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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by NikpV

  1. ps: did you check your waer pump because if its not pumping properly it will not move any airlock around to the expansion tank
  2. can only think that there must be some air somewhere in the system - water is almost incompressible so if the water level is low but returns to normal when the cap is removed it implies that air in the sytem has been pressurised, its volume reduced and the waterreplaced it. As the pressure is relaesed the air expands and pushes the liquid back to its normal level.
  3. funny our mk2 has 2 power points in the boot !!!
  4. umm I went from Vax vms to CPM to dos 3.3 IIRC vs 4 was awful - buggy as hell 5 was better and 6 befoe starting seriously on windows 3.0 a right PITA 3.1, 3.11, 95 ... at some point I think about windows 95 - millienium (didn't have) dos disappeared up to 95 it was still there as vs 7 I think. Were you asking about MsDos or Dr Dos???
  5. it seems that it can take a few days to settle down again - how long ago did you change it ?
  6. from what we've seen on here its not good for logging faults - more often as not it doesn't. Seems a very low mileage/age for the normal MAF problem though
  7. what variant have you got ??
  8. if it shares electrics with windows then I would be looking at the wiring in the door to piller boots - breakdown of insulation here is common and could produce a short to blow the fuse (wires brak as well) costs nothing but some time to check so its worth it - click on the 'read the faq' link in my signature and look down the list there are several posts about these rubber boots. btw - welcome to the site :)
  9. well it make take care of the dirt/glass but what about the kids, headrests, buggy, kids bikes and OMG dare I say it the Mother in law - still reversing blind but the window looks cleaner :)
  10. would putting the games in the arcade in categories also save some bandwidth since it would not have to load the whole page when viewing arcade home?
  11. :rolleyes: thought we had gone into meltdown for a min .....
  12. you could probably include the regional section and mini forum on other models as sections within the second section - without too much uproar and they woulkd be reasonably appropriate there too
  13. different on a petrol I think .... :rolleyes:
  14. yes back to the original layout I think :rolleyes:
  15. ohh listening to sharp intake of breath and the sound of dave climbing into his asbestos suit :rolleyes: :lol:
  16. I have to say I agree with you bleeno - If they cant learn a little self control (or at least the ability not to be caught :lol: ) where will they get it ??
  17. had a link to this sent me sometime back I can't vouch for it but it looks like it does what you want
  18. ebay is blocked from work :P
  19. so was the one you bought a new style then ??? I could do with sorting ours out sometime ...
  20. thanks but it will not let me download download ?? not with you can you explain ta
  21. IIRC there is a issue with cracked thermostat casings with this engine but not have the v6 I dont know where it is on the car? this any good? or try a search ....
  22. as yet no but ours are young and their computer access is via a pc in full view in the dining room - will need to ponder/consider for the future ?????
  23. no not normally a password at all it kept coming up every link I clicked but it seems ok now version of FF is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0 I downloaded on to my pda through my network at home from the link on the pic site last night, transferred it with IrD this morning to my Lappy and installed it. We have a nanny company which either bans pages outright or bans on the fly using a 'weighted phrase' the link was on a banned page - BTW it also filters out your adverts between posts one and the rest :46:
  24. The problem with ours was that it didnt prove that there was a MAF fault see here When it was disconnected it ran much worse that when it was connected - so by the normal reasoning you would say it wasn't faulty. However putting a new one in made as much difference again - as you can see from the thread I only started to get the feeling it was getting sluggish at higher speed and a slight drop in MPG.
  25. she didn't but she does now - just shows that its never to late to learn eh Maz :46: Btw she does not get paid anything like the rate that she would in industry apparently :46:
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