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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by muppetofdoom

  1. I that the 3 little ones on the small pulley I need to slack off? and the cam type thing appears to have some teeth missing which is kinda unfortunate :-(
  2. Afternoon peeps,My 1998 1.9tdi ghia x has developed a problem with the power steering, hoping you can help out. Everynow and again it would seem that the belt slips causing the steering wheel to all but stop while i'm turning, and also when you hit the end of travel in either directions it complains somewhat. Is there a tensioner i need to investigate or is it just a new belt, and is it an easy job ? (i'm feeling my age and its bloody cold out there :( ) . Thanks in advance for any help offered :)
  3. Hi, the abs and the Handbrake/Pad warning light have come on on my mk1 galaxy , vag com tells me that the right hand sensor has intermittent fault and the left has a static fault both abs ring seem fine so guessing the sensors are buggered,I didn't think the Handbrake light usually came on for abs faults, can any of you guys enlighten me on this ? Thanks in advance , Andy T
  4. Cheers peep, I have a mk1 ghia x, local Ford dealer just quoted 60 notes for a new one
  5. Hi, fairly sure I need a new clock spring, my air bag light has come on several times in the past and I've managed to reset it via vag-com , but it will now no longer reset with a high resistance fault, do I have to go to Ford for a new one or is there a cheaper better option, tried Google and come up with nothing useful myself. Your help would be appreciated people .
  6. Cheers guys, all sorted now :angry2:
  7. Cheers guys, guess basically i need a long sturdy tool to force the seemingly unmovable arm the tensioner pulley is mounted on ? sometimes i do feel rather simple :angry2: , guess that's why i'm not a mechanic, once again thanks for your help !!!
  8. Right, cobbled together a compressor with a working pulley on for now, but now i'm feeling rather simple, how the hell do i move the tensioner so that i can fit the new belt ! there sommat with an allen bolt and cover to the right hand side of it (about 10cm away)that looks like it might have some doings with it but i aint sure so aint touched it yet, and am hoping for some fun friendly advice from you wounderful chaps :lol: Many thanks in advance :angry2:
  9. Morning peeps, I need a new Belt For my 1.9tdi ghia x Galaxy (1998), missus has gone and got rid of the old one so can't measure that one and i'm struggling to find the right one now, local parts place can only find belts listed that are either too short or too long, i'd llike to avoid trying various ones for the best fit if poss so was wondering if anyone on here can help ? The belts listed that are too short seem to fail to take into account the tensioner pulley, and the belt that is too long is some double sided jobby that 'aint right either. My galaxy has one belt driving the air con and a 120A alternator + Tensioner pulley (this is the blet i need) and a seperate smaller belt driving power steering etc. Any and all help appreciated...... This is doing my nut in, something so simple proving so hard to find :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: Once again thanks in advace people !
  10. Hi peeps, trying to find an air con compressor for my 1998 1.9tdi ghia x galaxy and am being asked by several companies what the Kw/Hp of my engine is amongst other things, how the fudge do i find this out ? Cheers in advance, AndyT
  11. Bit more help required now peeps, i dont seem to be able to remove the compressor :) need some advice, removed alternator to make life easier for a start, i can only find 2 bolts to remove on the compressor, are there any more, attached pic shows where the 2 are i have removed. Once again cheers in advance for any help !
  12. Hi, i've got a 1998 'S' Plate 1.9 tdi galaxy with a seized compressor and clutch, does anyone here know what size belt i need if i just remove the compressor and run the car without air con for now ? many thanks in advance for any help offered !
  13. yeh its fubar, when it first went engine kept stalling, now its just the sweet smell of burning clutch :lol: , system was emptied at a garage to attempt to get car mobile again, as for flushing and regas not sure its worth it, don't plan on using air con as its a piss poor system that seems to cause more trouble than comfort If your really not bothered about having aircon why not take the compressor off and put a shorter belt on? Personally I wouldn't be without it now, even though it's poor system it's better than nothing, driving with the windows open is alright on short journeys but is to noisy on long motorway drives, and with the added drag will hit your fuel economy also. Yeh, it is nice, but on and old girl like mine i'm not sure it's worth the price of repair ? as for fitting a shorter belt the one or 2 places i asked about it, looked and mutterd something about the belt running too close to the cam belt to risk it. If the belt ever went it might take the cam belt with it ? As i am unwise in these things i just took thier word for it.
  14. yeh its fubar, when it first went engine kept stalling, now its just the sweet smell of burning clutch :) , system was emptied at a garage to attempt to get car mobile again, as for flushing and regas not sure its worth it, don't plan on using air con as its a piss poor system that seems to cause more trouble than comfort
  15. by the way is there an easy way to check the replacement compresser before i fit it ?
  16. Howdy peeps, right, my mk1 1.9tdi's aircon compresser along with it's clutch have died, got a scrappy's replacement and was hoping someone here could offer some advice on best way to remove old knackered one and refit old hopefully not so knackered one ! The system has already been drained, i'm not too fussed about the air con working just want to be able to run engine without the god awful smell coming from the burning clutch on the compresser,which i'm guessing won't be for long anyway :) . As always cheers in advance for any help y'all can offer !
  17. 3 options for you A---dont turn on the aircon, B---remove electric clutch plate from compressor , C-----disconnect electical connection to compressor . I've run my 1.9 for years without a clutch plate ! Have removed power from compressor so it doesn't work, but the belt still drives the pulley which is making a right old racket now, this is what i want to shut up, hence the question about a shorter belt that would bypass this, any ideas ?
  18. Good morning people ;) my aircon compressor has seized up ;) cant afford to repair it, it's slowly getting noisier (guessing the bearings in aircon clutch are buggered) is it possible to fit an aux belt for a model without air con ? and if so is the belt an easy fit for a lowly non mechanic like me :) ? Once again thanks in advance for any info/help offered
  19. Hi, i've now tried 5 different places and not one of them is willing to put on paper that it is feasable that overgassing caused the failure -_- so basically i'm not a happy bunny. All i need is someone to write basically what has been stated as above that works in the trade and i stand a chance, why is this so bloomin' hard to find peeps ! Do they all love Kwik Fit ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to rant a bit but i'm somewhat pissed off -_-
  20. Kwik fit called today and told me if i get an independant report that says the damage could of been caused by overgassing the system they will 'sort something out' . My problem now is that the couple of local air con places i've tried don't wanna know ! , any ideas folks on what i do now ? -_-
  21. cheers for the help, are the belts easy to fit ?
  22. if i cant find a way to reduce the noise it now makes as soon as the engine is running, i fear the old 'gal may have to go :P and i'll have to start walking for a few months :D thanks for ya help guys !
  23. Yeh, kwik fit for my sins, should of known better i guess, mind you they did pass my MOT for me , just sent them a harsh email including the info supplied by you helpful chaps on here, here's hoping i get some kind of positive response !
  24. Yeh, i get that point, but when it started smoking i just whent staright to the garage and basically said WTF !, they told me that it was shafted and that they had removed the refigerant to stop the system kicking in' so there is no way i can find out how much they put in now, cus i'm doubting they'll tell me the truth now ! :P the only up side is that as the sytem is now empty i guess it's safe to work on .
  25. Cheers for your reply, Not been that long, unfortunately the garage that did it have already removed the gas as a quick fix ie. to stop the air con turning on and i doubt they will tell me how much they put in now ? :P Is there any way i can stop the constant noise it now makes ?
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