Hmmm, so the magic of the remapping is alive and well. Anyone doing this should really consider why their engine is mapped as it is in the first place - to give good drivability, economy and emissions performance as well as good durability. If a diesel is to give more power, it can only be done by either putting more fuel in and or advancing the timing along with more boost. If you advance the timing, then the result will be more smoke and much higher cylinder pressures. High cylinder pressures will cause at best shorter engine life, at worst, crackec heads and broken con-rods. Increased fuel delivery can be done by either keeping the injector open longer or increasing the fuel pressure. The former sends the exhaust gas temp sky high, the latter knackers your fuel injectors much sooner, as well as washing the oil off the cylinder walls, causing poor starting in the future as the compression goes down. Oil gets contaminated by the blown by fuel as well. High exhaust temp will seriously shorten the turbo life expectancy. Increasing the boost pressure will require much higher turbine speeds which will also shorten the turbo's life. This is why the 90, 115, 130 and 150PS engines all have different injectors and turbochargers to each other. Add in to this that the GalSharAmbra CV joints aren't the strongest in the world, and that clutch/gearbox will also take a beating, let alone any possible legal consequences then to me, its a definate no-no.