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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by muppetofdoom

  1. Hi, just had the air con re gassed as it needed it, and after about 40 miles or so there was an awful smell and some smoke from the front of the engine bay, turning off the air con stopped the smoking and hence smell. Now there is just a slightly annoying sound all the time the engine is running even with the air con off. Having looked around on here i'm guessing the clutch has frakked up ? :D . Is it likely to be the whole unit or just the clutch ?, If just the clutch how hard is it as i'm not exactly what you'd call a diy er ? cheers peeps in advance :P
  2. Hi, just had the air con re gassed as it needed it, and after about 40 miles or so there was an awful smell and some smoke from the front of the engine bay, turning off the air con stopped the smoking and hence smell. Now there is just a slightly annoying sound all the time the engine is running even with the air con off. Having looked around on here i'm guessing the clutch has frakked up ? :D . Is it likely to be the whole unit or just the clutch ?, If just the clutch how hard is it as i'm not exactly what you'd call a diy er ? cheers peeps in advance :P
  3. Hi guys and gals, pretty sure i'm in need of a new front wheel bearing :D , droning somewhat especially when cornering ! anyone got any idea how much i should expect to pay for a new one to be fitted ?
  4. Hi, thanks for reply, its automatic heating, ie digital control pannel, set the temp and off it goes, i'm sure i heard the aux heater last year kinda whiney turbo sound from rear of car but alas none this year :)
  5. hi, should i be able to check my aux heater using vag com ? if so how please, as when i try using standard settings all i get is some message about 'no response from controller' ? also while i'm here the rear blower seems to be somewhat intermittent any idea's peeps ? As always thanks in advance
  6. Hi, i'm not very technical but here goes, the metal ring that goes round the ' CV joint '(i think it's known as) with the holes in, that has something to do with the speed sensing on the ABS has split on me old gal (1998 Mk1 1.9 Tdi) Ford are telling me i have to buy the whole cv joint
  7. Thanks, but this looks different to mine, it's a '98 model 1.9tdi, there seem to be 4 m8 bolts that go up thought the shield into bodywork, and there is one hole either side in the wheel arch, that i have no idea what they are for ? m8's just slide straight through, plastic clips maybe ?
  8. Hi, my galaxy 1.9 tdi seems to have had the cover under the engine removed at some point and refitted by a moron (not me) with cable ties ! Can anyone tell me how it's supposed to be fitted, ie what holds it in place ? Many thanks in advance
  9. cheers, will wait to see what you think then, greatly appreciated by the way !
  10. okidoki, the scrappage deals great if you have the cash for a shiney new car i guess, but that's not me unfortunately, unless wednesdays lottery's a winner ! thanks for the help/info though
  11. Hi, i've just had to have a new turbo fitted to my dear old '98 1.9 tdi galaxy and i'm now wondering what to do... this is where i need your help please people. 1. i'm sure a while back in an effort to reduce smoke from the exhaust a mechanic told me he had disabled the egr valve, there seems to be a difference of opinion on this being a good or bad thing ?, please help and tell me if it needs enabling or not ? 2. Please checkout the following link and tell me if you think it seems like a good thing or not ? http://www.egrvalve.co.uk/index.php?page=products cheers peeps, i await your usuall help as ever,
  12. Hi there you lovely peeps, my '98 galaxy 1.9Tdi ghia x has just decided the turbo was no longer needed and rejected it's existance. There was a lot of smoke and i mean a lot !!!!!!, so far garage seem to think it's just the turbo (fingers crossed while they're still digging). I was hoping some of you wonderful people could give me a rough price for either a new turbo or getting the old one refurbed and refitted, and also if using a refurb is ok ? many thanks in advance, from a crying man who doesn't want to see his poorly motor die, and i can't afford a replacent motor anyway :ph34r:
  13. Try checking all connecting pipework around the turbo/airbox/intercooler for any sign of damage, splitting etc. I concur with tiny. Other possiblities to check are a dirty blocked air filter, or carbon build up inn the turbo or in the EGR pipework in which case use of something like Millers Diesel Power Sport 4 fuel additive (at double dose for a few tanks) may help to clear. cheers guys, will check all the above hi not sure how to describe the noise change, i'd guess at saying it kinda sounds a bit like a small kazoo has been fitted ! any help ?
  14. I concur with tiny. Other possiblities to check are a dirty blocked air filter, or carbon build up inn the turbo or in the EGR pipework in which case use of something like Millers Diesel Power Sport 4 fuel additive (at double dose for a few tanks) may help to clear. cheers guys, will check all the above
  15. hi, my 98 tdi galaxy's turbo sounds different of late, still seems to be working ok though. When accelerating hard it sounds more like a whine(bit raspy too) than the old whitle i used to get. Any Ideas folks ? do in need to prepare to cry yet :D
  16. Hi All Vag-com will do is read the fault code, it wont cure the problem Radiotwo thanks for the reply, Yeh i know that much, but you can reset/clear the error, and the fault stays away for a day or so before returning, this is what i'm wondering about ?
  17. hi, air bag light came on few day ago, plugged in vag com, resistance error, cleared ok, for a day then came back ! done this several times now ! help ! please ? clock spring thingy ? or the more expensive option ? '98 1.9tdi ghia x
  18. Cheers for that, do i get more if i pay for the full blown software ?
  19. Hi, i've had a lead for a couple of yrs now and not used it much, thought i'd have a proper play today as my airbag light came on !, managed to sort that one out ok. So here's my problem it seems that a large amount of things do not talk, is this simply because i'm using the freebie software from the ross tech site ?, am i thick ! or is my fleabay cable shizer ? Any/all help greatly appreciated :rolleyes:
  20. can anyone suggest a good garage for my poor old galaxy to goto in the stafford area to try and sort this out ? :rolleyes:
  21. i'd of said blueish but there does seem to be a diesel type smell to it ?
  22. cheers, have already tried pulling the aux heater fuse to confirm that, so guess i'm looking a garage bill now to check injectors and timing ?
  23. yeh i'm aware of the aux heater but it's not that cus it does it on warm day to ! also forgot to mention my mpg seems to have gone down slightly 3 or 4 mpg there does also seem to be the occasional lack in performance but that may be in my imagination, i always expect the worst ! cheers for the input though
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