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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

big matt

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Everything posted by big matt

  1. that had crossed my mined, but if that was playing up wouldn't it play up all the time in different postions? not that sure how they work! (i always think of them working like a fuel sender gauge). i've tried to read the live data on the TPS but my mate snap on kit wasn't that instant although it did open and close fully but took about 5 secs to move on his screen i might price one up! it might be worth a try!!!!!!! cheers matt
  2. Hi, no, no smoke it doesn't miss or anything! all it does is it feels like your putting your foot half way down then off again, then half way down then off again as the revs are picking up, i was thinking could it be MAFF? i have a spare one albeit its off a 1.9 115 engine, anyone know if they are the same sensor the body is a different size but the actual sensor unscrews. (it does seem to lack a bit off power on initial pull off compared to the old 115)!!!!!????? cheers matt
  3. out of warrenty its over 3 years old?
  4. Hi all my 2006 tdi 140 alhambra, drives well if you give it a foot full, but when you accerate gently it hunts/surges whilst still accerating, any ideas anyone. matt
  5. Thanks, I'm running standard 16" 215 65 r16. does the sppedo pick up from tha abs sensor or is it a direct speedo cable? cheers
  6. Hi my mk1 galaxy 2.3 petrol speedo is out it reads faster than you are actually going (reads 65 at 50mph) any ideas what it could be/ what do i need to change? thanks matt
  7. wiring seems ok and no swimming pool !!!! i've been told it could be the keys are out of sync and needs setting again. does this sound feezable? cheeers matt Hi after further inspection there is no window module under the passenger seat, any ideas where it is ???? cheers Matt
  8. wiring seems ok and no swimming pool !!!! i've been told it could be the keys are out of sync and needs setting again. does this sound feezable? cheeers matt
  9. Hi All, can any one help, i've got a mk1 galaxy 2.3 petrol. when i turn the ignition off after running the engine the front windows open fully !?!?!?!?!?!?! althought when the doors are locked using the key they close again. anyone have any ideas/solutions please please please let me know as its quite embarassing and annoying. cheers big matt
  10. after another 300 miles run at the weekend, I was playing with the turbo by keeping the revs low then drop it down the box and get the revs high, for most of the way, (Reason being i thought if the revs are high it sould make the turbo vanes open more etc, probly wrong but i trid it )seems to be better but still not right. managed to get, lets say a 3 figure number from the speedo ;-)
  11. Cars been like this for about a week, it didn't just stop performing whilst driving its done it over night, before that it was fine. i've owned it for about a year its dome 130k full dealer history. I have tried to thrash it !!! but makes no difference. thou it does seem to go better one minute then when i use it again its guttless
  12. I'm lost now whats a VNT actuator movement? How do icheck it ? Its all fully serviced! Every filter replaced about a month ago. The maf i've tried was off my mates galaxy that working fine. Is there an easy way to clean the turbo vanes ? I haven't checked the vacpipes yet but will be doing later THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUGGESTIONS KEEP EM COMING!!!!!
  13. Hi all, 2002 tdi 115 alhambra, recently noticed seems very sluggish After 3000 RPM (as if the turbo is no longer there although it does eventually get to around 4000rpm any idea's (still got some ummff low range)?_ No codes present ! Swopped maf Made no difference Cheers Matt
  14. If there the one's i'm thinking of YES they are getting quite common on alot of newer car now, seem to be the same price as the bigger ones
  15. Hi all, Does anyone konw if you can put 130/150 (ASZ) injectors in a 115 (AUY) engine? Will it run? does it need adjusting? if so what? thanks Matt
  16. Hi my 52 plate alhambra was doing the same thing, until yesterday but now it just spins over but won't fire. No vag codes prsent suspect high pressure fuel pump!!!!
  17. Hi my 52 plate alhambra was doing the same thing, until yesterday but now it just spins over but won't fire. No vag codes prsent suspect high pressure fuel pump!!!!
  18. Hi all Sorry i cant find any topic to cover this! i know its me as i've seen them here before. My climate control unit flashes from turning the ignition on for about 25-30 sec any idea's iirc is it the air con wants regassing? Cheers Matt
  19. Hi foxy, you said you read a link with photos about changing the auxillary heater glow plug any chance you can put the link in here as i've looked and can't find it. and mine needs doing cheers big matt
  20. Dont hold me to this i've been told to check a clutch park on the flat handbrake on hard select 5th or 6th and try to pull away it should stall if it dont the clutch is slipping and will probably need replacing. ( i do it when they are'nt looking (on a test drive on your own if you get one))
  21. Hi i have read most of the posts about the lead! (So sorry) Which is best port or usb? and most people say there about
  22. to chill be laid back and enjoy as much time with the kids as possible. and diet, lose weight go to the gym ups there's the 1st on broken already if i go to the gym i'llnot be with the kids !!!!! any ideas ;)
  23. SIZE !!!!! ONLY 6FT BUT 6FT WIDE WITH IT ;) built like a brick S*** house as people say to me
  24. 18 and counting ;) thou will have to get typin tomorrow as i'm on the early shift in the morning back to work at 4 ;) Thanks for your help wolfie, hopefully i be able to might help you out too one day
  25. Really!!! sounds good to me !!! ;) so who actually runs the forum/site any chance of asking them the rules and regs
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