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Everything posted by Philwalfc

  1. You may have all the pics, but have you still got all the scars ?? :).
  2. Hey mumof4. its all your fault :o. Its like a really good book. once you start, you cant stop... reading that is :16: . I think i read this thread when it first started, hoping that I would never need to be doing the job myself ( wishful thinking). It was kinda funny back then :o. Not so funny when you have to get everything stripped and greased in the cold though :o . Thanks for your input on the subject, cant believe you have another galaxy !! .. :16: :o.
  3. OOOh what a lovely day for getting your linkages in hand and giving them a giant smash with a copper hammer :16: :16: . Job done. 2 hours and 35 minutes :o :o . Thanks for the instructions guys, great work and pretty easy to follow.
  4. Oh by the way. just to confirm. The brake disc size for my 16" alloys with 215/55/16 tyres on is 288mm. Thanks everyone.
  5. Great help again Sparky. Cheers mate.
  6. Cheers Sparky. I'll have to phone the trader because I can't see the box set that was described on his fleabay site at the moment.
  7. Cheers familyman. I read a thread earlier and I'm interested in the Mintex discs and pads off fleabay. A lot of people say they are good quality.
  8. Nice one sparky. They are the 215/55 tyres on alloys. !999 Zetec also.
  9. Cheers familyman. Just a bit worried about size of wheels. I have been told by one supplier that there are 3 different size discs for my vehicle. Sounds strange.
  10. The TIS says the diameter of the disc for a 1999 model is 288 mm. But it also says that the 1999 1.9 tdi is fitted with 15 wheels. Microcat list the disc as part no 95VWX 1125 B1D for my vehicle, but doesn't say what size they are.
  11. Hi everyone, Could anyone tell me what size brake discs I should get for my 1999 1.9 tdi. I have got 215/55/16 tyres on. Does this mean I need 16 inch Discs? Thanks
  12. Nice one Seat. A bit of false economy me thinks. Main dealer here I come.
  13. This is getting weird. I have been running around with the temp sensor disconnected for a week and the starting whilst warm was great. So I got my new Temp Sensor from GFS and fitted it 2 days ago. Driving around the last couple of days and the warm starting problem is back. So Tonight I disconnected the new temp sensor and hey presto starting whilst warm is great again. Firstly, Does this mean my new temp sensor is faulty, and secondly are main dealer parts better and more reliable.
  14. I think it is Finnis part number 7017151. Hope that helps.
  15. Hi Tom. I had this problem a while back. I found it was the central locking motor. I actually transfered the faulty motor from the nearside door to the offside door to check it, and found the fault had transered to the other door. I replaced with a new motor and it worked fine. Phil.
  16. Cheers guys and gals, I've order my lead for Vag com to check all my faults, (my wife said I've got loads) :blush: . Prepare for more questions, if you don't mind of course. Cheers.
  17. Are you suggesting there are dodgy dealers on fleabay Seatkid. Surely not. :16: :D . Seriously though, you could well be right. It had got the same part number on it. and definiately !! looked !! brand new. Tim-spam gave a good explanation as to what might be the cause, but it sounds like a major job. Bit apprehensive stripping the turbo. A couple of questions, wouldn't the flat spot of been noticable before I changed the Maf if the VNT was sticking, also would connecting to vag- com, pick up a faulty Maf. Thanks.
  18. Just fitted one. Cost
  19. Thanks wolfie. It was just in the way when I was trying to dis-connect Coolant Temp Sensor. Thanks again.
  20. Hello people. Could you tell me what the white bottle is please. It is on a 1.9 tdi (1999) Thanks
  21. Cheers Tim spam, Having read a few posts about the Vnt sticking, it looks quite ba major stripping job. Do you think it is do-able by a Diy-er. Do you think it could be the coolant temp sensor as suggested in a few posts that is causing the stuttering. I'm just looking for easier solutions first.
  22. Hi Geoff, Having read a good few posts on this problem, I am leaning toward the coolant temp sensor. I am getting one localy, not from 'frauds' as they are double the price. Should get it over the weekend. I'll let you know how I get on.
  23. My engine is a 1.9 tdi 110 bhp
  24. Thanks Geoff, Your problem sounds like one of a few that I am experiencing.
  25. Just got back in. Thanks for all the replies. It stutters at between 1500 and 2500 revs in first and second gear. Thanks Seatkid, I will dis-connect battery like you suggested and see if this sorts it out. I'll let you know if this sorts the problem out. If that fails, thanks for the explanation Tim-spam.
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