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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by fivenecks

  1. hello everyone.... my problem is to start the day well is .... cruise control not kicking in reverse lights come on when breaking drivers door window goes back down when raised. if anyone could give me some help before i take it back to fords....just in case it is something silly. thanks in advance Fivenecks
  2. hi everyone have not tried removing the sensor , does this do any damage, or need resetting, i have tried flooring it in 2nd gear for half a mile to clear any soot etc...just does not seem to be any boost perhaps i need to do it a few times... thanks all fivenecks
  3. hi there i have read quite a few topics on losing power and still have not got a clue, mine is 1999 ghia x only done 22000 miles from new, had 3rd service and now just losing acceleration power and just stays steady......should all these problems happen so soon...are there any simple tests to do before i take it in. thanks in advance fivenecks
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