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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by andy936

  1. another option is to take out a warrenty which you pay monthly that covers all aspects of you air con
  2. i was wondering if we could start a poll and set up a pro's and con's of used car dealers in the uk i have many issues with the galaxy ive bougtht , that trading standards have urged me to take to a small claims court! if we had some sort of self made dossier that we could use as reference and allow us to make a decision on where we buy our next car from! whilst viewing the car for the 1st time i found 4 faults only 1 theyve fixed!
  3. hi all i hope your well - having to slowly iron out faults in my 52 reg galaxy i have 1 that is doing my head in :blink: its the clock on my dash the light doesnt come on when i turn the headlights on is there a way to remove the clock so i dont damage the dash-the clock is a analogue type(its has hands)- i must get a haynes manual !!! thnx- andrew
  4. great help thanks a lot mate.andrew
  5. Sensors are as cheap as my vr6 golf i had b4 kids came along then..lol....thnx yet again mate. Any advice on the gear selection noise??..
  6. cheers, i wanted to double check-resistor pack 1st port of call-thnx again. andrew
  7. adding to this problem-was talking to a friend of mine does any 1 know of the rheostat/resistor located behind the glove box that could be the cause?
  8. dont think its gear noise sounds like linkage noise but i might be wrong-but i will add some additive to the box oil --cheers for the reply. andrew
  9. Got to get the fans workin before i move on to the air con problems! i just was wondering whether these problems were related!!??
  10. hi again' recently bought a manual galaxy 1.9 tdi and ive noticed that gear selection can be a bit-- lets say 'clunky' having only driven german saloons in the past and not used to the car does the galaxy suffer with linkage problems? Also having my abs light come on and stay on/leave an hour and come back to the car and start it up and it goes off- as it should! does the galaxy suffer with abs sensor or abs unit probs!? :(
  11. Hi new to this club so hi all-! Recently bought a 52 plate 1.9tdi lx galaxy and having various problems-- air con light only working in fan speed 1 and 2 fan not working in fan speed 1 and 2 but works in three and four and the air con light goes out! any pointers before i rip the system to bits :(
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