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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by inchley313

  1. Don't know where you are in the country but Wheels UK in Coventry offer a refurb service.
  2. There are some fantastic "live data" OBD2 apps available on android for very little money and for free!! All you will need is a bluetooth OBD plug which are available on ebay for £15 - £20! These also work as diagnostics tools to get trouble code data if the engine management light is on and allows you to reset the light if required!! Handy tool if you ask me!!
  3. Replace the bulb with an amber bulb.
  4. Give it a run and plug it in again. If both codes come back up then replace both the sensors. Another posibility is that the timing is out. That would account for the rough running and the face the cam sensor in not in sync with the crank sensor.
  5. Haha!! Sounds like you had fun fitting it!! Looking very nice sitting there just remember to keep your eyes on the road!! ;)
  6. Hello all. I have decided to start a thread about my much loved 2002 Mk2 Galaxy 2.3 Zetec. I bought the car with a few interior modifications that I'll list below and have done a few bits to it since I got it. Body: Standard at the moment but I have found a little rust on the O/S/R where the arch meets the sill. I have this booked into the body shop next month to be repaired but am thinking of having the black bumper and door strips colour coded along with the door and boot handle. Also need to replace the ford badges at some point and am toying with the idea of fitting some front bumper corner skirts, side skirts and doing something with the rear bumper although not sure what yet. I would also like to strip the headlights down and paint the insides black if this is possible. Wheels & Tyres: Standard wheels at the moment running 205/55x16 Winter tyres. I would like to leave the winter tyres on these rims and fit a set of 18" Audi wheels with 235/45x18 tyres if I can find some at the right price. (Really cheep or free) ;) Suspension: Again standard but if I fit 18's, I will be lowering by 60mm with a set of springs. Ice: Eonon D3103 drop down 15" DVD player for the rear passengers Sony Xplod Bluetooth Head unit that links to my Samsung Galaxy S2 that holds all my music and also allows me to streem music directly into the car using Sound Cloud. Blaupunkt CMS 266 Active twin 8" Subwoofer I have recently had the 2 front suspension top mounts and the O/S/F wheel bearing replaced which has made a huge difference to the car. Air conditioning needs looking at due to not working. the compressor was replaced 2 years ago and re gassed so need to have a proper look. Parking sensors not working. This could be due to the way the twin electrics on the towbar sit but will test the sensors individually as and when I get some time. Have been having a problem with the Eonon DVD player which a friend of mine is fixing for me at the moment so currently got the head lining out (pig of a job) and have only just got the Blaupunkt sub so will be wiring that in at the same time as I refit the interior of the car. I will be back here with further updates as and when more work is done to the car. I love this car and it is the 1st car I have paid almost the going price for ever so I intend to keep this car in the best possible condition it can be!! :)
  7. Just WOW!! I was in the motor trade as a Service Manager for many years and DAMN!! I could talk my way out of a fight in a boxing ring but even I couldn't justify those costs!!
  8. A better option may be to buy a facia adaptor and fit any single din head unit with a jack port on the face. I have all my tunes on my phone and play them though my sony xplod head unit with bluetooth. Once paired, will automaticly pair everytime you turn the key and will also work as a hands free. The facia plate is about £10 on ebay and you could pick up a head unit with aux port second hand for as little as £30. The sound quality will also be greatly improved as the ford head unit built in amp is very low powered but an aftermarket head unit is normally 4x50w or there abouts so much less distortion and a crisper sound.
  9. I have just purchased (for only £10 I should add) a Blaupunkt CMS 266 8" active sub. I already have a Sony Xplod head unit with bluetooth that I link my phone too and streem a lot of trance music through Sound Cloud. The quality of the standard speakers is very good indeed but a little lacking in the lower frequencies hence the want for the sub. Has anyone here had any experience of the Blaupunkt or the more common Velocity VRS 8a (same sub renamed) My car also has a Eonon D3103 15" drop down tv fitted so that should also give much better surround sound while watching movies. I will keep you all posted as to how it sounds when fitted!
  10. There is a company called Morette who manufacture the twin headlamp conversion kit. This company have been going for years and are the best at what they do.
