again and have been smoking ever since one day i will manage it(hopefully).


big mistake maz buying and having one(imo)put you back to square 1.


keep it up,im sure youll feel better in a few days.

  gregers said:
i tried a few years ago to give up,i went to the doc and he gave me ziaban,i found after a few weeks when ever i wanted a ciggie if i picked up an ash tray and inhaled the stench it used to make me feel sick,CRAVING SOON STOPPED lol.

i lasted 7-8 weeks then a few probs occurred and started again and have been smoking ever since one day i will manage it(hopefully).


big mistake maz buying and having one(imo)put you back to square 1.


keep it up,im sure youll feel better in a few days.


Well gregers i hope you manage to give up someday. When the time is right im sure you will give it a go. I have never had a fag since the day i gave up. There was six of us gave up and i was the only one to stay off. It's easy to buy more fags but like gregers says when you pick up an ashtray and notice the smell :wacko: I remember the fist fag of the day and how that use to make me feel dizzy. I do miss a fag to a degree (no where near enough to make me start again) and remember having one after a meal. I haven't become an total anti-smoker where i think everyone should give up. I also don't mind people smoking around me or even in my house i just know how hard it would be for them to give up and i am just gratefull for the fact i have managed it. I'm glad you threw them away and only smoked one but like gregers has said it is like going back to square 1. I was told also that going to the gym would be good because it's a good way of taking your mind off things and also controls any weight that could be put on. I went for a bit and found that it helped a little and helped me to take the edge off things.


Good Luck Maz Keep Going !

get some lozenges - that way you can concentrate on breaking the actual smoking habit and separate it from the nicotine part - worked for me
I tried the lozenges but it made my throat feel like it was closing up and I paniced cos I couldn't breathe. That was in january. Then tried the patches and they make me come out in a rash. So very naughty me is still smoking. I will have to try again.... make up my mind on a date then go cold turkey. God help all those who are near me. Good on anyone who can beat the damned things.
  mumof4 said:
I think we need a smokers corner :angry2: as yes, im still smoking, weaning off gradually as my asthma doesnt like it when i try and stop!


apparently when you stop smoking the tar which stops the little hairs from standing up straight eventually is removed and you become very sensitive to air flowing over them and that makes you cough - I wonder what mechanism makes your asthma worse - you would have thought that the constrictions in the alveoli would be lessof a problem without the tar - maybe the lack of nicotine means the airways constrict more ??


I wish i knew.Ive been trying to find info on it on the net.On another forum i am a member of, a guy suffers from hay fever, and when he stopped it went haywire, but smoking de sensatised him a bit to it.



there has got to be something in it that is keeping my asthma at bay, the way i inhale? the way i breath? i dont know.All i know, is that when i stop, my asthma kicks in, i would wake in the morning having difficulty breathing, Whether it is psycological, or a physiology thing, who knows?.But im trying to find out.

  mumof4 said:
I wish i knew.Ive been trying to find info on it on the net.On another forum i am a member of, a guy suffers from hay fever, and when he stopped it went haywire, but smoking de sensatised him a bit to it.



there has got to be something in it that is keeping my asthma at bay, the way i inhale? the way i breath? i dont know.All i know, is that when i stop, my asthma kicks in, i would wake in the morning having difficulty breathing, Whether it is psycological, or a physiology thing, who knows?.But im trying to find out.


Maybe your body senses a change so it doesnt like it and reacts to it. It will take a while for you to get use to the fact that you are not smoking. You might have to take your inhaler more ? Consult your doctor and see what he thinks.

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