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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. Are you blind??? :o cant be me as im going grey.LMAO where!! ?? i never saw her!..i did notice the big busty blond behind me though :wub:
  2. I have called the police......and they say they will send someone round.If i get no joy with them, i will be in touch with the RAF police and i will make damn sure i am heard. He drove with no insurance.He took my car without permission.He knows how furious i am, his excuse was that he run out of bread and milk.The shop is a 10 min walk away.According to the eldest he used the car several times over the weekend. You are right mike..this country is crap, but im gonna make sure there is a papertrail.
  3. Moved to correct forum. There is a way to open it, think its in the FAQs, not sure right now.
  4. He already has 9 points on his licence for speeding,it wasnt just my kids he put at risk, it was my mates aswell...she didnt know he wasnt insured to drive .
  5. Thanks Insider....will be glued to the telly on weds eve then!
  6. What about a witness though?as she saw him pull up on saturday.he had 5 kids in the car!!
  7. Been away the weekend and i have found out from a friend that that... <words cannot describe> who was looking after the kids, apart from breaking my washing machine and leaving the house looking like a tornado has whipped through it a few times, drove my car knowing that he wasnt insured to drive it ( he has no other car insurance) and did not have permission to use it .Can i report him? Why would i want to do this? because hes a &*$%
  8. welcome jason, lots of info about modifying floating around the place :D
  9. yes its possible, they appear on ebay every now and then
  10. Yeah but the 25% off list discount helps to while away the months of waiting :lol: !, and the current workhorse (Renault Grand Scenic) is not due to be sacked in until January mmm..true i guess..... I really must get a bigger car at some point.
  11. Sunday at 8pm BBC 2. Should be a sight to see....but i tell you this, it was awesome watching it for real. Can someone record it for me pwetty pweese as im nay at home this weekend and i may miss it.
  12. Its still there :lol:
  13. Tell you what, if i paid a deposit on a brand spanking new car id be bl00dy miffed at having to wait a few months....
  14. <caption> Him:- you look like the back end of a bus and i wouldnt touch you with a barge pole Her:- Least my c0ck is bigger than yours! .. smile for the camera :lol:
  15. chromedome, hope all goes well with the by-pass surgery and look forward to you returning to us after and telling us all about the busty nurses :lol: ( ermm, not that im into busty nurses you understand but im sure the lads will want to know...heck, best i stop digging) oh, glad you sorted the rattle out :D
  16. Please...say what you are thinking..never stopped you before :lol:
  17. Been a long time since i heard that phrase being shouted :lol: Glad you got it sorted.. :D Tip: Exhausts can get hot :D
  18. Alas, i dont get down that far...Now if you did mail order......... :blink:
  19. Your welcome. And also welcome to the madhouse. :blink:
  20. Ok..one word sticks out above all others there.....Wine......mmmmmmmmm............i prefer a nice sweet wine, not dry ,a rose is nice..mmmmmmmm.. anyway, welcome rayc even though you been with us a while :blink:
  21. Heck, did the raiders succeed?if so, where they bury the booty as i could do with a cash advance right now :blink::16:
  22. If you chose adaptive cruise control then you cant have IVDC with CCD same with adaptive cruise control with IVDC just tried it on the config.
  23. .. Your vehicle Ford Galaxy 5-door MPV Ghia 2.0 145 PS 5 Speed Manual Base price
  24. http://www.ford.co.uk/ie/configurator/-/-/-/-/-/- 17" 5 Spoke Alloys ilo 16" Alloys
  25. If you have a gander on the Ford website, there should be a place there with options etc...will have a look
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