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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by twinkle

  1. cheers for that, i got most of the above, got electric sunroof, but no aircon and no heated front screen. and i will have to see if this window closure works, having problems with my central locking at the mo, so may not work.
  2. sorry for a stupid post :D but i have looked everywhere for a spec list for the old mk1 GLX galaxy, basicly im after what it should have and any options on it, like..... electric windows front electric windows rear electric sunroof mirrors remote central locking closure windows i think you can get the jist of what im looking for again, sorry for a stupid post, but im new to galaxy ownership, and i like having lots of info on my cars :D
  3. cheers for that mate. im loving those to bottom pics, specialy the arches. can you still get that bodykit???
  4. on my mk1 2.0l galaxy, im having a few problems with the central locking. when you lock it, it sometimes locks and then unlocks again, then you do it again and the same, then the 3rd time, its locks no problem, this is the same when you unlock it. its kind of hit and miss if it unlocks or locks. i also have a problem where the interior light stays on, when it should turn off when the doors are shut. could this be cuasing me the locking problems??? any ideas??? cheers
  5. hia all, as i have just got my galaxy, im after ideas etc on modding it. i have a few ideas in my head like rs4 18" audi wheels coilovers morettes tinted windows exhaust. but what im after is pics please of ones already done up, as its hard to picture it all done. it dont have to be like the list above, just any lowered and modded mk1`s please cheers :D
  6. oh, will have a look at that, cheers :D
  7. hello all, im Jon 29 and live in hampshire. found the site a few days ago, after buying my first mk1 glx galaxy. had to get one as our 3rd kiddie came along 2 weeks ago, so needed a bigger waggon, and as im a Ford man thro and thro, it had to be the galaxy. i managed to pick one up for just under a grand with 69k miles on the clock. its only a 2.0l tho. and out side needs some TLC, loads of light scratches etc, but nothing a good old polish wont sort out. now i shall be after some advice later on doing her up, as i have always been into the ford shows etc, and had a few show cars etc, so want this baby to be something special. i shall be selling my show RS turbo soon, so money from that is what i shall use to put into her, hopefully about 4k. my plans so far our clear side repeaters audi rep RS4 18" wheels lower suspension (any ideas??) tinted windows morettes some kind of bodykit. (any ideas?) i shall get some pics later on, once i have finished giving it a good old clean. cheers :)
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