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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by fclauson

  1. Hi all where can I get a rear door/window module (the little computer black box thing) for a 07 Galaxy - my rear passenger door has failed many thanks in advance IGNORE MY FOOTER - Just changed cars to a 07 TDI Ghia
  2. Bump - the link above is for a MKII We are both after MKIII - 2007 model - connectioned for heated screen
  3. <BR>Didn't go outside today as have cold hopefully better tomorrow.will take piccy's then.<BR><BR>In answer to 2nd question Dash out 45 mins,There are 2 very awkward screws hold plastic brackets on back of dash ,access then under wipers above metal leading to scuttle tray.On dash's at scrappys have not bothered to undo just a hearty yank from facier.<BR>oh remember to unplug speaker's and heat sensor I always forget one lol.<BR><BR>heater element. <BR>There's a tubular double barrow piece of plastic that goes from heater matrix through to the engine bay which is held on by torx screws.Make sure you have a spare one if possible it saves alot of time if you cut it. Also the engine bay to heater pipes are prone to rotting so recommend have spares also you wiil need to have vagcom if you have a passenger airbag.<BR><BR><BR>Hope you cold is better - any chace of those pictires !! <BR>
  4. Hi any one got the TIS for a MKIII - I have an 07 model - need to know where the right hand heated windscreen connection is - have taken a look outside under the bonnet but its not obvious need to know how to remove MKIII gutter to get at where it connects to screen whole drivers sides has failed - fuses ok - relay covers both sides so its not that - must be either the connection or the whole element thanks in advance
  5. Hi all is there a way of swapping over which wiper moves first - the way they are configed on my 07 MKIII is that the passenger side gets the last wipe - hence leaving the arc across the drivers side - it would be good if the passenger side parked first and then the last wipe was on the drivers side leaving a clearer view for the driver Thanks in advance
  6. Can some point me in the direction of where the front windscreen relays are - I have a MKIII - 2007 Just noticed that the drivers side has failed - both fuses (35 and 35) are ok so may be its the relay Many thanks in advance Francis
  7. Perfect - post 6 - this works exactly as described ;)
  8. quick question for those who understand the wiring loom want to find a 12v ignition switched supply (i.e. comes on and off with ignition key) ideally near the radio to mount a Typre Pressure monitoring (TPMS) device which I am buying any wiring diragrams etc welcome Francis 07 MK 3 / MK III Ghia
  9. Just reposting MK III - OBD software what should I be using and where should I down load from
  10. Found it - pull out the "money tray" and the socket is above behind a little cover Second dumb question - where can I get the right s/w to communicate with the car ?
  11. Done a good search of both the internet and this site - cannot locate where the OBD cable pugs in on a MKIII - 2007 Please advise
  12. quick tip - if you have Vista - you can always build a virtual machine of XP - go to either www.vmware.com - check out vmware player - this will allow you to build a machine within a machine very hand for any kind of testing of s/w etc
  13. Hi all - I know the parking sensor module is under the front passangers seat - but does some one have a photo of it and how you "gently" lift carpet to get to it Need to take a look - got the old "beep" for 6 seconds on stary up and then nothing - i.e. module propably suspect - not worth checking "ticking" sensors as I think the hole system is defunct Car is a Galaxy 1.8 TD Ghia on July 2007
  14. Has anyone any advice on connecting an ipod to the Aux connection of a 2007 Ghia fitted radio installation I am having a parrot bluetooth conneciton fitted Thursday - and would like to get engineer to git jackplug lead to the radio so I can plug my ipod as the aux input into the radio any ideas on how to do this Francis car is an 07 Galaxy Ghia 1.6 Diesel
  15. 55 reads and not a single thankyou - hope you are all enjoying !!!!
  16. Whooppps - its a Y plate (other car is a T)
  17. Any one got a spare cover for the "locker" on the dash in front of the clock SWMBO managed to exceed the storage allowance of the locker but still managed to close the lid - thus the left hand hinge said "thats it I'm breaking" - it still works but is annoying Anyone fitted a GPS or similar and thus has this lid going spare ? Gal 2.3 Zetec on a T plate Francis
  18. shame - it would have been a quick easy fix All I want is cruise - just went to the alps and back - 8 hrs each way at 130KPH (honest) - would have been nice to flick the switch and then had a little snooze as the miles drifted past Francis
  19. Hi all Is the crusie control system pre-built into the electronics and all that is missing are the control swicthes or is there more to it than that - it would be great if by adding a couple of switches I could get it to work - but then again I dream of many wild things and most of them do not work either Francis Gal 2.3 Zetec on a T plate Auto
  20. check out http://www.btinternet.com/~aislinghouse/ford/TSB00087.pdf http://www.btinternet.com/~aislinghouse/fo...7-templates.pdf Francis
  21. Just had the orange engine warning light. Mr RAC said it was a PO700 - Transmission Control System Malfunction
  22. Hi all I like others have been stressed as to which glue one should use on the headlights when sticking/re-sticking on patches to allow me to drive on the other side of the road (France on this occasion) Copydex is the answer - remember the old saying
  23. did the dealer give you what the codes where out of the computer - from this you can determine what caused the original alarm
  24. Thanks for the advice of going to Hardy's in leatherhead, surrey - what a really really nice chap - knows his stuff - no "you will have to replace gear box" here We took it for a test drive - the car behaved perfectly - so advice was - it might go again - but at the moment its perfect - ford would have unplugged all the connectors etc to the gear box - prehaps one of those was damp/rusty/corroded etc and it was thats which caused the problem originally Any way- he said bring it back if it happens again and we will take a look In the back of his w/shop he had lots of boxes all in different stages of repeairs - so really understands what does and does not go wrong with them He also hade the a Morris 1000 gear box there - something which I took appart some 25 years ago - he said they need rebuilding once every 10231231023 miles - and only if you have been grinding the gears a bit !!
  25. Leatherhead is near so I will try Hardy's I also spoke to "AllGears" in Kingston-upon-thames They gave some intersting observations 1 - the boxes are fitted to many models (golf, VM and Ford) 2 - 3rd gear is know to burn out it's clutch - specifcally with lots of 20 to 40 mph driving (i.e faster than round town but not motorway driving) 3 - this is sometimes caused by the computer not getting it completly right - so swapping computer and box does makes sense 4 - his price is some 75% of the main dealer - to include overdrive unit - (but I have no way of checking qulity is like for like) So Monday I will have to decided what to do next Francis
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