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Everything posted by fclauson

  1. thanks for all the useful Pension and Property advice !!!! thinks I sill exchange one of my very expensive Surrey blades of grass for the new gear box - hope they are prepared to barter !!!
  2. Hi all The engine fault light on my galaxy recently came on (little yellow engine symbol) - following a test by the RAC they came up with code PO700 - Trasmission Control System Failure. Took the car to the dealer and after a "full diagnostic check" they think that the gear box is caput and its a good idea to replace the gear box control unit at the same time in case it caused the damage. Previously I had noticed that the car was sometimes slow to pull away - so prehaps their diagnostics are correct. Any other checks I should do before handing over 2 grand plus !!!!! Francis Y reg Galaxy 2.3 Zetec Auto
  3. Fixed - brute force and ignorance - and a lot of pulling Francis
  4. Had to remove the door as per my other post - have now reattached it but the device to stop the door opening too far (i.e. not the hinges) will not extend far enough to re-connect I do hope that I do nto have to remoce the door card - any ideas as to what might be trapping it ? Francis
  5. Hi all had my door off too (as per my other post re wiring problem) On re-attaching the door the door strap (thing for stopping door opening too far) will not extend far enough to re-attached - what have I got wrong ? How do I release this it feels as though it caught inside the door
  6. Thanks - we have discovered that the black red do mind - once is central locking and one is door mirror adjust down you mirror and the door locks - all fixed now - but as per my other post now cannot reconnect the door strap thingy because it will not reach - do hope I do not have to remove door card Francis
  7. Andy - thanks for all your help now everything electrical works perfectly - (windows go up and down when you lock the doors, turn on the radio and the mirror moves and move the mirror and the cat gets out of the bag) BUT one final thing - the door strap thingy which stops the door opening too far now will not reach across so I can drop the last bolt in - it seems to refuse to extend - go on tell me I now have take off the door card - change the exhaust pipe and what ever else to get this to release itself Francis
  8. Andy thanks - boy do they want to confuse me And why do you have two cables in the loom the same colour - god gave us a billion colours plus another billion combinations - Ford just go out of their way to make it hard Any way - rewire done - so back to the car and re-hang the door will report back by midnight if I have any knuckles, patience or sanity left Francis
  9. Andy - thanks for this - there is a second black read which does somthing to do with central locking - cause when I move the mirror up down the indicators flash - not sure what happens when I lock the car - probably moves the mirror up down I think I will swap these two over and get down on my knees and pray !! Huge thanks Francis
  10. Vehical is Y reg 2.3 Zetec auto I am only interested in what is connected in the door to colours black with red and black with yellow I have obviously balls up connecting these are there are two (well 50% chance and I stuffed it) I think I have the black and yellow correct - but its the black and red which I suspect I have wrong Huge thanks in advance
  11. Appreciate I already have anothe thred on this but need an urgent reply In the door to car socket there are two black with red balc with yellow Can someone please let me know what these do - to which pins they are connected - one doing the rewire I have obviously mixed the wing mirror with the alarm Many thanks in advance will be ordering my own TIS from ebay TONIGHT !!!!
  12. The vehical is a 2.3 Zetec auto on a Y plate and I was hoping not to have to disect the door to find this out UPDATE: just reattached the door - everything works except move the mirror up/down unlocks the door locks - so just two wires wrong probably (bother !!!!)
  13. Hi all New to the forum - I had a recent vandle attack on my car where they ran a hacksaw blade down the gap between the front passeger door and the wing in an attempt to "POP" the central locking. Fortunatly they failed but they have left me a job worse than perfoming open heart surgary I am now 50% way through the fix - see below - but I stumbled becuse there are two cables coloured Black with Yellow stripe. Anyone know if it matters which way round these are wired (probably will - knowing my luck door will unlock just as every other door locks - or the wing mirrors will move every time I turn up the volume on the speakers!!!
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