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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by HalfPint

  1. Please help me. I have a '96 2.0 ltr petrol galaxy that won't start. When you turn ignition on you normally get a sort of buzzing sound as the injection system is primed i think. But that don't happen any more. It done this about 3months ago and i gave a little tap here and there around the fuse box and the fuel filter? and the fuel tank and it started working but it has gone again and i cannot find what i tapped to make it start this time. I've checked the relays and thought i found the problem the fuel pump relay spent 20quid on a new one but no luck. Has any one had this problem before. i've got it booked in to go on machine to find fault code but would rather get it sorted out asap meself.# thanks paul
  2. it's because of people like you with this mentallity of being a goody goody and pay some plonker to give you a code and then charge you
  3. if you have the balls to open up your radio.open up the bottom of radio exposing the circuit board, LICK your thumb you can use your finger if they are big enough. on the circuit board there is a small square area with about 2 or 3 dozen solder contacts around it, with the radio power connected LICK thumb or finger and cover contacts with the said digit and look at front display and number with be displayed. If you are not confident with this idea on an expensive radio get hold of an old one which needs code and try first.
  4. thanks for the idea of the leaf blower. I've watched the trailer from cpracing and i'm just going outside now to try it as i have a petrol leaf blower in the garage and then i just need somewhere to attach it so i can start it from inside the car :lol: when i need a bit of extra speed. (or billy whizz)
  5. I've just had another look when you lock drivers door using the keys the doors will all lock but you also used to get a second lock sound which you don't any more and the door panel will not light up at all. Also is there a fuse for this as well as the wiring faults?
  6. THANKS FOR THE REPLY I KNOW YOU ARE RIGHT BUT YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE The body works fine it's just the heart needs a bloody good jump start and i thought by getting the other bits and pieces transplant the heart, floor it and watch your eye balls bleed. but it looks like i'm having to go down the expensive road.
  7. yes i have the pods on the pillars but i thought there was an alarm unit some where.also is this a common fault or would it be better to get half a gallon of petrol and a match and be like a dog and go WOOF
  8. I have a 2.0 '96 gal with 87.000 on the clock i've had it for about 6 years and rather than spend loads of dosh on i newer one i would rather rip the old lump out and upgrade it to a diesal turbo. Has any body done this and if so what parts am i looking at getting including wiring loom and also has anyone got one spare just laying around as you do gathering dust if so how much. Also could i fit the new 6 speed box in there also?
  9. Hi all Can any body help before i get the big hammer out tomorrow. the ford fitted alarm has just stopped working. the key sensor bit stopped about a year ago and after spending
  10. here is a quick question for anyone if they can help. I have a 2.0 '96 petrol gal with about 89 thousand miles on the clock. I love this car we have had it for nearly six years now and never let us down. but i was thinking of putting a rocket up it's arse and wandered if i could get a 2.0ltr cossie lump in there complete with turbo of coarse,i know it's about OTT but christ it would go like f@@@. Can you give me any positive or negative comments please to put my mind at rest. halfpint
  11. I have a '96 gal 2.0i. and my reversing lights went some years ago and after trying switched and bulbs i checked the wiring on the right hand side of the tail gate. pull the gaitor back and you will find possibly half of the wires have broken through there insulation. as i think the wire that fords use is to stiff and over time just SNAPS. Beware though fords don't leave much spare and if you have hands like shovels BEWARNED it's tight and plasters may be required. ABS---My abs have also come on all the time after you reach a speed of 20mph have had sensors checked-diagnostic checks have changed the brake fluid just in case and no joy had another diagnostic check done by a vw garage as i know them and they said it might be the abs pump or the main unit or both with a cost of about
