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Everything posted by paulfoel

  1. Anyone heard of this? 29 faults appeared on the diagnostic. Hes telling me that this is a known problem with the speedo on galaxy (whats the speedo got to do with!). And looking at £800+ Obviously, after 2nd opinon here!
  2. Turns out bit of a red herring. Got the codes read properly with a proper reader. 29 CODES! Including faulty bulb sensor and all sorts. Problem is the car is running fine. Possible ECU problems?
  3. Popped up briefly when say on driveway. OK now. (and light has disappeared) Anything to worry about?
  4. My cheapo code reader is telling me that the P0415 is ABS related. Not according to http://www.cardiagnostics.be/-now/wds2000_bestanden/Ford%20diagnostic%20trouble%20codes.htm Which says its "P0415 Secondary Air Injection Switching Valve B Circuit" which seems more in line with the engine malfunction warning. Where can I get an official fault code list?
  5. Been like this for months with no other effects. AS I said, got an ODBC reader and nothing. Still getting the engine malfunction but tried reader again - P0415 ABS sensor. Red Herring? How is ABS sensor related to engine malfuction? Not sure if related but have had gearbox problems. Recently sorted with fluid change.http://www.fgoc.co.uk/forum/Themes/Blue/images/icons/modify_inline.gif
  6. Ah think I get it now. You're supposed to empty what you can, re-fill and let it mix, empty again, refill etc. So each time you're diluting down the old stuff. I guess very time consuming to get it almost all new fluid. Looks like my guys did it just the once....
  7. Power shift transmission? How do I tell? Hmm it may well have missed this change I think. Like I said, the change albeit possibly only half done has made a fairly big difference. £240 is not cheap. My local mechanic charged £80 (although looks like he did half a job!) and I remember Halfords wanted £40. Problem is it was like this for a few months until I realised this might be the case. Hoping it hasnt caused further damage. Fingers crossed that with the change its relatively ok now.
  8. Sorry for the confusion. I need to edit the title. Its defiitely a 2010 model.
  9. Thanks Brian. Confused as to how it all works? Im guessing its not like oil where its just one pot then? How does the old fluid get stuck in there? Sounds like you might be right. Mechanics told me they only swapped out 2.5 litres when they were expecting 6ltr. So is it possible they left the rest in there? How is segmented and how does it ever mix? confused. It's caught in the torque converter. The drain will allow you to drain the fluid in the rest of the box. But the only way out of the converter is in the middle of it. It's a donut shaped ring so anything inside it doesn't come out. Hence repeated attempts to drain with driving in between to circulate the fluid. Right so the correct way is to empty what you can and the drive it. So you empty and then don't refill? And its ok to drive it like this? Surely then the fluid in the torque converter circulates out leaving none in there? Is this ok? Like I said my mechanics were surprised there was only 2.5 ltrs rather than 6 ltrs so I think what they did was just drain and then refill. I did tell them it was more complicated than this but I dont think they listened! I suppose eventually its all going to mix so we'll have 50/50 old/new fluid? To be fair, there was an immediate improvement and its got better and better over the past few days as well. Probably 95% improvement over how it was. Worth sticking with it now? Or going back and getting it done again in your opinion? Still got engine malfunction light which may or may not be related.....
  10. BTW - my fault its a 2010.
  11. Thanks Brian. Confused as to how it all works? Im guessing its not like oil where its just one pot then? How does the old fluid get stuck in there? Sounds like you might be right. Mechanics told me they only swapped out 2.5 litres when they were expecting 6ltr. So is it possible they left the rest in there? How is segmented and how does it ever mix? confused.
  12. Hmmm Changed transmission fluid and it went for a few days. Connected I guess? Am I right in saying transmission can also send faults to ECU?
  13. Well its been changed and its much better. Much smoother gear changes. Still judders a bit pulling off so not sure if its 100% but much better. See my other post re: engine malfunction warning. This disappeared for few days so wondering if its connected?
  14. Well its been changed and its much better. Much smoother gear changes. Still judders a bit pulling off so not sure if its 100% but much better. See my other post re: engine malfunction warning. This disappeared for few days so wondering if its connected?
  15. Getting gear box problems and I'm doubtful if its ever been changed - 70K now. Getting serviced next week (by my local mechanic) and have asked him to change it rather than just top up. BUT, I want to make sure he knows what hes doing? I understand its not that straightforward? Or should any decent mechanic be able to do this no problems?
  16. Yes levels were checked a few months ago but not changed.
  17. Well I never got this looked at. Wifes car so I rarely drive it and she swore blind it was fine and it was just me. Shes now admitting it might not be right. lol. Time to get it looked at. Ford dealer or independent?
  18. Still getting this. Its been months now. No other signs of trouble. (Temp thing was a red herring). I need to get it sorted soon I guess LOL. Only difference is that the message comes up immediately now. Thing is there is no OBCD fault code so I dont want to take to Ford pay £50+ for them to say dunno no fault code.
  19. Drove the car again tonight and I've worked out it stays off until you get to just over 60mph then like clockwork it comes on. Stop the car and its gone until next time. I've got an ODBII tool and no codes. One thing - I had it services recently and never bothered to reset the oil service warning? Related at all?
  20. This work on Galaxy with push button ignition?
  21. Sorted now. 1. Headrests. You have to push bottom (flat not raised) on other pole as well. 2. Seat back. Clips on right at the bottom. Bit fiddly but if you pull and unhook then its easy to get hand up inside. The cable can be fed down headest pole and its easy to grab and pull though.
  22. Onboard diag? Just drove somewhere along the motorway 35 miles each way. Within 5 mins, error pops up. OK and it disappears (but yellow triangle stays there). No other problems, temp seems fine now. On way back, exactly the same, 5 mins in the error pops up again.
  23. Got an OBD2 reader. No fault codes.
  24. Bit vague. Noticed that temp was right down to zero (even after 10 mins driving). Anyway, returned to car in 5 mins and this time no message and temp seemed to go up as I drove home. Any ideas?
  25. The type that replaces the headrest. Problems so far:- 1. How on earth do you get original headrests off? Seems to pull out so far and thats it. 2. Power for thing goes down the headrest pole into seat. Cant see how to get access into the seat? Seems to be some sort of join at the bottom at the back?
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