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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by fivenecks

  1. Hi all I was ready to drive off this morning in first gear and a about 10 metres the gear stick went wobbly and so had to pull back into to parking spaces and now the car is in first gear and cannot select any other gear , when it went I thought I heard a boing sound as if a cable went any ideas guys.... Thanks in advance
  2. i have noticed that a pipe has come away and i think it has come from the air filter box and has i cannot put back on i rang frauds to see if i can get another cover/ top lid they said i would have to buy a complete box for 95.00 pounds, are they easy to fit or has anyone any ideas if i could repair.they dont know what one i need have to bring car to them i explained that the hose comes out of the lid at the rear. so do not know a part no. thanks in advance
  3. thanks everyone for your help five
  4. hi all i have a set of locking wheel bolts on my galaxy and from fords with the car the key to remove them has worn inside so slips off the bolt, had tyre fitter come to replace tyres but could not get them off....will fords have a new key or set with the same pattern.....any ideas thanks in advance five
  5. hi all i have a set of locking wheel bolts on my galaxy and from fords with the car the key to remove them has worn inside so slips off the bolt, had tyre fitter come to replace tyres but could not get them off....will fords have a new key or set with the same pattern.....any ideas thanks in advance five
  6. hi galaxy ghia x 1999 1.9 tdi manual dont know engine code ....where will i find that out. thanks roy
  7. sorry what i meant was that the fuses 1 - 34 are laid across and the 51 + are vertical as usual but the card and the manual do not seem to state that the fuses for that number are what they say they are ....i.e. F34 for blower listed is not 34 as no fuse is actually wired up and the others are not the same..so i need to know what and where the fuses for the blower are as the numbers do not mactch the discription listed.....lol thanks
  8. hi all just wondering if i am going mad but the fuse box under the sterring is not laid out the same as the diagrams on the card or in the manual ,,,the fuse do not marry up to the pics....any ideas as to which fuse does what.. thanks in advance
  9. thanks will give it a go ... thanks
  10. hi all Felt like a right idiot with the nice hot weather this weekend and when driving the air con was nice and cold but the the blower on the front started to slow down then i could hear the fan on the passenger side started clicking as it slowed down to a stop....and now will not go again.....the rear blower works fine. does that mean that the blower is knackered or anything else. i also have got know idea how to get the glovebox off if i have to remove it . 'V' reg 1999 galaxy ghia x 1.9 TDi any help would be appreciated thanks five
  11. sorted finally got it open, sore arms and finger and thumb...lol
  12. sorted finally got it open, sore arms and finger and thumb...lol
  13. sorted finally got it open, sore arms and finger and thumb...lol so i have to use the key all the time as the solinoid is not working....i was told to ask if there is a fuse for it either in the fuse box or in line...does this mean that the solinoid has gone and can this be replaced or should i get another whole catch.. thankyou everyone
  14. did make the claim after the work was done and only got paid for the motor and not the linkage and also only a certain part of the labour cost as they have a set limit of labour cost that they pay. but other wise well worth it.
  15. good tip got as far as 10.00 and 2.00 o clock with key cannot get it any further, did pull the remote apart trying....got as far as locking and unlocking the rest of the car etcccc but not the boot so will keep trying to get it to 9.00 o'clock to open.. thanks
  16. thanks will give it a go...did try with screwdriver to move lock inside when i eventually got everything out of the boot but no joy....will let you know.
  17. thanks will give it a go...did try with screwdriver to move lock inside when i eventually got everything out of the boot but no joy....will let you know.
  18. hi all please can someone help me with my boot, closed it this morning and now cannot open it.tried keep pressing the key and the central locking seems to open and close all the other doors but not the boot also if i put the key in it does not turn,the only thing i can think of is that it is not completly closed but no light on dashboard comes on, can i open it another way manually .....do not know what to do. any help would be appreciated.. thanks galaxy ghia x 99-2000
  19. hi all please can someone help me with my boot, closed it this morning and now cannot open it.tried keep pressing the key and the central locking seems to open and close all the other doors but not the boot also if i put the key in it does not turn,the only thing i can think of is that it is not completly closed but no light on dashboard comes on, can i open it another way manually .....do not know what to do. any help would be appreciated.. thanks galaxy ghia x 99-2000
  20. hi all have warranty direct, failed mot on wiper motor and linkage, had to get work done while at mot as i am disabled and need the car for work .....could i still claim after the work has been done. thanks in advance
  21. just had my cambelt fitted last week and when i got it back it was driviving flat ,no power at all.......rand fords today and spoke to the manager and he said that if it was one tooth out it would not start at all........he thinks its the air flow sensor in my case so he is taking the car back today to have a look........till tell him that it went in ok and come out rubbish and that i was going to recall the money back through the bank until sorted.....lol five
  22. thanks for that everyone.....will give them ago
  23. does anyone know where i can get a decent paint job done...full respray... and how much am i looking at.. in london.....waterloo thanks in advance
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