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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by bhbobhill

  1. Hi All Coming down the motorway this afternoon my gauge went to three quarters I was doing just short of 70 in top gear. When I stopped I checked the water level, nothing wrong. I have only had this vehicle about 3 months and in that time it has always been very slow to warm up, I haven't checked but suspect the thermostat has been removed. The other thing is the heater never seems to get hot like in all other vehicles I have owned. Thoughts are head gasget. impeller on water pump, maybe radiator fans not kicking in, thermostat or any combination. What is the best way of narrowing this down. Your thoughts gentlemen & ladies. Many thanks Bob Hill
  2. I got my manual from Rapid Share. Its on disc @
  3. My screen heater works fine in cold weather just like this morning, but the heater just doesn't get hot enough. I thought someone in the past had removed the thermostat but without opening it up I'm not sure and don't really want to get involved with just looking for faults that might not be there. Has anybody else got this problem of ineficient heater, and is there anything I can do about it. Bob Hill
  4. I have had a lot of help with the problems regarding drive shafts from these columns. After fitting a new drive shaft I then found the intermediate shaft was shot. Getting hold of the part is much harder than the job. Ford want an arm and a leg for this part, roughly
  5. I take on board what you say regarding all the different versions, one is of course bhp. Where do I find the engine identification markings also there is the 90, 115 & 130bhp. As I understand there are 3 engine types anu,auy & asz could any one of these engine be any of the three bhp or is this to signify which, could anyone explain. Many thanks bhbobhill
  6. Hi Ade I've just looked on unipart but they don't seem to list ford at all or VW. Am I wrong. Regards bhbobhill
  7. I have a Mk2 Galaxy one of the apparent common faults is failure of the drive shafts. I rang Ford for a price and was quoted over
  8. I have just ordered this manual and will let you know what its like Many thanks Bob Hill
  9. Any experience with this?
  10. This might sound a daft question but What workshop manual can I use for the 1.9 tdi mk2 Galaxy covering all aspects? Any help would be appreciated.
  11. FUSE SPECIFICATION CHART.docI think this is for the Galaxy but not completely sure. Please see attachment it may give you some help but as I say don't hold me to it. Regards Bob Hill
  12. Hi Daz To run without the thermostat, you might have to take the middle out of it and replace the remainder back this is because the thermostat may be part of the seal arrangement like my previous vehicle which was a merc c200 which had a rubber seal. I hope you understand what I mean and makes sense. Regards Bob Hill
  13. Hi Daz Go back to basics, you say the fan doesn't kick in, check it and the sensor. Double check the water pump in case it has gone altogether. Is the temp gauge OK. How much water did you lose or how much did you have to add. Just some extra thoughts. Regards Bob Hill
  14. Hi Daz Run the car with the pressure cap off and see if it gasses up. You may see bubbles coming up through the coolant. This is another sign of head gasket failure. Best of luck Bob
  15. Hi Daz If I were you the first thing I would do is a pressure test on the whole system. Check the oil for water, it will look milky. Is the water showing any signs of oil in it. You say you have been losing water over a period of time,this could be the cylinder head gasket. Sorry if this is bad news but needs checking out. Best of luck Bob Hill also a newbie
  16. Thanks for that it gives a lot of reasurance Bob
  17. How hard is it to fit a drive shaft an what does it entail?
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