  11. Yup!! Pretty sure the top mounts are gone!! I jacked it up and the top of the strut feels like it's loose. It moves backwards and forwards about 5mm either way. Checked the top nut and thats tight.
  12. I have a similar noise on mine and have found the front top mounts have had it. I have found a poly bush replacement by floflex on ebay for about £35 so will be fitting these soon. I'll let you know how they do!!
  13. Get it done!! Would be nice to see something a bit different done and I do like the 2.3 engine
  14. Nice looking rims there!! I'd like to get 18's fitted to mine and get it dropped by 60mm but so many other things to pay for at the moment including moving house. Ah well, maybe next year!! ;)
  15. Would you believe my A/C doesn't seem to work either!! I changed the A/C compressor myself for the previous owner when I worked for him and it was re-gassed at the time. When I push the A/C button, I cannot feel any change in the revs nor can I hear the clutch kick in so I am going to have to remove the under tray again and see what is going on. I am pretty sure that the cabin filter is blocked on mine as I have never replaced it and my former boss doesn't remember ever having it changed and he bought the car new back in 2002. I would assume it was replaced by Ford in the first 3 years when it went there for service but certainly hasn't been done since! I will replace this first and let you all know if this changes anything but I'm pretty sure I am going to need to investigate this further.
  16. My sensors all seem to be clicking away, some louder than others. I have a towbar with twin electrics fitted by the previous owner. Has anyone had problems with this interfering with the sensor system?
  17. I believe seatkid means dual zone system. I wait to be corrected but I believe the dual zone system uses the same compressor and fill points as the single zone system, it just has more pipework to another evaporator in the nearside rear wheelarch along with more sensors and controls. You put more refrigerant into a dual zone system. I believe the rear roof vents will only blow cooled air when the system is on recirculate, if I understood the Ford Handbook properly, I never used it in the few (wintery) months between getting the car and having the radiator replaced, at which point I believe the garage damaged the pipework. (Strangely enough they said they didn't go near where the pipework is leaking. However when I have been taking the front end apart to give access to the pipe, the pipes going to it have been bent where they have moved the condensor, heatexchanger and oil radiator out of the way to fix it! - sounding familiar seatkid?) My 2005 MKII has the dual zone system and is due to have a pipe repaired tomorrow, then we will see if it still works. I believe a blocked pollen filter can prevent the car cooling properly if it hasn't been changed for some time. To check if compressor is engaging listen as seatkid suggests and/or identify the compressor in the engine pay and observe the nuts/bolts in the centre of the pulley while it turns on and off. They should start and stop rotating as it engages and disengages (an assistant turning AUTO on and off helps). WARNING:- Be VERY careful when observing and make sure no loose clothing/hair gets near the drive belt/fans. Sorry, didn't realize you already covered this, I must start reading posts properly before offering my advice!! XD
  18. I might be way off the beaten track here but have you replaced your cabin filter recently? I ask because this can prevent the cold air flowing freely into the vents.
  19. Looking at the pics, the water leaking in is blue so I would certainly be looking at the coolant. Plus as the engine gets hot, the coolant becomes pressurized forcing it through the smallest of cracks.
  20. Looks like your heater matrix has gone pop!! I am unsure on how big a job this is on a galaxy but when mine went on my lasy car (a volvo v40), it was a complete dashboard out job to replace. Hopefully it is easier to get to on the galaxy but hopefully someone who has done this job may be able to advise you further.
  21. Ah a reply!! :( hello and sorry for the rant. Yes I totally agree the ford badges need replacing. Am I right in assuming that these are the 150x60mm badges you see all over ebay or is it a vehicle specific badge i can only order from ford?
  22. You may also want to check for play in the steering rack, I used to run a tyre bay here on the Isle of Man and had a 2001 galaxy come in for what you are describing, I found there to be play in the rack that was wearing the inside of the tyres out. Balancing the front wheels sorted out the wobble for a week or so but as the tyre was wearing unevenly and very quickly, the balace soon was out again!
  23. Well, I'll have to go and check the sensors on my new galaxy now. The previous owner fitted a towbar witg twin electrics to mine so I assumed that was interfearing with the sensors but after reading this thread, I may be able to get the sensors back online!! I will go and check when it stops raining! :(
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