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Everything posted by roly1977

  1. mine didnt have water in the oil or any grunge in the cap all i noticed was when i undone the water cap it chucked water out my garage did the test for exhaust gasses in the water system and there was
  2. i had that with mine turned out to be head gasket over
  3. hiya the face plate on the aircon clutch has com off air con hasnt worked for awhile i was wondering if you can buy the whole cluch part for it or is it a whole new pump many thanks james :)
  4. am i right in thinking on the mk 2 the low side is on the drivers side just above the alternator :blink:
  5. hi peps will the mk1 air con pump fit the mk 2 as ive got a mk 2 and got a used mk 1 pump :27:
  6. hi peps will the mk1 air con pump fit the mk 2 as ive got a mk 2 and got a used mk 1 pump :(
  7. right ive brought one of these aircon topup things ive read all instructions but it dont seem to be going in im sure when ive seen it before you dont have aircon on but this says you do anyone else done this or have any advice ;)
  8. it aint long had a new belt and tensioner, had it in garage today the fault aint come back pulleys all seem ok slight wobble on aircon pump, but the belt is making a noise when turning the wheel :10:
  9. hi john , yes rev counter is fine the message dont come on on tick over just when i reved it.Today it hasnt come on at all just the belts sqeaking and a stearing judder belts moving fine
  10. sorry, ive got a 51 galaxy 1.9tdi ghia 115
  11. erm good thought my aircon aint working at the moment getting it done in the next couple of weeks but my climate control was turned off so not sure dont the air con pumps have clutches then
  12. hiya all another problem now :P last night i was driving along all of a sudden bleeping started lights flashing alternator workshop and the batery light was flashing and i think a clicking could be heard pulled over it stopped while ticking over the rev it and the noise and lights started again turned off engine restarted it was ok till i drove half mile home went out this morning started reved it no noise no flashing lights but now the belts squeeking and the power steering is juddering its had a new belt and tensioner 3 months ago any ideas please im taking it to garage tomorrow is it the alternator at fault :P
  13. hi every one :) ive got a new air con condenser are they easy to change what will i need to remove and special tools or will it be easyier to get a specialist to do it if so anyone know a good one in the south east cheers
  14. right ive sorced some bio diesel http://www.biodieselfillingstations.co.uk/ but not sure how it works do i fill the tank half fill then top up with diesel or is it a % of 70 litres
  15. hello i had the same problem back last year had to have new turbo and i wouldnt advise getting a recon turbo i had 2 go wrong 1 was after 90 miles then the other within a mile :lol: i went straight to ford told them to call me when done rang me following day all done all sensors checked all pipes cleaned
  16. hi everyone im after a tow bar mounted box as im a taxi driver and dont fancy towing a trailer the thought really scares me :o i have seen some on internet but none seem to be in uk anyone know suppliers in uk many thanks james
  17. i had this problem mine came up with over boost sensor reset by ignition :ph34r: turned out to be turbo got new one done by ford no problem since (touch wood)
  18. :o well two new drive shafts on now no wobble feels great seems like i got some speed back too thanks to everyone who gave me answers to all my questions thanks again
  19. :o well two new drive shafts on now no wobble feels great seems like i got some speed back too thanks to everyone who gave me answers to all my questions thanks again
  20. at last someone else with a wobble :D ive had one for awhile now ive had 1 drive shaft replaced then the wobble got really bad now having 2nd drive shaft done tomorrow (tuesday) im just hoping this is all thats wrong :D
  21. name the 5 great kings that have brought happiness to peoples lives ? ANSWER ; DRIN-KING LIC-KING SUC-KING FUC-KING AND WAN-KING :lol: :D :D :lol: :lol: :(
  22. im having a new drive shaft on monday (337 plus vat from ford nice) hopefully thats it ill keep you posted
  23. ok today just got worse wobble got even more heavy really feel it now also when i turn left i get like a rubbing/grinding noise along with a knock or 2 are these related with the drive shaft of is something else up p.s its the right side the noise is coming from with the old drive shaft and the noise is when i turn left ive looked nothing rubbing so i can see
  25. its going for right hand drive shaft on monday lets hope it sorts it out if not i dont know what the problem will be everything else changed next to change will be the car
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