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Everything posted by andyfishing

  1. I shall get under it tomorrow. Many thanks. Andy
  2. Yes - whatabout it? Symptoms - model? Andy
  3. Ford Galaxy 2.8i 4x4 R Reg 1997. The other day I had to climb a long steep mountain (40 minute climb , welsh mountains). When I got near the top it would not change out of first. Anyway I let it cool for half an hour and everythng seemed fine. Now I have a weird clunk when taking my foot off the accelator. A little hesitancy in changing gears betwene first and second. I have only just changed the gearbox oil (twice to make sure any gunk was got rid of). Should I change it again? Andy
  4. You are joking, take them to court - 40,000 miles for an engine is not realistic. I would go in kick up a fuss with a letter in my hand listing the complaints. Detail it like you have here. Explain to them that you want the car booked in and it sorted (for free). Otherwise you wll have to recover the costs through the County Court. Go and see a solicitor and have half an hour with them. It wil cost you maybe
  5. Yes but my comments stand - use WVO and SVO at your own risk. Andy
  6. Okay here are some facts. I ran Land Rovers for ten years on various WVO and SVO mixes. There are lots of snake oil practices and misinformation. 1. WVO (waste vegetable oil) is bad for the head, injectors and pump. If you use it you must budget for these to go wrong. So somewhere in the region of
  7. My drivers widnow switch was playing up and strangely the sunroof. So checked wires even though only repaired last summer. Well let me say I will never go back to that autoelectrician. Worst job I have even seen. The wires had simply been soldered and it really needed new wire soldering in. The wire had decayed. So chopped out wire , new one inserted and everything works perfectly. ALWAYS CHECK THE WIRES. I just have to now change my thermoswitch, paint battery tray and then I am running out of jobs to do. I have a slight oil leak on the head which will need sorting, but that is for a garage - not me. It is a fantastic car. So different than a Land Rover Discovery. Andy
  8. Hiya, Let me try and offer some help:- On turning stering wheel cuts out - mmmm could be either a fuel pipe or electrics on ignition system (have you VAG-COMME'D it?) Smeel of fuel outside - coudl be petrol cannoster inside drivers wing. Check all fuel pipes. Using a lot of oil - mmmmm I think the rest of your symptoms are head gasket - all of it would make sense. Get sniff test done. Andy
  9. Okay Eblag here I come. Andy
  10. Nwo then I have a different idea. Get some white lithium grease, give em a good soaking when it is hot (sunshine). Allows th grease to melt and penetrate.Do it each day for three days. It always works for me. Andy
  11. Okay - but I have changed:- Electric water pump, Radiator Heater matrix Thermostat housing and thermostat. So with it only coming on when very hot - what would you try next? Does not come on at idle or until engine is very hot. Andy
  12. Mark 1 Ford Galaxy 2.8i V6 Auto (1996) I have had the wires repaired in the door shroud last summer. Now all buttons are not working at all on the drivers door. Any ideas? Seems to be no electrics going to the door. Where is the fuse? Andy
  13. Hi all, Mark 1 Ford Galaxy 2.8i V6 Auto (1996) Neither fan is working on the radiator until the temp gauge hits "m". Then comes on high speed. What is it likely to be? Andy
  14. Okay well it went into the garage this week. This is what was wrong:- Electric coolant pump leaking (top of engine). Thermostat housing cracked. Radiator leaking at bottom and evaporating. So all replaced. Engine still gets upto "m" (of N O R M )on very steep hills - should it do? Coolant is no longer leaking and I am not losing any. I also arranged for a gearbox oil change. Put some Lucas additive in . Lots of yucky gearbox oil came out. Then on driving gearbox was banging, slipping, huge problems. I was convinced that the gearbox oil was nto high enough. So went back in. Drained gearbox again - lots of dirt came out. Also it would have taken the Lucas additive out. Put just gearbox oil back in (Dexron III) and it is like a new car. Geabox is wonderful and smooth, no slippage, no problems at all. So the Lucas additive that was very thick I think caused a problem. So we have noticed I have a leak on the head (oil dripping from back of head on air fliter side). Suspect head will have to come off. There is no loss of coolant and there is no exhaust gases in the coolant. Having to top up about half a litre per 1000 miles, so not a huge leak. How much do you reckon for the head being done (gasket skimming, etc)? Many thanks Andy
  15. I would suspect low gearbox oil - common symptom. Get it topped up. Andy
  16. Mm okay - I accidently misread petrol etc. I would though change oil and filter to be on the safe side and put injector cleaner through. Andy
  17. Okay, The symptoms you describe can be low or high fluid. Certainly high fluid will cause hesitation and problems. What I am worried about is that one of the valves might have cracked. Number 3 is very weak. It will show up when reversing and when the box is cold with slippage. You have a claim against the garage. You need to take it to a gearbox specialist and have them check it over. If it is okay - change the fluid and put some gearbox treatment in. It is very likely that the box needs stripping - budget
  18. Okay now what I would do in your situation. Diesel runs past the piston rings and gets in the oil. So do a full service, oil and filter. Change the fuel filter (it is only couple of pounds). Change the spark plugs (upgarde them I would) and while you are at it change the air filter. I would put some 10K boost through the engine or at very least some injector cleaner. Maybe two bottles of Redex as well. Now that should make sure you have no problems. If you get a misfire on a cylinder you can damage the valve or one of the seats. It is not worth it -you then have to have the head off. Andy
  19. Sorry to be a pain. Look at my previous post on this - using a tin of paint except for areas you will not see is a waste of time. Andy
  20. Okay now you have some problems. Spraying metallic is NOT like spraying a solid colour. If you are spraying out of a tin it wll be ultra shiny and a waste of time - it will never look like the rest of the panel. So here goes:- Get yourself a compressor (ath least 25 litres - preferably 50 litres - do not get one without an air tank - good for tyres but not for spraying, good second hand one) and a decent spray gun (
  21. Hiya, Well I have TIS and I have the original Ford Handbook but cannot find my brake fluid reservoir. I have checked at back of engine were it says it should be!!! I am mystified. Ford Galaxy 2.8i v6 4x4 Ghia Auto 1997 Andy
  22. Hi all, Ford Galaxy 2.8 i Ghia X 4x4 Auto 1997. I have a slight coolant leak - right hnd side of engine below plug leads. Next to battery fairing. It is seeping around the rubber seal - is it a pipe or is that the water pump? Andy
  23. Hiya, Okay now I have another problem. I only have single electrics on my tow bar - how easy to fit twin electrics? Andy
  24. Hiya, I had this problem and plugged it into a VAG COM - it said there was broken wires on Drivers side were it went to the bodywork. It looked like there wasn't, but two wires were broken just as it went into the bodywork. Quick solder and all fine. Andy
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