I'm waiting for my Galaxy to arrive, and in preparation have been looking for a dog guard. I'm a Galaxy virgin at the moment so please excuse any ignorance. I like the look of the genuine Ford guard with the boot divider as well, but it is a criminal price. looking at the dealer's parts computer, it also looks to fit using the standard "generic" style telescopic tube that brace between the floor and roof - something I think which may be bad if you have rear air-conditioning ducts. I contaced a company called ASG who seem to sell a good wire mesh one, but they say theirs will only fit up to Galaxy model year 2004 - but can't tell me why not the 2005. Does anyone know the difference? Did the airbag arrangement change then? Can anyone recommend a good dog guard for the Galaxy. I want mine to act as a dog guard, but also to allow me to load the boot right up and protect the row 2 passengers from falling items in an emergency braking scenario.