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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by onslow

  1. I bought a v reg galaxy 2.3 ghia with 120k on the clock,it has mot until end of october 2007 tax til end of april got full service history,its a grey/blue colour i paid
  2. Hi i am looking at buying a 2.3 si r reg galaxy after xmas it looks like a really nice car but its done 186,000 miles.Is this good or bad?think i would get it for around
  3. Just foundf out oday my one does not have a crank shaft sensor?still trying to get the thing going seem to have power there just no spark very weird??
  4. where is the crankshaft sensor located?
  5. My other half has a 3 litere petrol shogun h reg (new shape)she came home locked i up went out later that day wouldnt start? aa came out said it was black box on top of engine?changed that no difference,does anyone have any ideas?is there a common thing that goes on these,it turns over but does not attempt to fire?
  6. also check the relays , just in case someones bridged one Thanks ill check them,also do u no how to get the housing off that surrounds the solenoid?
  7. Yes i think it is permaent live,thanks for the advice ill let you no how i get on.
  8. Yes theres no power u even disconect it from the loom and the car keeps running?now i got another problem a diesel leak ever since i fitted the solinoid?but think its coming from a pipe somewhere but havin trouble gettin the metal housing off!! :o i think your problem will be from the ignition switch, it sounds like someones bypassed an immoboliser, i would of thought if you had no feed to the fuel shut off, it wouldnt run at all, when you return the key to off it cuts the feed and shuts the fuel off, could be wrong tho :) :( i'd get an auto elec on it Yeah you have to turn ignition on so lights are on then press switch to start it,as soo as ignitionb is turned off the car wont run so think ignition is ok?
  9. Yes theres no power u even disconect it from the loom and the car keeps running?now i got another problem a diesel leak ever since i fitted the solinoid?but think its coming from a pipe somewhere but havin trouble gettin the metal housing off!! :(
  10. I need to find a live feed to ignition on cranking position,i have a r reg mondeo diesel just fitted a new shut off solinoid but live feed not working so need an al;ternative can anyone help??
  11. This is not a galaxy but still a ford just wondered if anyone can help me? I have just bought a r reg mondeo turbo diesel just to use for work,someone has rigged a switch up on starter motor because it dont turn over with the key?soyou haveto turn ignition on then flick switch to engage starter motor then flck it back to stop stater motor running and to turn the car off you haveto stall it? Just wondered if there was any way i could rig a switch up so i could turn the car off by it aswell?and sp that once u have pressed the button you dont haveto turn it back to disengage the starter motor?
  12. oh right didnt think i had one lol
  13. What are they and where are they?i have been reading alot about these on here lately,i have a tdi seat alhambra p reg cant hear it cut in?
  14. Thanks guys for all the help,phoned the garage who done it they said they couldnt drain some out til thursday so i got i under there yesterday done it myself!!
  16. Ok but if it is still over max mark will this be ok?or will it harm the engine?
  17. its about just under an inch past the max mark,know it was hot when i checked it?
  18. I have just had my seat alhambra tdi serviced checked oil when i got home found out that it above the max mark on dip stick,will this be ok as sposed to be doin long journey tonight??
  19. Already tried that,new key i think!!
  20. Yes i have two domes,when i lock it manually the led flashes on the door,so by the sounds of it it would be a faulty key?
  21. I have been reading up on here about reprogramming keys,i have a 97 seat alhambra,i have one remote key and just one normal key,i have put new battery in remote key but led does not flash is this because key is not programmed or cos its broke it does start the car? p.s. can i reprogramme them with the keys i got?
  22. ABS light intermittently on/off no change in brakes doesnt matter whether it is raining/sunny,why? My mate had this on his car it turned out to be a dodgy connection in ther fuse box where the fuse plugged in?
  23. I agree,you only need one dudd cell and it all goes wrong,i had that once,it would be ok for say a week then next day come out and it would just click,had starter motor tested all fine,turned out to be a dudd battery and it was still holding its charge!!
  24. Thanks ill try that out let you all know what the result is
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