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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Nige F

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Everything posted by Nige F

  1. Had this problem a while back. Spent ages adjusting freeing and messing with caliper. Turned out it was the cable seizing up. Easy replacement solved the problem
  2. The rear screen heater is working when it fels like it. Suspect it is the usual wiring problem.Anyone know what colour wires supply the screen so I can do a quick fix please. Car is a 97 Ghia x
  3. A cv joint can be got for around
  4. Had exactly the same happen other day. Topped the water up a little and it has been fine since.
  5. Have you checked the resitor pack (hedeghog).its mounted on near to glove box and is red in colour. The problems are well documented on here
  6. Have you tried the fuel pump relay. Well documented on here, its relay 30 in te fuse box and there are plenty of photos showing how to change it
  7. First cool morning and turned temprature up on climate control. Only got cold air blowing through.Switched aircon on and this made no difference. Have noticed the car running slighty hotter. Also if I run the aircon on cold and leave the setting on low, the display doesnot flash. If I increase the temp and leave it above 20 degrees, then the display flashes on start up
  8. Mine went and had to buy a new cv joint.
  9. Could it be the MAF sensor. Mine lost power under load, replaced this and all was fine
  10. Pipe has finally arrived today. Car booked in for fitting and regas tomorrow so hopefully a cool car by this time tomorrow. having a quiet bet that something else will be found to be wrong when it all gets fitted
  11. The repaired pipe was fitted yesterday. When it was all connected the pipe was found to have another hole in it!!!. The garage recommended not do another repair so now waiting for item from Ford, which are on back order or pay
  12. Have a look on Ebay they are about
  13. This part is currently on back order. There is no release date as yet. The Ford price is about
  14. Frogeye They quoted me
  15. Have now got to the bottom of the problem. The smaller pipe running from the reciever drier to the pressure valve on the bulkhead has got a leak. Have taken it to a local aircon specialist, SAC in Coventry. They are brilliant and would recommend them to anyone with aircon problems locally. They are going to get the pipe repaired as the Fraud dealer has said they are on back order with no release date. They have taken the pipe off today and it will be back to be refitted Tues. Just need to go back to Kwik Fit to fight getting the money back from them mucking it up the first time round!!
  16. The aircon, non dual climate, on my 97 model required a re gas.(Not been done for about 4yrs) Took it to Kwik Fit and the system was found to have no gas in it. The alleged mechanic connected it up using the high pressure port only and then proceeded to pump 1400kg into despite me telling him it only needed 750kg. The system showed no leaks. when I asked him him why it was empty he told me gas breaks down over time Not suprisingly the system only worked for a day, and not very well at that, before packing up again. Took it back and was told the system now had a leak and all the gas had gone. The fitter claimed that re gassing the system would have exaggerated the fault that had caused the gas to leak out prior to the first visit. Took the car to a local aircon specailist. He checked the car out and i was somewhat suprised to find there was a low pressure port under the indicator. I was told this should have been used to regas as well as the high pressure port. The sytem was pressurised and found to have a slight leak. He has now filled it with dye and half filled it with gas. The system works better now despite only being half full and has kept the gas in it for 36hrs now. I have to take it back on Mon to see if the dye shows the leak. Having watched this man work in the way he filled, ie starting the car to get the pump running etc made me realise that Kwik Fit haven't got a clue. I have registered a complaint with their manager and customer services. This raises a number of questions. 1) I would be interested to know who has had problems with Kwik Fit and aircon. Should we all boycott them?? 2) Have they damaged the system by forcing the gas into it. 3) Should both ports have been used to re fill the system. 4) What temp should I be expecting from the cabin vents with aircon running. Cheers Nige
  17. Have now sorted the problem. It turns out that the idiot at the parts desk was looking at manual aircon, not climate as fitted to mine!!!. Ended up at t another dealer who found the right part. This was priced at almost
  18. Kev Thanks for your reply. Have now narrowed the problem down to the resistor pack. Have been trying to get a new one from local useless dealer. They have so far offered me 2 different ones, all with 4 connector pins. Mine is a 3 pin and red in colour. Car is fited with climate control. Can anyone help with a part number for the one fitted to my car. Despite showing the part to the dealer, it would appear they haven't got a clue!!!!
  19. Help!!. The dreaded display on the air con unit has started flashing and the fan will not work on any speed. It has stopped a couple of times before but started working again but this time has packed up. The diplay shows the fan is running but nothing is happening. Is the fan motor under the glove box and is there a resistor pack or relay that controls it that I can check before it has to go in for repair.
  20. Local supplier does CV joint for
  21. Have you tried relay 30 in the fuse box. Mine occasioally plays up. Try wiggiling it about usualy works for me
  22. Dally Thanks for your reply on this. Have just put the cables in the seat following your instuctions and it has gone ok. Even clipping the two seat halves back together was easy. Thanks Nige
  23. Thanks for the replies. I don't have side air bags and looks like it will be real good laugh trying to do this!! :lol: Nige
  24. Have just bought in dash DVD player and two screens for the rear. Have got headrest mounts for the screens and am looking to permanently wire the screens in. Has anyone got any ideas how to run the wires from the screens down inside the seats please. Cheers Nige
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