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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Keithb

  1. Anyone else had batterry problems as well? Mine was replaced under warranty early August. My car was registered 1st Jan 2003.
  2. Finally purchased some radio removing pins and discovered the aerial lead had come adrift. Strange co-incidence that it happenned at the same time as the battery was replaced. Can't think why they would remove the radio. Thanks for the advice Ivor. Keith
  3. I'll need to check what I've got in the garage. I have some keys from a sony unit. Not sure if they're the right ones tho. I'll report back. Thanks
  4. The unit is the rds 5000. I don't think they had a battery across the terminals whilst they changed the main battery as I saw them fiddling with the radio afterwards, presumably inputting the code. Tapes and CDs play ok and all wavebands are affected. Radio display is fine. Tried taking the radio fuse out to-day and left for 5 mins. radio came to life, put in keycode but still no radio - just a load of shushing. More suggestions?
  5. On holiday in France I had to get the battery changed (Amazingly done under warranty on 20 month old car). Since then the radio doesn't work. The power is on and the cd works but it's as if the aerial is disconnected. I've checked the connector on the rear side window and that's intact. Any suggestions? I've another 2k mile till service is due and can't be bothered to take it into Ford dealer (besides, you guys normally come up trumps). Keith
  6. Hmmm, last night I had to get up to the drivers window to get the remote working, but to-day it works from inside the house through the kitchen window. Maybe it needs some wd40! I guess I can monitor it until the next service and get it changed under the leasing company's cost. Thanks for the replies. Keith
  7. Andyjflet, I tried some strong cord in the style of a 'spanish windlass' if that's the right term, but there's not much room as seatkid says it's only the top part that removes. seatkid, I made a ramp from thick boards which raised the front end by about 6 inches. That allowed me to crawl underneath and get to the undertray. Yes, it slid backwards easily. Took about 10 minutes! My normal car ramps were too narrow for the Galaxy tyres.
  8. I took the plunge and gave mine an oil change this week. It's normally done as part of the leasing deal but I plan to buy it in 6 months time and want 5,000 mile oil changes (especially as I'm towing the caravan to the south of France next week). Remove the engine cover underneath the vehicle (6 x 10mm nuts/bolts) locate sump plug - it's very obvious and points towards the back of the car. For the oil filter, remove the top engine cover - it pulls off with no nuts or bolts. Oil filter is in front on the nearside. Mine was too tight to undo so had to leave it. I think there's a special tool needed. It has a large black domed cover/nut? that needs to unscrew to remove the filter. I'd love to know any tips on getting it off. Keith
  9. Sticky black plastic works well, it's just knowing where to stick it! My brother in law has a set of plastic headlamp protectors which have the markings on. Basically it's the lower nearside qudrant of the mainbeam light that needs masking. I marked mine with a permanent marker whilst looking at the light from the front and level with it, then copied onto a paper sheet and used that as a template for the black sticky stuff. I've heard that some members have got a template from their Fraud dealer but mine just wanted to book it in to make the measurements and make a fast buck! Keith
  10. Any ideas on changing the battery on the remote control for a 2003 Galaxy? The handbook says contact the dealer! Sounds like a money making scam to me.
  11. I have the Bosal fitted to my Galaxy by the dealer when supplied new. The electrics are very neat but the towball height is higher than the witter ( by about 2 inches). Towing a caravan makes it ride 'nose high' so I had a drop plate made. I also have a witter cycle carrier which fixes to the towball. In the original position this interfered with the parking sensors. With the drop plate and the cycle carrier fitted the parking sensors work about 50% of the time (don't know why they're sometimes more sensitive). However, the ball and associated fixing is secured by 2 bolts so I remove this when not needed which leaves a much better view of the rear! Keith
  12. Can someone let me know where I can get a TIS CD from please? Keith
  13. Hi All, Just to tidy up a couple of comments I made a while back in this thread. Firstly thanks to mstraxs for confirming that the toll booth/timing/speeding fine does exist. I'd never heard of anyone being caught before - but now I know. Secondly the latest issue of the csma mag carries an apology for stating that beam deflectors are not required on the continent. They are most definately! apparently they took this info from a Peugeot letter and didn't check the correctness before publishing. I add my apologies for passing the info on. This proves again the value of this forum in getting the views from such a wide range of people. KeithB
  14. I believe it was the CSMA Magazine that stated that unless your trip is greater than 90 days, you don't need beam deflectors. I took their advice and just turned the leveler down low. I had no problems with French Flashers! As to the French police nicking you at the motorway tolls, this sounds like an urban legend much like the idea that they time you on the toll ticket and nick you if you're speeding. How do they know if you have adjustable lights or need deflectors?
  15. WOW 22 mpg! I got about 16mpg with my 2.3 auto last year going to the med. That was 5 up with loads of baggage though. I've now got a 115bhp diesel auto and last week got 26mpg going and 24mpg coming back on a 200 mile round trip. I think the galaxy's a great towcar, pulls easily and not buffeted by side winds. Also no need for extension door mirrors due to it's width. My next towing trip isn't until July when we are going to Annecy in the French alps.
  16. Anyone with a witter tow bar - could you measure the height to the centre of the towbar, with the car unladen and let me know what it is? I compared mine to the brother-in-laws (oo-er missus) and his was a couple of inches lower. Mine was a dealer fit and hence twice as expensive, but the dealer is in Reading and I'm in Dorset. Not that a dealer would probably know anything about tow bars anyway. If mine's wrong then I'll have to get it changed at my local dealer under warranty but I'd like to know if it's out or not. The legal height is between 350 and 420mm with the car laden. Mine's 500mm unladen but don't know how to check what this would be laden. Thanks in advance. Keith
  17. Has anyone any recommendations for a dealer service in the Poole area? I've always used the BT fleet workshops before but although willing, they don't always have the correct tools. The car is a 3 month old Galaxy diesel auto. I've seen some horror stories of Ford customer care and wonder whether a VW garage may be a better bet. I also want to get the trailer indicator light on the dash working. Despite it being a dealer fitted towball, all I got was an annoying high pitched buzzer in the back! Cheers Keith
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