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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by tdi90

  1. I had same problem on my 99 Gal TDi. Turned out the clutch slave was faulty. Not loosing loads of fluid, but seals starting to leak. Get it checked over and if it does need doing, get the clutch changed while its stripped down for slave to be changed. It was
  2. Sorted! un installed the lot (for the 5th time), re installed, then it all started working. No problems as such (bar maf which dealers gonna change), but warranty is due to run out in March, so wanna make sure i can check f/codes and get it back to the dealer for repair :wub:
  3. I brought a cheapy cable off ebay and am having loads of problems getting the thing to work :wub: running vista on me laptop, and am thinking that vista could be the problem. I'm running vagcom 409.1 in xp sp2 mode, but it wont connect to the car. Just keeps coming up with 'no response from controller' when trying to scan. The lead is in port 3 of the lappy, and using port 3 on vagcom. It states theres a lead there, but does'nt confirm that the lappy is connected to the car. Does any one have any hints and tips for me to get it working? (pretty please?)
  4. I had the same syptoms on my 99 TDi, which turned out to be fuel pump foooooked. quick test; leave engine running for a few minutes, switch off, clamp the fuel supply and fuel return hoses to the fuel pump. Leave for a few hours or over night, then try to start the car. If it starts fine then the fuel pump is at fault (non return valve knackered)
  5. Our gauge on the TDi90 never gets past 'N', even when towing our caravan. Flush and re fill the system and make sure to bleed it properly.
  6. I take that as it's cack then :rolleyes:
  7. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FORD-GALAXY-Diagnose...1QQcmdZViewItem just wondered if this would do for checking and clearing fault codes? Any good or a load of cack?
  8. Ours didnt work when we picked it up from the dealer. It turned out to be a pipe off on the washer bottle under the bonnet.
  9. :ph34r: Our 1999 TDi 90 galaxy does 540 miles to a full tank of derv. Ya must be running it in 2nd gear and no throttle everywhere B) .
  10. I dont use redex, but my garage where I have always taken our cars has a super duper injecter cleaner (cant remember the name of it). It's trade only, and I stick it in every 6 months. The galaxy had it's first dose when we brought it the other month, and it did make a difference to the smoke output, fuel consumption and its just felt smoother to drive pottering through town. It say's on the bottle that it increase's power. If it does, it's only a tiny amount and not really noticable.
  11. Had to get the centre pipe and back box replaced today (
  12. Try eBay or a local breaker.
  13. Our Gal had the same thing when we picked it up. Airbag light on all the time. Turned out to be the clock spring and was fixed under warrenty.
  14. Not tried ultimate diesel in the Gal, but always used to use it in the Di vectra we had before. No difference in mileage but power was improved. The diesel from our local super market petrol station (starts with a T) is proper crap and I avoid it like the plauge!
  15. Ours just clip off. I found with a good whack they come straight off (and no, I`m not very mechanically minded) :rolleyes:
  16. Only just spotted this topic :rolleyes: We brought a 99 Galaxy TDi 90 about 5 weeks ago. The aircon wasnt working on the test drive, so dealer was gonna fix it before collection. He didnt and kept giving lame excuses for not booking it in and sorting. I kept pestering him to get it in, which he did yestereday. :lol: :lol: It needs the aircon unit replacing, and some bits of pipework, + 2 days labour for all the work! No wonder he kept trying to avoid it :P
  17. What stereo are you trying to fit, std or after market? If its a standard jobbie, there must be a fault in wiring somewhere along the line. Test the connector with a multi meter to see if you can find a perminant live. If its aftermarket stereo, most have bullit connectors on the power supply wires so that you can move them from switchable live to perminant live depending on car wiring. If not I`d chop the wires and add some connectors, it`ll be easier than routing a new cable :lol:
  18. I wouldnt worry too much, as long as you dont start getting into the `L` and near the red. If so, give the cooling system a flush through and make sure its bleed properly. Our TDi only gets to `N` whilst solo and maybe `O - R` when towing the caravan and giving it some stick :)
  19. I used sticky back cable tie holders where possible, then cable tied the wires to existing cables where possible so as not to leave wires dangling everywhere.
  20. There are always seats for sale on ebay.
  21. We were told (for a vectra with a chain) that as soon as you hear sumint rattling, get it in and changed quick!
  22. Have to admit, the Gal does sound like a tank after the diesel vectra before!
  23. We never noticed any noise change either, which is why I didnt check the exhaust first :lol:
  24. How stupid do I feel :lol: Jacked the Gal up, looked underneath and what did I see???? an exhaust back box swaying in the breeze! It had rusted through where it meets the centre pipe. 2 hours of bodging has got it all back together and sealed air tight. That`ll last til next payday :D The underneath of the car is pure black soot, so it looks as though thats where the fumes were coming from. Panic over. I only just put a tuning module on it cos I thought it was a tad slow pulling the caravan. Now the exhaust is sealed and connected it goes like a rocket :D
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