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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Steve P

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Everything posted by Steve P

  1. Nice one chaps (and chapesses!). Haven't fixed the problem yet - but because of the info on this board I had a look in the "Ford Galaxy" folder in our home filing system. And guess what .........................there was a receipt in there from four years ago for the windscreen replacement from National Autoglass (or whatever they call themselves). And it states there is a lifetime guarantee on the work whilst ever we own the vehicle. So somebody else can fix it. RESULT :blush: . Now we will just have to see if there is any exclusions that they come up with. Thanks again folks
  2. Thanks for all the replies so far - very useful. Especially yours matt as I was going to go out and prise the top seal out :rolleyes: Do you reckon there will be any bond contacting the top seal or is the edge of the glass far enough away from the bond line that the seal is just held in place by it's grip on the edge of the screen? I'll see if we have any record from when the screen was last fitted - I'll bet it's one of those receipts that you think "I won't be needing that" and throw away. Thanks again everyone
  3. Thanks Steve, I'm hoping to be able to do something like that. Had a good look round earlier with a torch. I notice that the big wide earth strap from the windscreen comes through in the middle - wouldn't mind betting that the water is coming through there. Prised the rubber trim back along the top of the screen (to look inside the metal frame channel) - couldn't see much - will have to another look in the daytime. I think that this trim just fills the gap between the screen and the bodywork - not sure that it actually seals anything. However behind that trim there will be a line of bonding all the way round the window - this is what must be leaking. I think what I will try is filling the whole gap under the trim with silicon but only along the top of the screen. Water running off the roof is supposed to pass down the side of the screen under the rubber trim and away. I'll check the ends - didn't notice anything short - I think that the screen was fitted about 4 years ago so perhaps they fitted a new seal? Will let you know what I find out. Cheers Steve PS thanks for the reply Teresa - convinced that it is the screen at this time (unless there is hole in the roof I haven't spotted yet!)
  4. It can't be anything other than the screen because the water is dripping from the clock - located at the top centre of the screen. I know in the past we have had leaks which have been absolute sw*nes to find - yes we had the holes under the surrounds at the bottom of the screen leak (after yours truly had them off to mend the wipers !) - but there really can't be anything else. How did they check the windscreen for leaks - was it just a running hose pipe? Anyway I'm keen to know if anybody has ever fixed this themselves - I was thinking of prising the interior lining back a bit to see if I can work EXACTLy where the leak is. It doesn't look if there is much I can do from the outside.
  5. No Such luck - definitely the screen - car doesn't have a sunroof!
  6. Guess it had to happen with all this wet stuff about. Our galaxy is has started leaking from somewhere round the top of the windscreen. We know that cos water is dripping from the clock. Has anybody ever fixed this themselves or is it a case of taking it to the windscreen place to have it done? Anybody know what sort of money for a refit? Can screens be refitted or do they get broken when being taken out - leaving me with a huge bill (in which case a stray stone might just leap out in front of the car tomorrow :16: Why has it started leaking now? Screen has been replaced a few years ago but never had any problems (yes - it was RAC who I see people do not regard highly!!). Does the surround ever rust round the screen - but out sight behind the seals? There is one tiny bleb of rust just showing in the middle of the screen area - just wondering if this is a sign of something else? Cheers Steve
  7. Hi Steve, Don't know if this is the "right " answert - but our 99 GLX is exacrtly the same as yours - green indicator for side lights and blue light in the dash for main beam - and nothing else. Cheers
  8. Forget it - posted without reading page 2 of the saga - I would have been right though :wub: Cheers Steve
  9. Just browsing and spotted this thread. I clean carpets and do flood restoration for a living. Wouldn't bother with a wet n dry - most machines wouldn't suck the skin off a rice pudding - as for using dehums - fine if you be without the car for a week - and you'll need some powerful fans. Better solution (what I did with ours) - cut the wet sound proofing out with an electric carving knife from the kitchen. Let it dry out then put it back. Worked a treat!! Cheers Steve
  10. If they were genuinely any good all the manufacturers would be fitting them as an easy and cheap method of getting more mpg and better CO2/Km ratings. Cheers Steve
  11. Spooky - I had exactly the same a few weeks ago. Must be global warming :lol: :) http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=9666 Cheers Steve
  12. Our MK1 Galaxy does this. We have found a quick way round it (and a way of opening the tailgate with the engine still running ) is to lock and unlock the doors using the interior door release handle on the front doors whilst your are still in the car with the doors shut. Try that and let me know how you get on. Cheers
  13. Definitely the starter - it makes this awful noise for about one second after the engine fires up. The noise is well loud enough to wake the neighbours. We have a drive belt problem as well (LOL) which lasts much longer - 5 or 10 minutes. I'll look into that after I've fixed the starter!!!. I've found I have very little time nowdays - kids and self employed - so I gave up sourcing bits from the breakers in my youth - even the internet breakers tend not to come up with the goods too often for these beasties. Took two years to spot a rad grille on ebay for the MK1 on ebay after somebody swiped the trim off ours. Anyway - unless someone wants to disagree with soptom I think I'll get a recon starter from that chap on EBAY that does them for every make and model - about
  14. We have the infamous screeching starter on our 2.3 Mk1. It has done it intermittently for about 4 years!!! Well in the last few months it has done it probably every other time we start the car - so I guess I ought to fix it . Last time the car was in for service (at an independant) I was told to expect a bill for about
  15. Well, I'm a little wiser - I think!!!!! We have got one key - this has a battery in it and two "buttons" on it - one to lock and one to unlock the central locking. So if I were to get a plain key cut - no batteries etc - would I be able to start the car - or do I need the plastic "key type thing" as well. Thanks Steve PS What does IIRC stand for?
  16. I was under the illusion that you could only have one key matched to your galaxy at any one time - because there was some sort of rolling code. Our galaxy only came with one key nd I have never tried to get another as a result of this understanding. Reading some threads on this forumI see reference to people getting the spare key out. Can you have two keys matched to the car at once? Cheers Steve
  17. Thanks for all the help folks. Fixed it last night and didn't even have to buy the haynes!! Found a bad soldered joint inside relay 30. Resoldered it and all was back to normal. Could this sort of quality problem be the reason why relay 30 features so frequently on this forum?? Thanks again Steve
  18. I hope the Haynes will at least tell me where the relays are and which one is which? I can find the fuse box easy enough ! Cheers Steve
  19. Excellent site. Found it yesterday after our galaxy died and came surfing for info. Can anybody help? Car started first thing then died within a few seconds. Now cranks over as normal but does not fire. After cranking there is a double beep from somewhere! Having read past posts relay 30 looks a good candidate. Will be buying a haynes today to find out where relay 30 is!!!! When I turn the ignition on I don't hear anything happening - fuel pump etc - however I never noticed anything before. When I turn the ignition on now the LED flashes rapidly for about a minute. It then stops. Then flashes once. Stops. Then flashes 6 times. Does anybody know what this means - is there a list in the haynes manual or is that expecting too much?? Thanks Steve PS. Wish I'd found this site before - seized wipers, water in the footwell, aircon not cooling, fuel smells, scraped knuckes doing the pollen filter, front brake judder with new new discs - the list is endless- and these are only the ones I can remeber whilst typing this up. Cheers
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