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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Lloyd Evans

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Everything posted by Lloyd Evans

  1. Fitted a towbar with dedicated ford (vw stamped on connectors) kit. All electrics on the car work however there are now indicators on the trailer Is it just a need to "turn on" indicators with vcds Cheers
  2. I have a towbar to fit to my 2005 galaxy which I have removed from a 2001 sharan however I do not have the wiring kit. In an ideal world I would like to purchase a vehicle specific kit to attach to the connectors on the car. Presuming they are there as I haven't checked yet!!! I want to do this job as cheaply as possible as I don't tow that oftenand am looking for recommendations on where to get a cheap kit Alternatively I will use something like the pct wiring kit Any advice or suppliers or prices would be great Cheers
  3. I know this is an old topic but I have "upgraded" the sharan to a galaxy!!! I have retained to tow bar from the sharan (along with all the bits to fit it) however the tow bar and twin electric where an option when the car was new, needless to say I could not remove the electrics to retain for this car So the question is what is the most economical way of fitting single electrics (7 pin plug) to a mk2 galaxy? I have looked at the pct option and it looks ok any other advice would be great Cheers Lloyd
  4. A few quick questions How long does a belt kit and water pump take to fit?? What would you being paying at an Indy?? Cheers Lloyd
  5. Sorted it Bonnet catch not quiet connected so drivers door wouldn't lock! Hopefully now sorted
  6. Just changed the sharan for a galaxy so basically like for like .... But a couple of years newer and half the milage The 1st problem I have with the new car is the drivers door won't lock from remote central locking or drivers door however will lock from the inside of the car or from the boot global lock Any surgestions?? Cheers Lloyd
  7. Away from car and just need someone to confirm the warning wires on the pads are one front one rear Cheers Lloyd
  8. I have an abs light which has just come on, lucky my mot is now due as well !! What great timing!! As recently i lost all indicators and hazards and had to replace the fuse I'm thinking the fuse could be the first place to start?? Which fuse is for the abs?? On another note, does anyone know a good place to get an mot in Pembrokeshire west Wales Cheers Lloyd
  9. Thanks for the help
  10. I have a vw sharran 2001 mkii the battery ran out in the remote fob, so I took out the battery and went to town to get a replacment. replaced battery and reassembled the led on the key now flashes when the lock or unlock buttons are pressed and the car starts and drives but no remote lock unlock Do I need to reprogram the key?? If so does anyone know how to reprogrammed it ?? Cheers for the help Lloyd
  11. Thanks for the help
  12. Recently my mark 2 sharan tdi 115 has developed a loud wurring type noise, started with the engine running but now starts as soon as the key is turned one click. The noise sounds as if it is coming from the top of the engine under the black scuttle plate area possibly towards the drivers side. I have no idea what this could be so any ideas where to start would be great Thanks
  13. I had the same issue, was a loose connection to the light switch (main light switch for car lights main, side, no lights) all the lights worked fine but the instruments lighting didn't change the switch job done
  14. Simple question Is there a better grease to use when changing my drive shafts?? Cheers Lloyd
  15. And forgot to ask how much!!
  16. Sorry cant help but where did you buy the plug and gasket - I need to do mine very soon!!
  17. Yeah the only rust on mine as well!! How much did the welding cost? If you don't mind me asking
  18. Cheers for the offer unfortunately I'm in Shropshire!!
  19. Just wondered if anyone could give me a ball park figer!! I have just been under the car to look at something else and found rust between the out rigger and chassis at the front of the car drivers side prodded a little bit ... Finger went through out rigger weld ( wish I hadn't done that now!!) from what I can tell the rust has made a hole about the size of a 50p everything else looks really solid! Is the repair just a plate over the hole? And how much will I be looking at?? Cheers Lloyd
  20. Evening all I am hoping for some idiot proof instructions to help me replace the coolant on a tdi. The car has a full service history all but the last one vw however I am not sure the antifreeze has been changed and looks very pale I will purchase consentrated antifreeze so will need to flush all old fluid through Thanks for the help 115 tdi vw sharan
  21. I've checked number 26? Think that's correct from the fuse map??
  22. Hi Might be straight forward not sure, but if anyone could help would be very greatfull I have a mk2 1.9tdi 115 vw sharan, and have no working interior lights all other electrics are working fine including instrument cluster lighting. The interior lights worked fine until last week when I fitted a roof rack to the car and a small amount of water ran through the seals above the rear passenger doors on both sides. So far I have checked the area under the carpet under the front seats the only electronics I can see there is seat air bag connections! The gaitor wires are ok(ish) all the way around Cheers Lloyd
  23. Check all the wires in the door gatiors and where the wiring joins the top of the tail gate!! Somewhere on here it tells you how to repair wires
  24. Looks like I need to wait for the rain to stop to get the wheel off and measure the disk!!
  25. I'm happy it's correct oil vw quantum 505,01
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