  12. Hi ya I had the same problem with my gal. I think they are run in a circuit(can't spell ser....)you know loop. I found that the two back door switches were faulty. Open one door at a time If you pull the switch out of the door pillar take the wiring connection off the switch and put a piece of wire between the two connections of the of the wiring block.If the lights don't work replace switch in door pillar andgo to the next switch. Do all four doors and you should find the dodgy switch or switches. I think i paid about
  13. Also don't forget the ps2 run's 240v only so you need one of those power converters from 12v to 240v output. they are about
  14. I put a dvd player in my gal for the kids same problem where do you put it. SOLUTION I had an old computer laying around.Its just wide enough to go between the front seats. you won't one that wraps over the top and down case.Take the outer case and if it's small enough it will go under the arm rest in between the chairs,if not cut about a 1/4 off the bottom (be carefully not to cut to much off as it will foul the handbrake when you pull it up. You can then secure the ps2 inside the case at the top. And then i found an old cd storage box and secured that at the bottom to put dvd's or ps2 if you change the cases. And finally get some sticky back vinyl and cover the computer case WICKED And when you put it between the car seats it will be secure and not move around and can be taken out if in a dodgy area for safety. P.s you don't use the computer unit at all just the case. :lol:
  15. To be honest have not changed the fluid since i got the gal, but it is being done this week and see if that clears the problem. Also if it works and the abs light stay's off would i have to get the diagnostic cleared. :lol: thanks..............
  16. my abs comes on all the time every time every day. I've had all the sensors checked and there box of tricks say it's either the pump has seized or it's the manifold unit that all the pipes go into. If this is the case what size hammer would i need to fix it. :lol: :D :D
  17. I have a '96 2.0 galaxy. And some time ago i had the front pads replaced by a mechanic as i could not get the pistons back. I short while later the abs and the brake warning lights come on when you go above 20mph but are not on when you start up the car. I had a fault check done and have been told that it is either the abs unit or the other part of the abs, and they are about
  18. Fred, I've aways been told if you put petrol into a diesal it's ok as the petrol will dilute the diesal fuel down and will still burn when ignited in the combustion chamber. And also will clean the injectors at the same time. But the less petrol the better,but just keep topping up with diesal. If it was the other way round diesal in a petrol car and you had started it up the you would have to strip down injector pump and lines and de-grease. How right am i :lol:
  19. Forget about the last note i told you i was a newbie. I have sent my note to the wrong person what a plonker........... :lol: :o
  20. Newbie Group: Members Posts: 7 Member No.: 2355 Joined: 20/11/2004 Vehicle Type: Ford Galaxy 2.0 This is going to sound weird but trust me for a minute. Some years ago i went to scotland we my 2.0 '96 galaxy. Whilst there i keep getting a screeching noise for the belt,being a long way from home and the bum was starting to pout,I went to a ford garage and told them, a mechanic came out with a bottle and puffed come white powder on the belt whilst the engine was running (was it coke i hear you say) The noise stopped straight away and never came back. The magic powder was..................talc no special talc unless you want a nice smell from the engine. Just puff it and listen to the noise go away!(I HOPE)NEWBIE
  21. This is going to sound weird but trust me for a minute. Some years ago i went to scotland we my 2.0 '96 galaxy. Whilst there i keep getting a screeching noise for the belt,being a long way from home and the bum was starting to pout,I went to a ford garage and told them, a mechanic came out with a bottle and puffed come white powder on the belt whilst the engine was running (was it coke i hear you say) The noise stopped straight away and never came back. The magic powder was..................talc no special talc unless you want a nice smell from the engine. Just puff it and listen to the noise go away!(I HOPE)NEWBIE
  22. Sorry fredt. It's my first time on this site and i thought i was giving some advice and i don't seem to know a lot about nothing. I didn't mean to rub you up the wrong it was stuff that i have found out with my galaxy.
  23. Then go to your ford dealer on monday and ask them for a rear window mechanism and see what price he can do it to you for with a receipt.
  24. You have to have the tyres that are reinforced. 1-for the insurance if you have a bash and they check the tyres you are shafted. 2-these are heavy motors you need the reinforced tyres if you don't then you got it you will be shafted.
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