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Everything posted by Richmond

  1. Yes, it is. Silly me. Batteries do seem to give more than the advertised 12V when fully charged, 'though. I can't imagine why that should be, electrochemistry always struck me as more of an art than a science.
  2. Would the battery then give 14.02V?
  3. Sorry - I was not complaing about having to pay the taxes per se; I was simply complaining that whilst the payment to mp3playerstore for the duff DVD player should be recoverable via my credit card issuer, the payment of any taxes probably wont be, unless you know otherwise?? That was me being stupid. If you send the unit back and get a refund, you might well be able to get the VAT back from Customs & Excise (if the amount is worth the forests of paper you'll no doubt need to complete.
  4. Well, of course, that would be anyone's first thought. When shit happens, my first thought is invariably 'Bloody peacocks again!'.
  5. The Roofbox Co.'s website, www.roofbox.co.uk, has a lot of info about boxes. I bought an Atera box/bars package (with a free hoist for hanging it from the shed roof, worth at least a fiver!!) from The Roofbox Co., the 450 I think. It's fine, easy to mount (oo errr) and easy to close and lock; mounting and access is easy if you stand on the sill. I think you could fit a bike or two alongside it. I hardly noticed the difference when driving with it on, the fuel consumption was much the same as usual as I kept the speed down a bit.
  6. Do you need to know or even care? Harsh. I quite fancy a scooter for nipping about town.
  7. Sounds like a belt slipping. I've no idea what belts there are in a diesel. The link to declutching is a bit odd; perhaps it something to do with the engine being under load. Either that or the guinea pig is trapped in the engine bay.
  8. There is no place on this forum for hairdresserist humour. If people choose to spend their days running their hands through other people's hair, talking about holiday destinations and driving Toyota RAVs, in exchange for large sums of money from my wife, that is a valid lifestyle choice. There isn't enough money in the world to persude me to drive a Toyota RAV in public, so I take my hat off to them (as long as they promise not to sneer at my bald patch and say that they 'might be able to do something with me, but really, who cut it last time?'). That's a red square to JohnB80, I think.
  9. But at least you wouldn't go hungry during the headlong plunge to earth.
  10. ... but a guinea pig will do in an emergency.
  11. Yes, they do, and GPs look a good deal less cute sitting on your plate. They taste OK, a bit like duck, but there's not a lot of meat on your average guinea pig. Once they've been peeled and eviscerated, there's not much left except bones.
  12. Perhaps we already have.
  13. Is that rhyming slang? Or are you expecting the dog to throw something at you?
  14. Internet advertised prices are usually either for the supplier's home market or exclusive of any taxes; they will not include UK taxes (unless the supplier is in UK). If you buy something mail/internet order from outside UK you can expect to pay import duties and VAT (depending on the goods, you may pay less if the supplier is within the EU). On US websites, I think prices usually include state taxes, even though these vary from state to state, but will not include UK taxes.
  15. Dagenham Motors, Kingston; 3 year service,
  16. To add to what SA said, I think that priority to the right is still the rule except where it isn't, which is pretty much everywhere outside towns. In towns, main roads often do not automatically have priority, although they are given it at bigger junctions and roundabouts (of which there are far fewer in France than in the UK, although they're catching up). As SA says, roundabouts are almost never priority to the right (although you need to watch for junctions that look like roundabouts but are actually not, which might be priority to the right; these need careful handling, as they do in UK). Out of town, most roads of any size have signs indicating that they have priority; small roads joining them have 'give way' ('cedez le passage') signs. As you enter a town there is usually a sign indicating that you no longer have priority, and priority to the right then applies. Although local drivers are probably more cautious than they used to be about exercising priority when pulling out from a small side road into a main road, they still do it. As you leave the town, the main road usually regains priority. If you stick to m'ways and N roads, you will see little of priority to the right until you go into a town (and you may hardly notice it then). D roads are often much pleasanter than N roads and no slower, and on these you may see a bit more priority to the right (although many have priority); you need to be aware that the car which is approaching your road on a small road, who in the UK would give way to you, might come charging out expecting you to give way. It's not unknown to find some vieux geezeur in his Renault 5 pulling out right in front of you from a farm track when you're belting down some beautifully straight bit of road at 70 ish, even when you have priority; old habits die hard.
  17. An admirable economy of expression. You know where you are with dogs. If I get a bit enthusiastic around a corner, my wife usually says 'For Christ's sake, haven't you discovered the brake pedal yet, we're not in Italy you know ... ' and so on; vomiting might be preferable. The dog doesn't seem to mind. I say something similar when my wife is driving! :o since it's been slammed and uprated all round she gives it a bit more stick round the bends than she use to :o god only knows whats she's like when she borrows my Golf GTI :lol: Do you have a dog? If so, what is its reaction to your wife's driving? Come to think of it, my wife has a bit of a cheek complaining about my driving; she keeps her right foot pretty close to the floor. I think the problem is that she now does a lot more driving than I do and has become a rotten passenger, just like I used to be when she drove before we had kids (happy days) and I drove more than she did.
  18. An admirable economy of expression. You know where you are with dogs. If I get a bit enthusiastic around a corner, my wife usually says 'For Christ's sake, haven't you discovered the brake pedal yet, we're not in Italy you know ... ' and so on; vomiting might be preferable. The dog doesn't seem to mind.
  19. 1. Body roll is certainly excessive on the V6 in some circs (when you're pushing it round a corner, basically); the set up is not up to the engine. This may not be true for the 115 TDi 2. There seem to be several different air con/climate control set ups. There is one which allows a +/- 3 deg C difference front to back. I believe it has a single compressor and two expansion valves. 3. The cruise control on mine works fine.
  20. As I understand it, headrests are not for you to rest your head on (despite their name), they are to stop your head from jerking back too far in the event of an end on (presumably rear end) collision, aka whiplash. The important thing is that they are not too low, otherwise thay provide an edge about which your neck can bend, ensuring thart the effects of whiplash are maximised. I can't think why you shouldn't have a headrest on which you can rest your head, apart I suppose from the risk that you might drift off to sleep on the M4, but I've never come across one on which you could.
  21. Hell's teeth! Brake fluid would be a pretty good alternative to a rebore and removal of the piston rings, I should think.
  22. There are products available which fill in scratches on glass, rather than polishing them out; it's the same principle by which a wet glass doesn't look scratched even though it is. It might affect the optical properties of the glass if the scratch is really deep, but presumably that won't matter much on a rear quarter. You can get this product for specs, I think, so if you have no luck in Halfords, you could try Specsavers :D .
  23. Don't worry, I think that you can get some ointment for that.
  24. Is that Winnersh as in 'Winnersh Triangle', a station announced on some of the trains i get home of an evening? Apparently it's just after (or before) Winnersh. If so, what is Winnersh Triangle?
  25. Mine's longer than yours! I can just about get the tyre beyond the rear bumper. Is your cable snagging on the drum, perhaps. It is a totally crap design.
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