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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by CM2007

  1. I have checked the FAQ's and used the programming procedure to try and get my remote to work. It won't, I think it may have had a new control unit which has not ben programmed. Not overly fussed about it but someone must have an idea about my other issues? Mike
  2. The aircon on mine is break proof, never to go wrong, COZ I AIN'T NOT NONE!! I did find that a little strange as mine is a Ghia? But less to go wrong I guess! Mike
  3. I have had the key apart and there is a little circuit board in there and the little infa-red transmitter. Nothing seems to be out of place. I'll have a search on keys. THanks for that. Any ideas on the other issues guys n gals? Mike
  4. Hi Guys, hopefully some nice helpful members will be able to help me with a couple issues I want to get sorted with my gal. 1. I have a bad leak on the auto box. It's on the side plate on the right side of the gearbox (as you look from the front) I can see the plate is badly rusted and when I prodded it today, a few drips of oil came out. Does anyone know how easy this plate comes off so I can replace it and the gasket? As there seems to be only about an inch gap, I assume the engine may have to be dropped out? 2. I have two keys for the gal. One is a remote key and fits all the doors but not the ignition. The ignition key looks much newer and is a standard key with just a flat plasic fob. The remote fob does not actuate the central locking. I have tried new batteries and the light on the fob blinks when I press the buttons but nothing happens. Is there a reset procedure for this so I re-activate the fob so it works? 3. The temperature guage fluctuates. It often goes into the red when I first start from cold then drops to cold as it warm up lol! I can only imagine it would be the temp sender. Any ideas where I can find it? Many thanks in advance. Mike
  5. Oops, didn't realise it was manual! Oh well, the mind boggles! I know on the e34 shape 5 series BMW's they are renowned for having sensitive front suspension. Being multi link there are many ball joints and bushes that can be at fault as well as tyres going off balance, being out of round or poorly inflated and then there's warped brake discs etc... Not too familier with the Galaxy yet as It's only a few days old to me but I'll be doing a bit on mine over the coming weeks so will learn pretty quick! I'll be very interested to hear what it was. Mike
  6. I work in a commercial vehicle main dealer and so 99% are diesels. Only in the cold of winter do glow plugs really need to be used. To be honest, glow plugs really are for much colder countries. Even in a fairly cold winter (for the UK) say about -8 , the engine should still fire after a few turns as the compression temperature is usually enough to start the engine. Mike
  7. A sqealing could be the belt slipping or if it's more of a groan, it could be air getting into the power steering system. Does it happen while driving too, is there any times it's worse or even goes? Mike
  8. Hate to say it chum but I have heard of this once or twice on auto's and it sounds like it could be the gearbox. I hope for your sake it's not but prepare yourself. Mike
  9. Now you tell me! lol I checked my oil tonight after having just bought the thing and found it to be VERY low. I'm not too worried as there was still oil on the oil cap but very little on the dipstick. I topped her up with 5w40 but as it appears I have an oil leak from the sump, I better keep a close eye on it. I didn't even realise the computer tells you these things! Cheers Mike
  10. If I'm being honest, this is only my second ever Ford in 10 years of driving and the only one I've ever had actually on the road! I hope I'll not be hated for this but if I'm going to be on here, I'll be honest from the start. I am a BMW man to the core. Not that I have anything against any other cars, It's just I bought my first beemer about 7 years ago and I have spent less on keeping the 3 I've had than the
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