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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by v6mikey

  1. So just a quick question then. If he put standard alloys back on the car, it would not rub the arch? Even if the car was fully loaded? Thanks. Sorry to hijack the thread. The ride height looks just right MOGWR, nice.
  2. Used to have one of them myself, cant get out of the 4wd club since. Now this is my new Sharan V6 4mo
  3. Didn't know the shocks would be any different to the ones I have. Well I would say
  4. The drop balances the level of the car slightly with the drop. Un-even tyre wear is due to the camber and toe-in(or out) changes in the suspension when you lower it. You should always have a wheel alignment and camber adjusted after lowering......been there and worn through a set of tyres in 6 months, had the camber and alignment done and bingo no worries and full life from the tyres again. I do think that a strut brace would be a great bonus to the bamma/galaxy/sharan as when I push it hard you can feel the car slink slightly (slide slightly) over as the suspension takes the weight shift. Who's gonna design one appears there is a market here ! I have the SE model thus the sports suspension (eibach) as standard it is a compliant ride and handles brilliantly for a car this size....recommended....but as we all seem to agree still not low enough imo. Anyone done the coilover route and what is the ride like...? Mattt I will buy your old springs when you change then! :blink:
  5. Have you priced the Seat sport pack? How much is it, I would be interested in this as well.
  6. Well, thanks for your input radiotwo, it
  7. Hi, I am looking at lowering the Sharan. I have read a lot of the older posts, but I don't think anyone has done a 4motion or 4x4 galaxy. I have the v6 4motion and want to lower it hopefully using the g max springs. I hope someone can help me with a couple of questions. Are the 4mo springs different in any way, or do the standard gmax springs fit? I am worried about tyre wear, a couple of people have mentioned excesive tyre wear on the inside of the tyre, is this the norm or the exception? Has anyone done a 4x4 galaxy or sharan? Does it affect the height of a towball too much? I do not tow now, but might do in the future. Do the lower springs affect the ride at all? I think the ride is firm enough already, so do not want it to be any firmer. Less roll round the corners sounds good though. Sorry about all the Q's, but never lowered a car before and want to make sure I am doing the right thing. Any help would be very helpful. Thanks.
  8. Well I thought that I should update you all. I now have cold air!!!!!!! ;) Changed the compressor and the drier cartridge myself. Quite easy actually. Just had it recharged today and bingo, everything works. (for how long!) Bought a used compressor off ebay for
  9. Well the compressor has given up the ghost. The AC guy who looked at it said that everything works apart from the compressor. Looking for a new one now. I don't know how long the car had not had any gas in and when the compressor was used last, so not surprised it packed in straight after a re gas. The difference in refrigerant between the single and double systems apparently (700 for the single system and 1050 for the double.) should not damage the compressor. Will change the compressor myself and then get it recharged. I will keep you informed.
  10. Well I thought I would read the manual last night. (Always a good idea. :) ) It turns out that I only have the single AC system. The rear heater is just a heater. Way to check is if you have vents in the roof for the rear passengers you have a dual system, if you don't, you have a single system. The kwik fit guy didn't know what he was on about. :lol: So I will now have too much refrigerant in my system. Anyway, the AC specialist says that the compressor is kicking in, but no cooling as yet.
  11. Firstly hi and welcome to the site. Just wondered did they pressure test the system before putting in the gas Thanks for that. Yes kwik fits system pulls out all the gas and oil under vacuum. It will not re fill if it detects any leaks. Since the re fill the climate panel does not flash anymore. The fans come on the slow speed, but the compressor does not appear to kick in. A specialist is looking at it during the next couple of days. I will keep you informed.
  12. Well I wanted to say Hi to everyone in the introduction area, but don't seem to have access there, so thought I would give my 2 pence worth here. I have bought a 2002 Sharan V6 4motion (I know its not a Galaxy, but no other decent VW forum found as yet!) due to expanding family. Very pleased so far! The climate panel was flashing when I bought it, but didn't know what that meant, searching I stumbled across this thread. The AC didn't work at all even the compressor didn't even try to kick in so I have just had a quick re gas at Kwik Fit. Compressor kicked in straight away and the air came through the front vents at 5 deg, very cool! Thought all was well until he said that I had a dual system and not a single as I had told him. The air started warming up very quickly, then the AC died again. So re gasses again to the correct amount for a dual system FOC, still no cold air. I don't think the compressor is kicking in now. Will have to check tonight, apparently a tap with a hammer can make it jump in if its not kicking in. I will keep you informed.
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