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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

big matt

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Everything posted by big matt

  1. dumb arse attempt to stop the spam and post whores nonsense replies ;) ok thanks for the info. But i find it strange that i was allowed to post last week and now i'm not! surley new rules should only apply to new members after the new rule began. looks like i'llhave to go out and start replying to some posts then. is there a rule under which topics count to gain my 30 posts
  2. Whats going on i joined last week and have posted some questions and answers!!!! try to post some thing tonight and i'm now not allowed to ;) says i need authorisation which i have already been given. i dont think its very good if i've now been put under the newbee section. any one know of these new newbee rules. how long til your not a newbee. cheers Big Matt
  3. how long are you a trainee member for? when does this start from? :rolleyes:
  4. Still not missing :rolleyes: so it looks like it was just some dirt got through the filter! which is changed now. it took me around 1,1/2 hours to do mine in total but must say i'm a compitant mechanic, this might be the case with other cars with the same symtoms but i would say its worth a go. BUT as you all say i can't be held reponsable for any damaged etc caused.
  5. Thanks MJR thought i best ask on here as i've not long joined and you all seem togive good sound advise. I thought it was too cheap to be any good! I think i'll give it a miss!!!! Unless there any different advice given
  6. I hope this is open to newbies? i was up at a respectable 7.30 got the usuall stuff pants sock and smellies kids loved there presents oldest (two) loves his rockin horse and remote car youngest (10 months) loves the paper and boxes why do i bother spending all that on presents so they can play with the boxes? Turkey for us at the outlaws!!!!! Happy christmas to you all. :wacko:
  7. Seen on ebay (No140066849490) has any one fitted one? or know if there any good? would there be any repercussions with fitting one? Am i going to be the first to try? :wacko: and Knacker the engine!!!!
  8. Thanks for your replies ! Yes its the pd engine! But these things need to be done to save on labour charges <_< Well the result was Hopefully the amount of s**t on No1 injector cleaned it off and also swapped it with number 2 so far so good no miss at running temp :wacko: but if it does we'll see which cylinder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Thanks i'll try and have a look at your posts but am new at this game and not to sure how to doit Well seems to be the same as your perfect for about 5 mins from cold (morning starting)then the miss comes and stays! im going to swap No1 injector with another one to see if the miss moves with the injector hence giving me hopefully either a faulty injector or an electrical problem
  10. no it wasn't that post but thanks for trying. thou there is another turn to the mis fire started it this morning to move it off the driveway and it ran fine :blink:. after 5 mins fron cold it started missing again took it back to the local garage who's computer read fault with injecor pump valve mis fire No 1 cylinder.(so its still missing on the same cylinder!)Anyone had or heard of these problems? Someone somewhere must off :lol:
  11. PLEASE PLEASE can any one help me ! Firstly i've only just found this forum and boy what a good one it seems. i have a 2001 tdi gal 115 driving home yesterday it started to misfire took it to my local garage fault code was crank sensor or pump misfire ne No1 cylinder, got home today started it, it ran fine went straight back to the garage stuck on the computer faulty dieselpump relay ? anyone any idea's? rang fraud up and they said they've never heard of it. i did see a post on here last night about a "101 relay" something to do with injector relay! but cant find it again now.
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