Hi, newbie to this forum (and galaxy ownership) so please be kind! Handbrake cable snapped recently and replaced with the guides in this forum, shortly after the ABS warning light has come on. Prime candidate was the wheel I had off for the handbrake cable (o/s rear) and got back under the car to take a look. Thing is, I can't see any ABS sensors on the rear, I can see the ABS ring and a hole I presume is for the sensor, but there's no sensor. It's the same on the near side rear too. There is a cable entering where the pads are, is this it? From the descriptions I've read, I assume this is for the pad wear indicator. Also, if it is a sensor, would a vag-com cable help? If so, which one / version? From what I've read there are 3 options, cheap cable with free version (£20), cheap cable with registered free version (£20 + $99); full ross-tech cable with full licence (£306). Are the cheaper options any use, or is the full version the best way to go? Car is a 1.9 (115) tdi, Aug 2001 Many thanks! p.s. I have the other usual gremlins, air con not working, poor blower, no booster heater, I'll (maybe) get around to those in time!